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8 years ago
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
#include "magic.h"
#include "limits.h"
8 years ago
//' Retrieve 'magic' attributes from files and directories
8 years ago
//' @param path character vector of files to use magic on
8 years ago
//' @return a \code{tibble} / \code{data.frame} of file magic attributes.
//' Specifically, mime type, encoding, possible file extensions and
//' type description are returned as colums in the data frame along
//' with \code{path}.
8 years ago
//' @export
//' @examples
//' library(magrittr)
//' library(dplyr)
//' system.file("img", package="filemagic") %>%
//' list.files(full.names=TRUE) %>%
//' incant() %>%
//' glimpse()
8 years ago
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame incant(CharacterVector path) {
8 years ago
unsigned int input_size = path.size();
8 years ago
8 years ago
StringVector mime_type(input_size);
StringVector encoding(input_size);
StringVector extensions(input_size);
StringVector description(input_size);
8 years ago
const char *mtype = NULL;
8 years ago
for (unsigned int i=0; i<input_size; i++) {
if ((i % 10000) == 0) Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();
std::string path_str = as<std::string>(path[i]);
std::string fullPath(R_ExpandFileName(path_str.c_str()));
int flags = MAGIC_MIME_TYPE;
magic_t cookie = magic_open(flags);
if (cookie == NULL) {
mime_type[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
magic_load(cookie, mtype);
8 years ago
const char *magic_result = magic_file(cookie, fullPath.c_str());
if (magic_result == NULL) {
mime_type[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
std::string res = std::string(magic_result, strnlen(magic_result, 1024));
mime_type(i) = res;
cookie = magic_open(flags);
if (cookie == NULL) {
encoding[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
magic_load(cookie, mtype);
const char *magic_result = magic_file(cookie, fullPath.c_str());
if (magic_result == NULL) {
encoding[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
std::string res = std::string(magic_result, strnlen(magic_result, 1024));
encoding(i) = res;
8 years ago
cookie = magic_open(flags);
if (cookie == NULL) {
extensions[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
magic_load(cookie, mtype);
const char *magic_result = magic_file(cookie, fullPath.c_str());
if (magic_result == NULL) {
extensions[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
std::string res = std::string(magic_result, strnlen(magic_result, 1024));
extensions(i) = res;
8 years ago
flags = MAGIC_NONE;
cookie = magic_open(flags);
if (cookie == NULL) {
description[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
magic_load(cookie, mtype);
const char *magic_result = magic_file(cookie, fullPath.c_str());
if (magic_result == NULL) {
description[i] = NA_STRING;
} else {
std::string res = std::string(magic_result, strnlen(magic_result, 1024));
description(i) = res;
8 years ago
8 years ago
DataFrame df = DataFrame::create(_["file"] = path,
_["mime_type"] = mime_type,
_["encoding"] = encoding,
_["extensions"] = extensions,
_["description"] = description,
_["stringsAsFactors"] = false);
df.attr("class") = CharacterVector::create("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame");
8 years ago