% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/read-zeek-logs.R \name{read_zeek_logs} \alias{read_zeek_logs} \title{Read zeek logs from a processed PCAP into a list} \usage{ read_zeek_logs(log_dir) } \arguments{ \item{log_dir}{directory of zeek logs} } \description{ Read zeek logs from a processed PCAP into a list } \note{ Logs must be in Parquet or JSON format. } \examples{ loc <- tryCatch( pcap_to_zeek(system.file("pcap/ssh.pcap", package = "zeekr")), error = function(e) message("No Zeek") ) if (!is.null(loc)) { read_zeek_logs(loc) unlink(loc) # don't do this IRL until you're done working with or saving. } }