#' Use the "magic" file that comes with the package #' #' The \code{magic_load()} functon from \code{libmagic} can't take ZIP files #' and the \code{magic.mgc} file that ships with the package is too large to #' be shipped uncompressed. Using this function as the \code{magic_db} #' parameter will copy and uncompress the database to a cache directory and #' return the full path to the magic file. Subsequent calls will not have to #' perform the decompression unless \code{force} is \code{TRUE} or the #' cache directory has been cleared. #' #' @param force ensure the lastest copy of the pacakge "magic" #' database is used. #' @export #' @examples #' library(magrittr) #' library(dplyr) #' #' system.file("img", package="filemagic") %>% #' list.files(full.names=TRUE) %>% #' incant(magic_wand_file()) %>% #' glimpse() magic_wand_file <- function(force=FALSE) { cache <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir("wandr") if (!dir.exists(cache)) dir.create(cache, showWarnings=FALSE) if (!dir.exists(cache)) return("system") if (lib_version() >= 528) vers <- "new" else vers <- "old" if (!file.exists(file.path(rappdirs::user_cache_dir("wandr"), "magic.mgc"))) { suppressWarnings(unzip(system.file("db", vers, "magic.mgc.zip", package="wand"), exdir=cache, overwrite=force)) } file.path(rappdirs::user_cache_dir("wandr"), "magic.mgc") }