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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/stations.R
\title{Get all weather stations associated with your API Key}
api_key = Sys.getenv("WEATHERLINK_API_KEY"),
api_secret = Sys.getenv("WEATHERLINK_API_SECRET")
\item{api_key, api_secret}{WeatherLink API (V2) key/secret. Generate & retrieve them from
\href{}{your account page}. Automagically retrieved from
\code{WEATHERLINK_API_KEY} and \code{WEATHERLINK_API_SECRET} environment variables.}
data frame with a \code{generated_at} attribute
Returns data for all weather stations associated with the API Key passed in the query parameters.
Currently all stations are returned in a single response. A future enhancement will provide pagination
to reduce the size of the response.
\href{}{API Endpoint};
\href{}{Data structure types}