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`s with article snippets - `index1.html` is the same file as `index.htmnl` with a changed cache timestamp at the end - `index2.html` is the same file as `index.html` with one article snippet removed - `RMacOSX-FAQ.html` is the CRAN 'R for Mac OS X FAQ' ```{r} doc1 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index.html", package="tlsh"))) doc2 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index1.html", package="tlsh"))) doc3 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index2.html", package="tlsh"))) doc4 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "RMacOSX-FAQ.html", package="tlsh"))) # generate hashes (h1 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc1)) (h2 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc2)) (h3 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc3)) (h4 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc4)) # compute distance tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h2) tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h3) tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h4) ``` ### DSL ```{r} doc1 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index.html", package="tlsh"))) tlsh() %>% tlsh_update(doc1) %>% tlsh_finalize() -> x tlsh_hash(x) tlsh_is_valid(x) tlsh_stats(x) doc2 <- charToRaw(as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index1.html", package="tlsh")))) tlsh() %>% tlsh_update(doc2) %>% tlsh_finalize() -> y tlsh_dist(x, y) tlsh_reset(x) tlsh_reset(y) ``` ## Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.