Make square pie charts
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.1 KiB

# Waffles mappings from css names to unicode chars was out of date
# This variation updates it from the latests css from github
.fa_unicode_init <- function() {
fa_lib <- readLines(system.file("css", "fontawesome.css", package="waffle"))
#Extract from CSS
strings <- stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, ("(?<=fa-)(.*)(?=:before \\{)"))
unicode <- stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, stringr::regex("(?<=content: \")(.*)(?=\")"))
unicode <- stringr::str_replace(unicode, "\\\\", "")
#remove NA lines
strings <- strings[!]
unicode <- unicode[!]
#Convert to unicdoe
unicode <- as.character(parse(text=shQuote(stringr::str_c('\\u',unicode))))
fa_unicode <- structure(unicode, .Names = strings)
.fa_unicode <- .fa_unicode_init()
#' Search FontAwesome names for a pattern
#' @param pattern pattern to search for in the names of FontAwesome fonts
#' @export
fa_grep <- function(pattern) { grep(pattern, names(.fa_unicode), value=TRUE) }
#' List all FontAwesome names
#' @export
fa_list <- function() { print(names(.fa_unicode)) }