#' Turn partial "valid" semantic version strings into a complete semver-tri or quad strings #' #' For MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (semver-tri), turn `1` into `1.0.0`; `1.1` into `1.1.0`; `1.1.1` #' into `1.1.1`. For MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.EXTENSION (semver-quad), turn `1` into ``; #' `1.1` into ``; `` into ``. #' #' Partial validity checking is performed to test if the input strings contain only #' digits and periods. "Invalid" input is returned unscathed. #' #' @param x a character vector of full or partial version strings #' @param quad (logical) if `TRUE` then a three-dot semver is returned, else a two-dot semver #' is returned. Default: `FALSE`. #' @export complete_semver <- function(x, quad = FALSE) { x <- stri_trim_both(x) x <- stri_replace_all_regex(x, "(^\\.|\\.$)", "") max_dots <- if (quad) 3 else 2 purrr::map_chr(x, ~{ if (stri_detect_regex(.x, "^[[:digit:]\\.]+$")) { times <- max_dots - stri_count_fixed(.x, ".") if (times > 0) { sprintf("%s%s", .x, paste0(rep(".0", times), collapse="")) } else { .x } } else { .x } }) }