Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
boB Rudis fdb3bac05c
modified tlsh_simple_hash: error to warning
6 anos atrás
R modified tlsh_simple_hash: error to warning 6 anos atrás
inst/extdat tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
man turned errors into warnings with NA return 6 anos atrás
src DSL framed out 6 anos atrás
tests updated tests to account for directory sort order differences 6 anos atrás
.Rbuildignore tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
.codecov.yml initial commit 6 anos atrás
.gitignore initial commit 6 anos atrás
.travis.yml tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
CONDUCT.md initial commit 6 anos atrás
DESCRIPTION tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
LICENSE initial commit 6 anos atrás
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NEWS.md initial commit 6 anos atrás
README.Rmd tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
README.md tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
appveyor.yml tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
codecov.yml tests & coverage 6 anos atrás
tlsh.Rproj initial commit 6 anos atrás


Travis-CI BuildStatus AppVeyor BuildStatus CoverageStatus


Local Sensitivity Hashing Using the ‘Trend Micro’ ‘TLSH’ Implementation


‘Trend Micro’ provides an open source library https://github.com/trendmicro/tlsh/ for local sensitivity hashing. Methods are provided to compute and compare hashes from character/byte streams.



  • [ ] File input utilities
  • [ ] File input DSL verb
  • [ ] Docs
  • [ ] Tests
  • [ ] toString() method
  • [X] Reference class-backed DSL

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

“Simple” interface (quick and dirty hashing):

  • tlsh_simple_hash: Compute TLSH hash for a character or raw vector and return hash fingerprint
  • tlsh_simple_diff: Compute the difference between two character hashes


  • tlsh: Create a new ‘tlsh’ object
  • tlsh_reset: Clear content and hash computation from a ‘tlsh’ object fingerprint
  • tlsh_update: Update the ‘tlsh’ object with content
  • tlsh_finalize: Finalize a ‘tlsh’ object hash
  • tlsh_is_valid: Test if a ‘tlsh’ hash object is valid
  • tlsh_hash: Retrieve the hex-encoded hash string for a ‘tlsh’ object
  • tlsh_dist: Compute distance between two TLSH objects
  • tlsh_stats: Return a data frame of lvalue and q1/2 ratios from a ‘tlsh’ object

TODO: Document DSL





# current verison
## [1] '0.1.0'


  • index.html is a static copy of a blog main page with a bunch of <div>s with article snippets
  • index1.html is the same file as index.htmnl with a changed cache timestamp at the end
  • index2.html is the same file as index.html with one article snippet removed
  • RMacOSX-FAQ.html is the CRAN ‘R for Mac OS X FAQ’
doc1 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index.html", package="tlsh")))
doc2 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index1.html", package="tlsh")))
doc3 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index2.html", package="tlsh")))
doc4 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "RMacOSX-FAQ.html", package="tlsh")))

# generate hashes
(h1 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc1))
## [1] "B253F9F3168DC8354B2363E2A585771CD25A803BCEA099C1FBED54ACA790EB5B137346"
(h2 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc2))
## [1] "6153E8F3168DC8355B2363E2A585771CD26A803BCEA099C1FBED44AC9790EB5B137346"
(h3 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc3))
## [1] "6443E8F3168DC8355B6262F2A9C5771CD25A802BCEA099C1FBED54AC9780FF4A137346"
(h4 <- tlsh_simple_hash(doc4))
## [1] "B8B3A52F93C0233E0F1216576F192FA812FD5C7EA3802188B557C67F8712D9A47666BB"
# compute distance

tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h2)
## [1] 7
tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h3)
## [1] 18
tlsh_simple_diff(h1, h4)
## [1] 334


doc1 <- as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index.html", package="tlsh")))

tlsh() %>% 
  tlsh_update(doc1) %>% 
  tlsh_finalize() -> x

## [1] "B253F9F3168DC8354B2363E2A585771CD25A803BCEA099C1FBED54ACA790EB5B137346"
## [1] TRUE
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##   l_value q1_ratio q2_ratio
##     <int>    <int>    <int>
## 1      53       15        9
doc2 <- charToRaw(as.character(xml2::read_html(system.file("extdat", "index1.html", package="tlsh"))))

tlsh() %>% 
  tlsh_update(doc2) %>% 
  tlsh_finalize() -> y

tlsh_dist(x, y)
## [1] 7

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.