Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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## Perform calibration sampling based on spectral PCA
## or random split -------------------------------------------------------------
split_data_q <- function(
evaluation_method = "test_set",
ken_sto_pc = 2,
print = TRUE,
invert = FALSE, env = parent.frame()) {
MIR <- model <- type <- PC1 <- PC2 <- NULL
# Evaluate the invert argument in the parent function (fit_pls)
invert <- eval(invert, envir = parent.frame())
# Evaluate the validation argument in the parent function (fit_pls)
evaluation_method <- eval(evaluation_method, envir = parent.frame())
# Slice based on sample_id if spectral data is in tibble class
if (tibble::is_tibble(spec_chem)) {
spec_chem <- spec_chem %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym("sample_id")) %>%
if (evaluation_method == "test_set") {
# pc = 0.99 before !!!
ken_sto_pc <- eval(ken_sto_pc, envir = parent.frame())
if (invert == FALSE) {
## Select calibration set by Kennard-Stones algorithm
# Check if tibble; if yes slice tibble and bind list of data.tables in
# one data table for spectral data
if (tibble::is_tibble(spec_chem)) {
spc_pre <- as.matrix(data.table::rbindlist(spec_chem$spc_pre))
# k = number of samples to select
# ken_sto_pc = if provided, the number of principal components
# (see ?kenStone)
sel <- prospectr::kenStone(X = spc_pre,
k = round((1 - ratio_val) * nrow(spec_chem)),
pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc))
} else {
sel <- prospectr::kenStone(X = spec_chem$MIR,
k = round((1 - ratio_val) * nrow(spec_chem)),
pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc))
# Split MIR data into calibration and validation set using
# the results of Kennard-Stone Calibration Sampling
# Selct by row index of calibration samples
val_set <- spec_chem[- sel$model, ]
cal_set <- spec_chem[sel$model, ]
# Optionally split up calibation (train) and validation (test) sets
# randomly; use function from modelr package
# !!! Important note: The option to split up the calibration and
# sets randomly is still experimental and a modification for the
# PC space projection is not yet implemented for graphical output.
# p_pc ggplot2 output needs to be updated for split_method = "random"
if (split_method == "random") {
# Split data sets into test and traing using modelr package
df_split <- modelr::crossv_mc(spec_chem, n = 1, test = ratio_val)
# Select train of df_split and convert back into tibble,
# assign to calibration set
cal_set <- tibble::as_tibble(df_split[1, ][["train"]][[1]])
# Select test of df_split and convert back into tibble,
# assign to validation set
val_set <- tibble::as_tibble(df_split[1, ][["test"]][[1]])
sel_df_cal <- data.frame(sel$pc[sel$model, 1:2])
sel_df_val <- data.frame(sel$pc[- sel$model, 1:2])
} else {
if (tibble::is_tibble(spec_chem)) {
spc_pre <- as.matrix(data.table::rbindlist(spec_chem$spc_pre))
sel <- prospectr::kenStone(X = spc_pre,
k = round(ratio_val * nrow(spec_chem)),
pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc))
} else {
## Select validation set by Kennard-Stones algorithm
sel <- prospectr::kenStone(X = spec_chem$MIR,
k = round(ratio_val * nrow(spec_chem)),
pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc))
sel_df_cal <- data.frame(sel$pc[- sel$model, 1:2])
sel_df_val <- data.frame(sel$pc[sel$model, 1:2])
# Split MIR data into calibration and validation set using
# the results of Kennard-Stone Calibration Sampling
# Selct by row index of calibration samples
val_set <- spec_chem[sel$model, ]
cal_set <- spec_chem[- sel$model, ]
# Add additional columns to calibration set and validation sets for plotting
sel_df_cal$type <- as.factor(
rep("calibration", nrow(sel_df_cal))
sel_df_val$type <- as.factor(
rep("validation", nrow(sel_df_val)))
sel_df <- rbind(sel_df_cal, sel_df_val)
# Compute ratio needed to make the figure square
ratio <- with(sel_df, diff(range(PC1)) / diff(range(PC2)))
# Save graph showing the selected calibration and validation samples
# for the first two principal components (pc)
p_pc <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = sel_df) +
ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, shape = type), size = 4) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = c(1, 19)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", "red")) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
# Print outputs to list
list_out <- list(
calibration = cal_set,
validation = val_set,
p_pc = p_pc
# Check number of observations (rows) for calibration set
# nrow(cal_set)
} else {
cal_set <- spec_chem
calibration = cal_set,
