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#' Read in a JSON file created with [pcap_to_json()]
#' @param json path to JSON output from [pcap_to_json()]. [path.expand()] will be
#' called on this value.
#' @return `list` classed as `tshark_json` for better `print`ing.
#' @export
ts_read_json <- function(json) {
json <- path.expand(json[1])
if (!file.exists(json)) {
stop(sprintf("Cannont locate %s", json), call.=FALSE)
json = json,
empty_array = list(),
empty_object = list(),
single_null = list()
) -> res
class(res) <- c("tshark_json", "list")
#' @rdname ts_read_json
#' @export
print.tshark_json <- function(x, ...) {
info <- sprintf("Capture: %s", x$`_index`[1])
cat(info, "\n", strrep("─", nchar(info)), "\n", sep="")
lapply(x$`_source`, function(.x) names(.x$layers)) %>%
sapply(paste0, collapse = " ── ") -> frames
sprintf("%s.", stri_pad_left(
str = 1:length(frames),
width = nchar(as.character(length(frames))),
pad = " "
frames, sep = " "
sep = "\n"