Collect Version Histories For Vendor Products
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
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#' Retrieve Exim Version Release History
#' Reads <>
#' to build a data frame of Exim version release numbers and dates with semantic version
#' strings parsed and separate fields added. The data frame is also arranged in
#' order from lowest version to latest version and the `vers` column is an
#' ordered factor.
#' @md
#' @param refresh if `TRUE` and there `~/.vershist` cache dir exists, will
#' cause the version history database for apache to be rebuilt. Defaults
#' to `FALSE` and has no effect if `~/.vershist` cache dir does not exist.
#' @export
exim_version_history <- function(refresh = FALSE) {
tech <- "exim"
if (use_cache() && (!refresh) && is_cached(tech)) return(read_from_cache(tech))
pg <- xml2::read_html("")
rvest::html_nodes(pg, xpath=".//a[contains(@href, 'exim-ann')]") %>%
rvest::html_attr("href") %>%
purrr::keep(grepl("&r=[[:digit:]]+&b=", .)) %>%
sprintf("", .) %>%
purrr::map(httr::GET) -> exim_list
~httr::content(.x, encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
rvest::html_nodes("pre") %>%
rvest::html_text(trim = FALSE) %>%
stri_split_lines() %>%
) %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
purrr::keep(grepl("release", ., = TRUE)) %>%
purrr::discard(grepl("elspy", .)) %>%
stri_replace_all_fixed("_", ".") -> rls
rls_date = stri_match_first_regex(rls, "([[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2})")[,2],
vers = stri_match_first_regex(tolower(rls), "\\[exim-announce\\][^[:digit:]]*([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+|[[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)")[,2]
) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::filter(vers != "3.953") %>%
dplyr::mutate(dots = stri_count_fixed(vers, ".")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = ifelse(dots == 1, sprintf("%s.0", vers), vers)) %>%
rls_date = as.Date(rls_date),
year = lubridate::year(rls_date)
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(rls_date)) %>%
dplyr::distinct(vers, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::arrange(rls_date) %>%
tidyr::separate(vers, c("major", "minor", "patch", "prerelease", "build"), sep="\\.", remove = FALSE, fill = "right") %>%
dplyr::select(vers, rls_date, rls_year = year, major, minor, patch, prerelease, build, -dots) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars=c("major", "minor", "patch", "build"), .funs=c(as.integer)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(rls_date, major, minor, patch) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = factor(vers, levels = vers)) -> out
page <- gh::gh("/repos/Exim/exim/tags")
page, ~{
vers = .x$name,
rls_date = gh::gh(.x$commit$url)$commit$author$date # kinda dangerous
}) -> xdf
sgh_next <- purrr::safely(gh::gh_next) # to stop on gh_next() error
while(TRUE) {
page <- sgh_next(page)
if (is.null(page$result)) break;
page <- page$result
page, ~{
vers = .x$name,
rls_date = gh::gh(.x$commit$url)$commit$author$date # kinda dangerous
) -> xdf
dplyr::filter(xdf, stri_detect_regex(vers, "^exim-")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = stri_replace_first_regex(vers, "^exim-", "")) %>%
dplyr::filter(!stri_detect_regex(vers, "[[:alpha:]]")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = stri_replace_all_regex(vers, "([[:digit:]]+)_", "$1.")) %>%
dplyr::filter(stri_count_fixed(vers, ".") < 3) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rls_date = as.Date(stri_sub(rls_date, 1, 10))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rls_year = lubridate::year(rls_date)) %>%
tidyr::separate(vers, c("major", "minor", "patch", "build"), remove=FALSE, fill = "right") %>%
dplyr::mutate(prerelease = ifelse(
stri_detect_regex(build, "[[:alpha:]]"),
stri_extract_first_regex(build, "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+"),
)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(build = stri_replace_first_regex(build, "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+", "")) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars=c("major", "minor", "patch", "build"), .funs=c(as.integer)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(vars(major, minor, patch), ~ifelse(, 0, .)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(major, minor, patch) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = sprintf("%s.%s.%s", major, minor, patch)) %>%
dplyr::select(vers, rls_date, rls_year, major, minor, patch, prerelease, build) -> from_gh
mutate(out, vers = as.character(vers)),
filter(from_gh, !(vers %in% out$vers))
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(rls_date, major, minor, patch) %>%
dplyr::mutate(vers = factor(vers, levels = vers)) -> out
if (use_cache() && (refresh || (!is_cached(tech)))) write_to_cache(out, tech)