% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/wand.r \name{incant} \alias{incant} \title{Retrieve 'magic' attributes from files and directories} \usage{ incant(path, magic_db = "system") } \arguments{ \item{path}{character vector of files to use magic on} \item{magic_db}{either "\code{system}" (the default) to use the system \code{magic} database or an atomic character vector with a colon-separated list of full paths to custom \code{magic} database(s). This parameter is (for the moment) ignored on Windows.} } \value{ a \code{tibble} / \code{data.frame} of file magic attributes. Specifically, mime type, encoding, possible file extensions and type description are returned as colums in the data frame along with \code{path}. } \description{ Retrieve 'magic' attributes from files and directories } \note{ Various fields might not be available depending on the version of \code{libmagic} you have installed. } \examples{ library(dplyr) system.file("extdata/img", package="filemagic") \%>\% list.files(full.names=TRUE) \%>\% incant() \%>\% glimpse() } \references{ See \url{http://openpreservation.org/blog/2012/08/09/magic-editing-and-creation-primer/} for information on how to create your own \code{magic} database }