validation = NULL,
p_pc = NULL
# trainControl generating helper function
control_train_q <- function(x, response, resampling_seed,
env = parent.frame()) {
calibration <- NULL
# List of calibration and validation samples
# set up a cross-validation scheme
# create 10 folds that we will keep for the different
# modeling approaches to allow comparison
# randomly break the data into 10 partitions
# note that k is the total number of samples for leave-one-out
# use substitute function to make non-standard evaluation
# of variable argument (looks at a function as argument,
# sees code used to compute value;
# see chapter 13.1 Capturing expressions
# in Advanced R (Hadley Wickham)
# !! p. 270
response <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
# Set seed for creating resampling indices
set.seed(eval(resampling_seed, env))
idx <- caret::createFolds(y = response, k = 10, returnTrain = TRUE)
# inject the index in the trainControl object
caret::trainControl(method = "cv", index = idx,
savePredictions = TRUE, selectionFunction = "oneSE")
## Adapt model tuning to leave-one-out cross-validation ========================
## trainControl generating helper function
control_train_loocv_q <- function(x, response, env = parent.frame()) {
calibration <- NULL
# r: response
response <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
# Set up leave-one-out cross-validation
caret::trainControl(method = "LOOCV", savePredictions = TRUE,
selectionFunction = "oneSE")
## Adapt model tuning to repeated k-fold cross-validation ======================
## trainControl generating helper function
control_train_rcv_q <- function(x, response, resampling_seed,
env = parent.frame()) {
calibration <- NULL
# r: response
response <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
# Set seed for creating resampling indices
set.seed(eval(resampling_seed, env))
# Set up 5 times repeated 10-fold cross-validation
idx <- caret::createMultiFolds(y = response, k = 10, times = 5) # update ***
# Inject the index in the trainControl object
caret::trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", index = idx,
savePredictions = TRUE, selectionFunction = "oneSE")
## Fitting models without parameter tuning =====================================
# 5.9;
## trainControl generating helper function
control_train_none_q <- function(x, response, resampling_seed,
env = parent.frame()) {
calibration <- NULL
# r: response
response <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
# Set seed for creating resampling indices
set.seed(eval(resampling_seed, env))
# Set trainControl argument to "none" so that caret::train will only fit
# one model to the entire training set;
# use a fixed number of PLS components instead
idx <- caret::createFolds(y = response, k = 10, returnTrain = TRUE) # update ***
# inject the index in the trainControl object
caret::trainControl(method = "none", index = idx, savePredictions = TRUE,
selectionFunction = "oneSE")
## Standard evlauation version of trainContol helper function
control_train <- function(x, response, env = parent.frame()) {
control_train_q(x, substitute(response), env)
# Fit a PLS regression model using the caret package ---------------------------
## Train a PLS regression model
train_pls_q <- function(x,
evaluation_method = "test_resampling",
response, tr_control, env = parent.frame(),
pls_ncomp_max = 20, ncomp_fixed = 5,
center, scale, tuning_method = "resampling") {
# Fit a partial least square regression (pls) model
# center and scale MIR (you can try without)
calibration <- MIR <- NULL
r <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
# ? Is it really necessary to evaluate this in the parent frame?
pls_ncomp_max <- eval(pls_ncomp_max, envir = parent.frame())
# Evaluate fixed number of PLS regression components
# from ncomp_fixed object in parent frame (fit_pls function)
ncomp_fixed <- eval(ncomp_fixed, envir = parent.frame())
# Test whether the spectral object has the class "tibble"
if (!tibble::is_tibble(x$calibration)) {
stop("spec_chem needs to be of class tibble")
spc_pre <- data.table::rbindlist(x$calibration$spc_pre)
if (scale == TRUE && center == TRUE) {
if (tuning_method == "resampling") {
# Fit model with parameter tuning
pls_model <- caret::train(x = spc_pre, y = r,
method = "pls",
tuneLength = pls_ncomp_max,
trControl = tr_control,
preProcess = c("center", "scale"))
} else if (tuning_method == "none") {
# Fit model without parameter tuning
pls_model <- caret::train(x = spc_pre, y = r,
method = "pls",
trControl = tr_control,
preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
tuneGrid = data.frame(ncomp = ncomp_fixed))
