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#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
#define rad2deg(rad) ((rad * 180.0) / M_PI)
#define deg2rad(deg) ((deg * M_PI) / 180.0)
#define get_julian(time) (((double)time / 86400.0) + 2440587.5)
#define get_gmst(j_day) (fmod((18.697374558 + 24.06570982441908 * (j_day - 2451545.0)), 24.0))
inline std::vector < double > sun_ecliptic_position(double j_day) {
// compute the position of the Sun in ecliptic coordinates days since start of J2000.0
double n = j_day - 2451545.0;
// mean longitude of the Sun
double L = fmod((280.460 + 0.9856474 * n), 360.0);
// mean anomaly of the Sun
double g = fmod((357.528 + 0.9856003 * n), 360.0);
// ecliptic longitude of Sun
double lambda = L + 1.915 * sin(deg2rad(g)) + 0.02 * sin(2 * deg2rad(g));
// distance from Sun in AU
double R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * cos(deg2rad(g)) - 0.0014 * cos(2 * deg2rad(g));
std::vector< double > ret(2);
ret[0] = lambda;
ret[1] = R;
inline double ecliptic_obliquity(double j_day) {
double n = j_day - 2451545.0;
// Julian centuries since J2000.0
double T = n / 36525.0;
// compute epsilon
return(23.43929111 -
T * (46.836769 / 3600.0
- T * (0.0001831 / 3600.0
+ T * (0.00200340 / 3600.0
- T * (0.576e-6 / 3600.0
- T * 4.34e-8 / 3600.0)))));
std::vector< double > sun_equatorial_position(double lng, double obliq) {
double alpha = rad2deg(atan(cos(deg2rad(obliq)) * tan(deg2rad(lng))));
double delta = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad(obliq)) * sin(deg2rad(lng))));
double lQuadrant = floor(lng / 90.0) * 90.0;
double raQuadrant = floor(alpha / 90.0) * 90.0;
alpha = alpha + (lQuadrant - raQuadrant);
std::vector< double > ret(2);
ret[0] = alpha;
ret[1] = delta;
inline double hour_angle(double lng, std::vector< double >sun_pos, double gst) {
return((gst + lng / 15.0) * 15.0 - sun_pos[0]);
inline double longitude(double ha, std::vector< double >sun_pos) {
return(rad2deg(atan(-cos(deg2rad(ha)) / tan(deg2rad(sun_pos[1])))));
//' Compute a single termiantor band
//' Returns a dataframe of latitude and longitude for the line that separates illuminated
//' day and dark night for any given time
//' @md
//' @param time time (numeric from `POSIXct`) for the computation (bands are time-dependent)
//' @param from,to,by latitude sequence setup
//' @return data frame
//' @references <>,
//' <>
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame terminator(int time, double from = -180, double to = 180, double by = 0.1) {
// calculate latitude and longitude of terminator within specified range using time (in POSIXct format, e.g. `Sys.time()`)
double j_day = get_julian(time);
double gst = get_gmst(j_day);
std::vector< double > sunEclPos = sun_ecliptic_position(j_day);
double eclObliq = ecliptic_obliquity(j_day);
std::vector< double > sunEqPos = sun_equatorial_position(sunEclPos[0], eclObliq);
std::vector< double > out_lat, out_lon;
int n=0;
for (double i=from; i<=to; i+=by) {
n += 1;
hour_angle(i, sunEqPos, gst),
Named("lat") = out_lat,
Named("lon") = out_lon