% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/pcap_to_zeek.R \name{pcap_to_zeek} \alias{pcap_to_zeek} \title{Process a PCAP with Zeek and create Parquet files} \usage{ pcap_to_zeek(pcap, out_dir = tempfile(pattern = "zeek"), zeek_opts = c(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{pcap}{path to PCAP to process. (\code{\link[=path.expand]{path.expand()}} will be called on this value)} \item{out_dir}{path to Parquet files. (\code{\link[=path.expand]{path.expand()}} will be called on this value) If the directory does not exist it will be created. If ho directory is specified a temporary directory will be created and used. You should call \code{\link[=unlink]{unlink()}} on this path if you used a temporary directory.} \item{zeek_opts}{extra options passed to to Zeek command line. NOTE: \code{--no-checksums}, \code{LogAscii::use_json=T}, and \code{Log::default_scope_sep='_'} are already handled by this function; no need to specify them.} \item{...}{extra named parameters passed on to \code{\link[arrow:write_parquet]{arrow::write_parquet()}}} } \value{ length 1 character vector of the expanded path of the \code{out_dir} } \description{ Process a PCAP with Zeek and create Parquet files } \note{ the \code{zeek} binary \strong{must} be available on \code{PATH}. You can use the environment variable \code{ZEEK_PATH} as a hint where \code{\link[=find_zeek]{find_zeek()}} will look for the \code{zeek} binary. } \examples{ loc <- tryCatch( pcap_to_zeek(system.file("pcap/ssh.pcap", package = "zeekr")), error = function(e) message("No Zeek") ) if (!is.null(loc)) { read_zeek_logs(loc) unlink(loc) # don't do this IRL until you're done working with or saving. } }