} else {
# No centering and scaling!
pls_model <- caret::train(x = spc_pre, y = r,
method = "pls",
tuneLength = pls_ncomp_max,
trControl = tr_control)
## Standard evaluation version for training a PLS regression model
train_pls <- function(x, response, evaluation_method = "resampling",
env = parent.frame()) {
train_pls_q(x = x, evaluation_method = substitute(evaluation_method),
response = substitute(response), env
# Fit a random forest model using the caret package ----------------------------
## Train a random forest model
train_rf_q <- function(x,
validation = TRUE, evaluation_method = "resampling",
response, tr_control, ntree_max = 500, env = parent.frame()) {
# Fit a partial least square regression (pls) model
# center and scale MIR (you can try without)
calibration <- MIR <- NULL
response <- eval(response, x$calibration, env)
ntree_max <- eval(ntree_max, envir = parent.frame())
if (tibble::is_tibble(x$calibration)) {
spc_pre <- data.table::rbindlist(x$calibration$spc_pre)
rf_model <- caret::train( x = spc_pre, y = response,
method = "rf",
ntree = ntree_max,
trControl = tr_control,
preProcess = c("center", "scale")
} else {
rf_model <- caret::train(x = x$calibration$MIR, y = response,
method = "rf",
ntree = ntree_max,
trControl = tr_control,
preProcess = c("center", "scale")
# Evaluate model performance (validation and cross-validation) -----------------
## Helper function to transform repeated k-fold cross-validation hold-out
## predictions
transform_cvpredictions <- function(cal_index, predobs_cv) {
predobs_cv <- dplyr::full_join(cal_index, predobs_cv, by = "rowIndex") %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym("sample_id")) %>%
# Average observed and predicted values
dplyr::mutate("obs" = mean(!!rlang::sym("obs")),
"pred_sd" = sd(!!rlang::sym("pred"))) %>%
# Add 95% confidence interval for mean hold-out predictions from
# repeated k-fold cross-validation
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = dplyr::vars(!!rlang::sym("pred")),
.funs = dplyr::funs("pred_sem_ci" = sem_ci)) %>%
# Add mean hold-out predictions from repeated k-fold cross-validation
dplyr::mutate("pred" = mean(!!rlang::sym("pred"))) %>%
# Slice data set to only have one row per sample_id
## Evaluate PLS performance
evaluate_model_q <- function(x, model, response,
evaluation_method, tuning_method, resampling_method,
print = TRUE, env = parent.frame()) {
# Set global variables to NULL to avoid R CMD check notes
MIR <- object <- dataType <- obs <- pred_sem_ci <- pred <- NULL
ncomp <- finalModel <- rmse <- r2 <- r2 <- rpd <- n <- NULL
rmse <- calibration <- NULL
# Collect fitted object into a list
list_models <- list("final_model" = model)
# Evaluate validation argument in parent.frame !!!
evaluation_method <- eval(evaluation_method, envir = parent.frame())
# Evaluate tuning_method argument in parent.frame
tuning_method <- eval(tuning_method, envir = parent.frame())
# Evaluate resampling_method argument in parent.frame
resampling_method <- eval(resampling_method, envir = parent.frame())
# Extract best tuning parameters and associated cv predictions
if (evaluation_method == "test_set") {
# Calculate training (calibration) and test (validation) data
# predictions based on pls model with calibration data
r <- eval(response, x$validation, env)
if (!tibble::is_tibble(x$validation)) {
stop("Spectra and reference data need to be provided as tibble
(class `tbl_df`, `tbl`, `data.frame`")
spc_pre <- data.table::rbindlist(x$validation$spc_pre)
predobs <- caret::extractPrediction(list_models,
testX = spc_pre, testY = r) # update ***
# Append sample_id column to predobs data.frame
# extract sample_id from validation set
predobs$sample_id <- c(
x$calibration$sample_id, x$validation$sample_id)
# Create new data frame column <object>
predobs$object <- predobs$model
# Replace levels "Training" and "Test" in dataType column
# by "Calibration" and "Validation" (rename levels of factor)
predobs$dataType <- plyr::revalue(predobs$dataType,
c("Test" = "Validation", "Training" = "Calibration")
# Change the order of rows in the data frame
# Calibration as first level (show Calibration in ggplot graph
# on left panel)
predobs$dataType <- factor(predobs$dataType,
levels = c("Calibration", "Validation"))
# Calculate model performance indexes by model and dataType
# uses package plyr and function summary.df of SPECmisc.R
stats <- plyr::ddply(predobs, c("model", "dataType"),
function(x) summary_df(x, "obs", "pred")
# Check whether method = "none" argument is selected in train();
# this is the case when ncomp_fixed argument in fit_pls() is
# evaluated
# Checking for the existence of a <pred> element in the train function output
# list can be dangerous and doesn't work in all cases when using
# e.g. is.element('pred', x) or is.null(x$pred);
# Problems can occur e.g. if a list element contains NULL element;
# see
} else if (evaluation_method == "resampling" && tuning_method == "resampling") {
