% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/get-content-type.R \name{get_content_type} \alias{get_content_type} \title{Discover MIME type of a file based on contents} \usage{ get_content_type(path, guess = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{path}{path to a file} \item{guess}{if \code{TRUE} (the default), calls \code{\link[=guess_content_type]{guess_content_type()}} if no internal rules match the magic header} \item{...}{passed on to \code{\link[=guess_content_type]{guess_content_type()}} if \code{guess} is \code{TRUE}} } \value{ character vector } \description{ There are a limited number of header "magic" bytes checked directly by this function but cover quite a bit of ground. After that, \code{\link[=guess_content_type]{guess_content_type()}} is called which uses file extension-to-MIME mappings. } \details{ File an issue or PR if more magic-byte-level comparisons are required/desired. If no match is found, \code{???} is returned (see \code{\link[=guess_content_type]{guess_content_type()}} for how to override this behaviour). } \examples{ get_content_type(system.file("extdat", "pass-through", "test.pdf", package="wand")) }