#' Guess MIME type from filename (extension) #' #' Uses an internal database of over 1,800 file extension-to-MIME mappings to #' return one or more associated types for a given input path. If no match is #' found, `???` is returned. #' #' @md #' @param path path to file #' @param not_found MIME type to use when the content cannot be guessed by #' file type. #' @param custom_db a single data frames each with two columns: #' `mime_type` and `extension`. These sources will be used along with #' the built-in sources and will take priority over the built-in sources. #' Note that the `extension`s should be lower case as they are in the #' official MIME database. #' @return character vector #' @export #' @examples #' guess_content_type(system.file("extdat", "pass-through", "test.pdf", package="wand")) guess_content_type <- function(path, not_found = "???", custom_db = NULL) { path <- path.expand(path[1]) if (!file.exists(path)) stop("File not found.", call.=FALSE) if (is.null(custom_db)) { db <- simplemagic_mime_db } else { if (inherits(custom_db, "data.frame")) { if (!all(c("mime_type", "extension") %in% colnames(custom_db))) { stop( "'custom_db' must have both 'mime_type' and 'extension' columns.", call.=FALSE ) } rbind.data.frame( custom_db[, c("mime_type", "extension")], simplemagic_mime_db ) -> db db[["mime_type"]] <- as.character(db[["mime_type"]]) db[["extension"]] <- as.character(db[["extension"]]) } else { stop("'custom_db' must be data frame.", call.=FALSE) } } extension <- trimws(tolower(tools::file_ext(path))) res <- db[(db$extension == extension),]$mime_type if (length(res) == 0) return(not_found) return(unique(res)) }