# Good discussion on which cross-validation results are returned from caret
# Extract best tuning parameters and associated cv predictions
# Alternative solution for one model: conformal::GetCVPreds(model) function
# see
predobs_cv <- plyr::ldply(list_models,
function(x) dplyr::anti_join(x$pred, x$bestTune, by = "ncomp"),
.id = "model"
# Extract auto-prediction
predobs <- caret::extractPrediction(list_models)
# !!! new ---
# Replace levels "Training" dataType column
# by "Calibration" (rename levels of factor)
predobs$dataType <- plyr::revalue(predobs$dataType,
c("Training" = "Calibration")
# Append sample_id column to predobs data.frame
# extract sample_id from calibration set
predobs$sample_id <- x$calibration$sample_id
# Create rowIndex for calibration tibble
x$calibration$rowIndex <- 1:nrow(x$calibration)
# Generate sample_id column for rowIndex of pred list element of
# train object; select only rowIndex and sample_id of calibration tibble
vars_indexing <- c("rowIndex", "sample_id")
cal_index <- dplyr::select(x$calibration,
# Transform cross-validation hold-out predictions --------------------------
predobs_cv <- transform_cvpredictions(cal_index = cal_index,
predobs_cv = predobs_cv)
predobs_cv$object <- predobs_cv$model
predobs_cv$model <- factor(predobs_cv$model)
predobs_cv$dataType <- factor("Cross-validation")
vars_keep <- c("obs", "pred", "pred_sd", "pred_sem_ci",
"model", "dataType", "object")
predobs_cv <- dplyr::select(predobs_cv,
# !!! sample_id newly added
# Add column pred_sd to predobs data frame (assign values to 0) so that
# column pred_sd is retained in predobs_cv after dplyr::bind_rows
predobs$pred_sd <- NA
# Desn't work because some columns are turned into numeric;
# resulting data frame has only two rows
# pb_2018-11-09: Model evaluation graph should only show cross-validation
# results when arguments `evaluation_method` == "resampling" &&
# `tuning_method` == "resampling"
predobs <- predobs_cv
# predobs <- dplyr::bind_rows(predobs, predobs_cv)
# Calculate model performance indexes by model and dataType
# uses package plyr and function summary.df of SPECmisc.R
stats <- suppressWarnings(plyr::ddply(predobs, c("model", "dataType"),
function(x) summary_df(x, "obs", "pred"))
# Add number of components to stats; from finalModel list item
# from train() function output (function from caret package)
stats$ncomp <- rep(model$finalModel$ncomp, nrow(stats))
# !!! Experimental: return stats
# return(stats)
# Add range of observed values for validation and calibraton
# get range from predicted vs. observed data frame
# stored in object predobs
obs_cal <- subset(predobs, dataType == "Calibration")$obs
# Get name of predicted variable; see p. 261 of book
# "Advanced R" (Hadley Wickham)
response_name <- deparse(response)
if (evaluation_method == "test_set") {
# Assign validation set to separate data frame
obs_val <- subset(predobs, dataType == "Validation")$obs
# before: deparse(substitute(variable))
df_range <- data.frame(
response = rep(response_name, 2),
dataType = c("Calibration", "Validation"),
min_obs = c(range(obs_cal)[1], range(obs_val)[1]),
median_obs = c(median(obs_cal), median(obs_val)),
max_obs = c(range(obs_cal)[2], range(obs_val)[2]),
mean_obs = c(mean(obs_cal), mean(obs_val)),
CV = c(sd(obs_cal) / mean(obs_cal) * 100,
sd(obs_val) / mean(obs_val) * 100)
} else if (evaluation_method == "resampling" && tuning_method == "resampling") {
# Assign cross-validation set to separate data frame
obs_val <- subset(predobs, dataType == "Cross-validation")$obs
df_range <- data.frame(
response = rep(response_name, 2),
dataType = factor(c("Calibration", "Cross-validation")),
min_obs = c(range(obs_cal)[1], range(obs_val)[1]),
median_obs = c(median(obs_cal), median(obs_val)),
max_obs = c(range(obs_cal)[2], range(obs_val)[2]),
mean_obs = c(mean(obs_cal), mean(obs_val)),
CV = c(sd(obs_cal) / mean(obs_cal) * 100,
sd(obs_val) / mean(obs_val) * 100)
# Join stats with range data frame (df_range)
stats <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::inner_join(stats, df_range, by = "dataType"))
annotation <- plyr::mutate(stats,
rmse = as.character(as.expression(paste0("RMSE == ",
round(rmse, 2)))),
r2 = as.character(as.expression(paste0("italic(R)^2 == ",
round(r2, 2)))),
rpd = as.character(as.expression(paste("RPD == ",
round(rpd, 2)))),
n = as.character(as.expression(paste0("italic(n) == ", n))),
ncomp = as.character(as.expression(paste0("ncomp == ",
# Plot predicted vs. observed values and model indexes
# update label, xlim, and ylim ***
# Add label number of samples to facet_grid using a
# labeling function
# ! Update labeller API:
# Prepare lookup character vector
make_label <- function(x, evaluation_method = "test_set",
resampling_method = "kfold_cv") {
dataType <- n <- NULL
if (evaluation_method == "test_set") {
c(`Calibration` = paste0("Calibration", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Calibration", ]$n, ")"
