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#' Find the `tshark` binary
#' Use the environment variable `TSHARK_PATH` or specify the directory in
#' the call to this function.
#' @param path hint to where to look for the `tshark` binary
#' @export
#' @return length 1 character vector of the path to the `tshark` binary or `""`
#' @examples
#' loc <- tryCatch(
#' find_tshark(),
#' error = function(e) message("No tshark")
#' )
find_tshark <- function(path = Sys.getenv("TSHARK_PATH", "")) {
if (path != "") {
PATH = paste0(c(path, Sys.getenv("PATH")), collapse = .Platform$path.sep)
res <- Sys.which("tshark")
if (res == "") {
stop("Cannot locate tshark binary.", call.=FALSE)
set_names <- function (object = nm, nm) {
names(object) <- nm