% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/guess-content-type.R \name{guess_content_type} \alias{guess_content_type} \title{Guess MIME type from filename (extension)} \usage{ guess_content_type(path, not_found = "???", custom_db = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{path}{path to file} \item{not_found}{MIME type to use when the content cannot be guessed by file type.} \item{custom_db}{a single data frames each with two columns: \code{mime_type} and \code{extension}. These sources will be used along with the built-in sources and will take priority over the built-in sources. Note that the \code{extension}s should be lower case as they are in the official MIME database.} } \value{ character vector } \description{ Uses an internal database of over 1,800 file extension-to-MIME mappings to return one or more associated types for a given input path. If no match is found, \code{???} is returned. } \examples{ guess_content_type(system.file("extdat", "test.pdf", package="wand")) }