`Validation` = paste0("Validation", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Validation", ]$n, ")"
} else if (evaluation_method == "resampling" &&
resampling_method == "rep_kfold_cv") {
c(`Calibration` = paste0("Calibration", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Calibration", ]$n, ")"
`Cross-validation` = paste0("5%*%repeated~10*-fold~CV", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Cross-validation", ]$n, ")"
} else {
c(`Calibration` = paste0("Calibration", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Calibration", ]$n, ")"
`Cross-validation` = paste0("10*-fold~CV", "~(",
x[x$dataType == "Cross-validation", ]$n, ")"
if (evaluation_method == "test_set") {
label_validation <- make_label(x = annotation,
evaluation_method = "test_set"
} else if (evaluation_method == "resampling" &&
resampling_method == "rep_kfold_cv") {
label_validation <- make_label(x = annotation,
evaluation_method = "resampling", resampling_method = "rep_kfold_cv"
} else {
label_validation <- make_label(x = annotation,
evaluation_method = "resampling"
# Rename labels on the fly with a lookup character vector
to_string <- ggplot2::as_labeller(
x = label_validation, ggplot2::label_parsed
# Create model evaluation plot -----------------------------------------------
## ggplot graph for model comparison
## (arranged later in panels)
x_label <- paste0("Observed ",
y_label <- paste0("Predicted ",
## Create x and y minimum and maximum for plotting range; use either
## observed or predicted data, depending on what minimum and maximum values
## are
xy_min <- if (min(predobs$obs) < min(predobs$pred))
{predobs$obs} else {predobs$pred}
xy_max <- if (max(predobs$obs) > max(predobs$pred))
{predobs$obs} else {predobs$pred}
xy_range <- ifelse(diff(range(xy_min) > diff(range(xy_max))),
diff(range(xy_min)), diff(range(xy_max)))
if (model$method == "pls") {
p_model <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = predobs) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = obs, y = pred),
shape = 1, size = 2, alpha = 1/2, data = predobs) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = ncomp), size = 5,
hjust = 1.15, vjust = -4.5, parse = TRUE) + # !!! additional label
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = r2), size = 5,
hjust = 1.15, vjust = -3, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = rmse), size = 5,
hjust = 1.12, vjust = -2.5, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = rpd), size = 5,
hjust = 1.15, vjust = -1.25, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(~ dataType,
labeller = ggplot2::as_labeller(to_string)) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(col = "red") +
ggplot2::labs(x = x_label, y = y_label) +
ggplot2::xlim(c(min(xy_min) - 0.05 * xy_range,
max(xy_max) + 0.05 * xy_range)) +
ggplot2::ylim(c(min(xy_min) - 0.05 * xy_range,
max(xy_max) + 0.05 * xy_range)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white"))
if (evaluation_method == "resampling") {
p_model <- p_model +
ggplot2::aes(x = obs, ymin = pred - pred_sem_ci,
ymax = pred + pred_sem_ci),
width = 0, data = predobs, inherit.aes = FALSE)
} else {
p_model <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = predobs) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = obs, y = pred),
shape = 1, size = 2, alpha = 1/2) + # without ncomp label
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = r2), size = 5,
hjust = 1.15, vjust = -3, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = rmse), size = 5,
hjust = 1.12, vjust = -2.5, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = annotation,
ggplot2::aes(x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = rpd), size = 5,
hjust = 1.15, vjust = -1.25, parse = TRUE) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(~ dataType,
labeller = ggplot2::as_labeller(to_string)) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(col = "red") +
ggplot2::labs(x = x_label, y = y_label) +
ggplot2::xlim(c(min(xy_min) - 0.05 * xy_range,
max(xy_max) + 0.05 * xy_range)) +
ggplot2::ylim(c(min(xy_min) -
0.05 * xy_range, max(xy_max) + 0.05 * xy_range)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
if (print == TRUE) {
list(stats = stats, p_model = p_model, predobs = predobs)
## PLS regression modeling in one function ======================
#' @name fit_pls
#' @title Calibration sampling, model tuning, and PLS regression
#' @description Perform calibration sampling and use selected
#' calibration set for model tuning
#' @param spec_chem Tibble that contains spectra, metadata and chemical
#' reference as list-columns. The tibble to be supplied to \code{spec_chem} can
#' be generated by the `join_chem_spc() function`
#' @param response Response variable as symbol or name
#' (without quotes, no character string). The provided response symbol needs to be
#' a column name in the \code{spec_chem} tibble.
