Tools to Enable Easier Content Embedding in Tweets
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#' Turn an htmlwidget into a web deployable, interactive Twitter card
#' Provide a preview image and a widget, plus Twitter Player card metadata and get pack
#' a packaged up, ready-to-deploy archive to deploy and used on Twitter.
#' You can use [Twitter's Validator]( to ensure
#' your creation is usable before trying it in a tweet.
#' @param widget an `htmlwidget`
#' @param output_dir the path to save the card-able widget to. If the directory does
#' not exist it will be created for you (recursively). The value will be
#' [path.expand()]ed.
#' @param name_prefix the name-prefix for the widget's `.html` file and `preview_img` file.
#' @param preview_img the path to the local preview image for the card-able widget. This
#' file must exist and will be copied over to the deployable directory and renamed
#' (see `name_prefix` above). Follow the guidelines
#' [here](
#' regarding image sizes.
#' @param html_title the title for the `htmlwidget` HTML file's `<title>` tag.
#' @param card_twitter_handle Your twitter handle _including_ the `@@`.
#' @param card_title,card_description The title and description that will be displayed in the tweet
#' @param card_image_url_prefix Prefix URL for where you will be copying the preview image to.
#' Generally, this wil be the same as `card_player_url_prefix` but you can specify
#' another URL prefix if storing images on a separate server or separate directory.
#' @param card_player_url_prefix Prefix URL for where you will be copying the `htmlwidget`
#' HTML and supporting javascript libraries to. Generally, this wil be the same as
#' `card_image_url_prefix` but you can specify another URL prefix if storing images
#' on a separate server or separate directory.
#' @param card_player_width,card_player_height the width and height for the player window in-tweet.
#' These default to 480x480 and you should review the References section for
#' links to guidelines for Twitter preferred image sizes.
#' @param background `htmlwidget` background coloe. Defaults to `white`. Can be a hashed-prefixed
#' hex value (if so, will be converted to `rgba()` spec)
#' @param bundle_type either `tgz` for a gzip'd/tar archive or `zip` for a ZIP archive. The
#' directory named `name_prefix` will be placed into the archive.
#' @return the `path.expand()`ed path to the `bundle_type`. The archive name will be `name_prefix`
#' plus the `bundle_type` extension.
#' @note You can and should use [Twitter's Validator](
#' to ensure your creation is usable before trying it in a tweet.
#' @references
#' - <>
#' - <>
#' - <>
#' @export
card_widget <- function(widget,
output_dir = ulid::ulid_generate(),
name_prefix = "wdgtcrd",
html_title = class(widget)[[1]],
card_twitter_handle = "",
card_title = html_title[[1]],
card_description = "",
card_image_url_prefix = "",
card_player_url_prefix = "",
card_player_width = 480,
card_player_height = 480,
background = "white",
bundle_type = c("tgz", "zip")) {
bundle_type <- match.arg(bundle_type[[1]], c("tgz", "zip"))
# convert background to rgba spec if hex
if (grepl("^#", background[[1]], perl = TRUE)) {
bgcol <- grDevices::col2rgb(background[[1]], alpha = TRUE)
background <- sprintf(
bgcol[1, 1], bgcol[2, 1], bgcol[3, 1], (bgcol[4, 1] / 255)
# setup output
output_dir <- path.expand(output_dir[[1]])
preview_img <- path.expand(preview_img[[1]])
stopifnot(file.exists(preview_img)) # can't find preview img
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir, recursive=TRUE)
from = preview_img,
to = file.path(
sprintf("%s.%s", name_prefix, tools::file_ext(preview_img))
x = widgetframe::frameableWidget(widget),
standalone = FALSE
) -> widget_html
libdir <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(name_prefix)), "_files", sep = "")
card_image_url_prefix <- sub("/$", "", card_image_url_prefix)
card_player_url_prefix <- sub("/$", "", card_player_url_prefix)
sprintf("%s.%s", name_prefix, tools::file_ext(preview_img))
) -> card_image_url
card_player_url_prefix, sprintf("%s.html", name_prefix)
) -> card_player_url
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:card", content = "player"),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:site", content = card_twitter_handle),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:title", content = card_title),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:description", content = card_description),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:image", content = card_image_url),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:player", content = card_player_url),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:player:width", content = card_player_width),
htmltools::tags$meta(name = "twitter:player:height", content = card_player_height)
) -> widget_html
html = widget_html,
file = file.path(output_dir, sprintf("%s.html", name_prefix)),
libdir = libdir,
background = background
cd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(cd), add=TRUE)
setwd(sprintf("%s/..", output_dir))
if (bundle_type == "tgz") {
arc_name <- sprintf("%s.tgz", output_dir)
tarfile = arc_name,
files = name_prefix,
compression = "gzip"
} else {
arc_name <- sprintf("", output_dir)
zipfile = arc_name,
files = name_prefix