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Bob Rudis 8 years ago
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  3. 4
  4. 21


@ -6,3 +6,4 @@


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The `libmagic` library must be installed on *nix/macOS and available to use this
While the package was developed using the 5.28 version of `libmagic` it has been configured to work with older versions. Note that some fields in the resultant data frame might not be available with older library versions. When using the function `magic_wand_file()` it checks for which version of `libmagic` is installed on your system and provides a suitable `magic.mgc` file for it.
The package also works on Windows but it's a bit of a hack because, well, _Windows_. The Windows version makes two `system2()` calls and relies on Rtools being installed and `file.exe` being available on the Windows `PATH`, so it's sub-optimal at best. Help to get it working in C would be greatly appreciated.
The package also works on Windows but it's a bit of a hack because, well, _Windows_. The Windows version makes two `system2()` calls and relies on `Rtools` being installed and `file.exe` being available on the Windows `PATH`, so it's sub-optimal at best. Help to get it working in C would be greatly appreciated. Windows folk can go [here]( to find out more info on `Rtools`.
The following functions are implemented:


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The `libmagic` library must be installed on \*nix/macOS and available to use thi
While the package was developed using the 5.28 version of `libmagic` it has been configured to work with older versions. Note that some fields in the resultant data frame might not be available with older library versions. When using the function `magic_wand_file()` it checks for which version of `libmagic` is installed on your system and provides a suitable `magic.mgc` file for it.
The package also works on Windows but it's a bit of a hack because, well, *Windows*. The Windows version makes two `system2()` calls and relies on Rtools being installed and `file.exe` being available on the Windows `PATH`, so it's sub-optimal at best. Help to get it working in C would be greatly appreciated.
The package also works on Windows but it's a bit of a hack because, well, *Windows*. The Windows version makes two `system2()` calls and relies on `Rtools` being installed and `file.exe` being available on the Windows `PATH`, so it's sub-optimal at best. Help to get it working in C would be greatly appreciated. Windows folk can go [here]( to find out more info on `Rtools`.
The following functions are implemented:
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ library(testthat)
## [1] "Mon Aug 15 09:30:22 2016"
## [1] "Mon Aug 15 10:19:22 2016"
``` r


@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## Test environments
* local OS X install, R 3.3.1
* local Windows 10 install, R 3.3.0
* ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.3.1
* win-builder (devel and release)
## R CMD check results
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
* This is a new release.
## Reverse dependencies
This is a new release, so there are no reverse dependencies.
* For Unix/Linux the libmagic library is required
* For Windows, Rtools 3.3 is required
* Information on how to install those is found in the document