#' @param variable Depreciated and replaced by `response`
#' @param center Logical whether to perform mean centering of each spectrum column
#' (e.g. wavenumber or wavelength) after common spectrum preprocessing. Default is
#' \code{center = TRUE}
#' @param scale Logical whether to perform standard deviation scaling
#' of each spectrum column (e.g. wavenumber or wavelength) after common
#' spectrum preprocessing. Default is \code{scale = TRUE}
#' @param evaluation_method Character string stating evaluation method.
#' Either \code{"test_set"} (default) or \code{"resampling"}. \code{"test_set"}
#' will split the data into a calibration (training) and validation (test) set,
#' and evaluate the final model by predicting on the validation set.
#' If \code{"resampling"}, the finally selected model will be evaluated based
#' on the cross-validation hold-out predictions.
#' @param validation Depreciated and replaced by \code{evaluation_method}.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param split_method Method how to to split the data into a independent test
#' set. Default is \code{"ken_sto"}, which will select samples for calibration
#' based on Kennard-Stone sampling algorithm of preprocessed spectra. The
#' proportion of validation to the total number of samples can be specified
#' in the argument \code{ratio_val}.
#' \code{split_method = "random"} will create a single random split.
#' @param ratio_val Ratio of validation (test) samples to
#' total number of samples (calibration (training) and validation (test)).
#' @param ken_sto_pc Number of component used
#' for calculating mahalanobsis distance on PCA scores for computing
#' Kennard-Stone algorithm.
#' Default is \code{ken_sto_pc = 2}, which will use the first two PCA
#' components.
#' @param pc Depreciated; renamed argument is `ken_sto_pc`.
#' @param invert Logical
#' @param tuning_method Character specifying tuning method. Tuning method
#' affects how caret selects a final tuning value set from a list of candidate
#' values. Possible values are \code{"resampling"}, which will use a
#' specified resampling method such as repeated k-fold cross-validation (see
#' argument \code{resampling_method}) and the generated performance profile
#' based on the hold-out predictions to decide on the final tuning values
#' that lead to optimal model performance. The value \code{"none"} will force
#' caret to compute a final model for a predefined canditate PLS tuning
#' parameter number of PLS components. In this case, the value
#' supplied by \code{ncomp_fixed}` is used to set model complexity at
#' a fixed number of components.
#' @param resampling_method Character specifying resampling method. Currently,
#' \code{"kfold_cv"} (default, performs 10-fold cross-validation),
#' \code{"rep_kfold_cv"} (performs 5-times repeated 10-fold cross-validation),
#' \code{"loocv"} (performs leave-one-out cross-validation), and \code{"none"}
#' (if \code{resampling_method = "none"}) are supported.
#' @param resampling_seed Random seed (integer) that will be used for generating
#' resampling indices, which will be supplied to \code{caret::trainControl}.
#' This makes sure that modeling results are constant when re-fitting.
#' Default is \code{resampling_seed = 123}.
#' @param cv Depreciated. Use \code{resampling_method} instead.
#' @param pls_ncomp_max Maximum number of PLS components that are evaluated
#' by caret::train. Caret will aggregate a performance profile using resampling
#' for an integer sequence from 1 to \code{pls_ncomp_max}
#' @param ncomp_fixed Integer of fixed number of PLS components. Will only be
#' used when \code{tuning_method = "none"} and \code{resampling_method = "none"}
#' are used.
#' @param print Logical expression whether model evaluation graphs shall be
#' printed
#' @param env Environment where function is evaluated. Default is
#' \code{parent.frame}.
