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#' Read zeek logs from a processed PCAP into a list
#' @note Logs must be in Parquet or JSON format.
#' @param log_dir directory of zeek logs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' loc <- tryCatch(
#' pcap_to_zeek(system.file("pcap/ssh.pcap", package = "zeekr")),
#' error = function(e) message("No Zeek")
#' )
#' if (!is.null(loc)) {
#' read_zeek_logs(loc)
#' unlink(loc) # don't do this IRL until you're done working with or saving.
#' }
read_zeek_logs <- function(log_dir) {
log_dir <- path.expand(log_dir[1])
stopifnot("Cannot find directory." = dir.exists(log_dir))
in_fils <- list.files(log_dir, full.names = TRUE)
fil_names <- make.unique(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(in_fils)))
lapply(in_fils, function(.x) {
if (tools::file_ext(.x) == "parquet") {
} else {
ndjson::stream_in(.x, cls = "tbl")
}) -> out
set_names(out, fil_names)