#' @export
# Note: check non standard evaluation, argument passing...
fit_pls <- function(
response, variable = NULL, # variable depreciated, will not work
center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, # center and scale all predictors (wavenumbers)
evaluation_method = "test_set", validation = TRUE, # validation depreciated
split_method = "ken_stone",
ratio_val = 1/3, # is only used if evaluation_method = "test_set"
ken_sto_pc = 2, pc, # only if split_method = "ken_stone"; number of component
# used for calculating mahalanobsis distance on PCA scores. pc is depreciated.
invert = TRUE, # only if split_method = "ken_stone"
tuning_method = "resampling",
resampling_method = "kfold_cv", cv = NULL, # cv depreciated
resampling_seed = 123, # Seed for creating resampling indices
pls_ncomp_max = 20, # Maximal number of PLS components used by model tuning
ncomp_fixed = 5, # only fit and evaluate one model, if tuning_method = "none"
print = TRUE, # print model summary and evaluation graphs
env = parent.frame())
calibration <- 0
# Warning messages and reassignment for depreciated arguments ----------------
# Depreciate argument variable, use more specific term for the response
# to be predicted by spectral modeling
if (!is.null(variable)) {
stop("argument variable has been replaced by response for simplerspec_0.1.0")
# 20170602: revise argument name and values of validation;
# Replace validation = TRUE or FALSE with
# new argument evaluation_method = "test_set" or "resampling"
if (!missing(validation)) {
warning("argument validation is depreciated; please use evaluation_method instead.",
call. = FALSE)
evaluation_method <- validation
# Depreciate argument pc, use more consistent and verbose argument ken_sto_pc
if (!missing(pc)) {
warning("argument pc is depreciated; please use ken_sto_pc instead.",
call. = FALSE)
ken_sto_pc <- pc
# Depreciate argument cv, use more consistent and verbose argument
# resampling_method
if (!missing(cv)) {
warning("argument cv is depreciated; please use resampling_method instead.",
call. = FALSE)
resampling_method <- cv
# Change values for resampling_method argument
if (resampling_method == "LOOCV") {
warning("value 'LOOCV' (leave one out cross-validation) for argument resampling_method is depreciated; please use value 'loocv' instead.")
resampling_method <- "loocv"
if (resampling_method == "repeatedcv") {
warning("value 'repeatedcv' (repeated k-fold cross-validation) for argument resampling_method is depreciated; please use value 'rep_kfold_cv' instead.")
resampling_method <- "rep_kfold_cv"
# Perform calibration sampling -----------------------------------------------
list_sampled <- split_data_q(
spec_chem, split_method, ratio_val = ratio_val,
ken_sto_pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc),
evaluation_method = substitute(evaluation_method),
invert = substitute(invert)
# Check on method for cross-validation to be used in caret model tuning ------
if (resampling_method == "loocv") {
# leave-one-out cross-validation
tr_control <- control_train_loocv_q(x = list_sampled,
response = substitute(response), env = env)
} else if (resampling_method == "rep_kfold_cv") {
# repeated k-fold cross-validation
tr_control <- control_train_rcv_q(x = list_sampled,
response = substitute(response),
resampling_seed = substitute(resampling_seed), env = env)
} else if (resampling_method == "none") {
# no resampling; calls caret::train(..., method = "none");
# fixed number of PLS components; tuning_method argument has also
# to be set to "none"
tr_control <- control_train_none_q(x = list_sampled,
response = substitute(response),
resampling_seed = substitute(resampling_seed), env = env)
} else if (resampling_method == "kfold_cv") {
# k-fold cross validation
tr_control <- control_train_q(x = list_sampled,
response = substitute(response),
resampling_seed = substitute(resampling_seed), env = env)
# Fit a pls calibration model; pls object is output from caret::train() ------
if (tuning_method == "resampling") {
pls <- train_pls_q(x = list_sampled,
evaluation_method = "test_set",
response = substitute(response), tr_control = tr_control,
center = center, scale = scale,
pls_ncomp_max = substitute(pls_ncomp_max), env
} else if (tuning_method == "none") {
pls <- train_pls_q(x = list_sampled,
evaluation_method = "test_set",
response = substitute(response), tr_control = tr_control,
center = center, scale = scale, tuning_method = "none",
ncomp_fixed = substitute(ncomp_fixed), env
# Evaluate model accuracy (predicted vs. observed) ---------------------------
stats <- evaluate_model_q(x = list_sampled, model = pls,
response = substitute(response),
evaluation_method = substitute(evaluation_method),
tuning_method = substitute(tuning_method),
resampling_method = substitute(resampling_method),
env = parent.frame()
list(data = list_sampled, p_pc = list_sampled$p_pc,
model = pls, stats = stats$stats, p_model = stats$p_model,
predobs = stats$predobs)
## Old function name of `fit_pls`: `pls_ken_stone`
#' @rdname fit_pls
#' @export
pls_ken_stone <- fit_pls
## Random forest modeling in one function =======================
#' @title Calibration sampling, and random forest model tuning and evaluation
#' @description Perform calibration sampling and use selected
#' calibration set for model tuning
#' @param spec_chem Tibble that contains spectra, metadata and chemical
#' reference as list-columns. The tibble to be supplied to \code{spec_chem} can
#' be generated by the `join_chem_spc() function`
#' @param response Response variable as symbol or name
#' (without quotes, no character string). The provided response symbol needs to be
#' a column name in the \code{spec_chem} tibble.
#' @param variable Depreciated and replaced by `response`
#' @param evaluation_method Character string stating evaluation method.
#' Either \code{"test_set"} (default) or \code{"resampling"}. \code{"test_set"}
#' will split the data into a calibration (training) and validation (test) set,
#' and evaluate the final model by predicting on the validation set.
#' If \code{"resampling"}, the finally selected model will be evaluated based
#' on the cross-validation hold-out predictions.
#' @param validation Depreciated and replaced by \code{evaluation_method}.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param split_method Method how to to split the data into a independent test
#' set. Default is \code{"ken_sto"}, which will select samples for calibration
#' based on Kennard-Stone sampling algorithm of preprocessed spectra. The
#' proportion of validation to the total number of samples can be specified
#' in the argument \code{ratio_val}.
#' \code{split_method = "random"} will create a single random split.
#' @param ratio_val Ratio of validation (test) samples to
#' total number of samples (calibration (training) and validation (test)).
#' @param ken_sto_pc Number of component used
#' for calculating mahalanobsis distance on PCA scores for computing
#' Kennard-Stone algorithm.
#' Default is \code{ken_sto_pc = 2}, which will use the first two PCA
#' components.
#' @param pc Depreciated; renamed argument is `ken_sto_pc`.
#' @param invert Logical
#' @param tuning_method Character specifying tuning method. Tuning method
#' affects how caret selects a final tuning value set from a list of candidate
#' values. Possible values are \code{"resampling"}, which will use a
#' specified resampling method such as repeated k-fold cross-validation (see
#' argument \code{resampling_method}) and the generated performance profile
#' based on the hold-out predictions to decide on the final tuning values
#' that lead to optimal model performance. The value \code{"none"} will force
#' caret to compute a final model for a predefined canditate PLS tuning
#' parameter number of PLS components. In this case, the value
#' supplied by \code{ncomp_fixed}` is used to set model complexity at
#' a fixed number of components.
#' @param resampling_seed Random seed (integer) that will be used for generating
#' resampling indices, which will be supplied to \code{caret::trainControl}.
#' This makes sure that modeling results are constant when re-fitting.
#' Default is \code{resampling_seed = 123}.
#' @param cv Depreciated. Use \code{resampling_method} instead.
#' @param ntree_max Maximum random forest trees
#' by caret::train. Caret will aggregate a performance profile using resampling
#' for an integer sequence from 1 to \code{ntree_max} trees.
#' @param print Logical expression whether model evaluation graphs shall be
#' printed
#' @param env Environment where function is evaluated. Default is
#' \code{parent.frame}.
#' @export
# Note: check non standard evaluation, argument passing...
fit_rf <- function(spec_chem,
response, variable = NULL, # variable depreciated, will not work
evaluation_method = "test_set", validation = NULL, # Validation is depreciated
split_method = "ken_stone",
ken_sto_pc = 2, pc = NULL,
invert = TRUE, # only if split_method = "ken_stone
tuning_method = "resampling",
resampling_seed = 123,
cv = NULL, # cv depreciated
ntree_max = 500,
print = TRUE,
env = parent.frame()) {
calibration <- NULL
# Warning messages and reassignment for depreciated arguments ----------------
# Replace validation = TRUE or FALSE with
# new argument evaluation_method = "test_set" or "resampling"
if (!missing(validation)) {
warning("argument validation is deprecated; please use evaluation_method instead.",
call. = FALSE)
evaluation_method <- validation
if (!missing(variable)) {
warning("argument variable is deprecated; please use response instead.",
call. = FALSE)
response <- variable
# Depreciate argument pc, use more consistent and verbose argument ken_sto_pc
if (!missing(pc)) {
warning("argument pc is depreciated; please use ken_sto_pc instead.",
call. = FALSE)
ken_sto_pc <- pc
# Calibration sampling -------------------------------------------------------
list_sampled <- split_data_q(
spec_chem, split_method, ratio_val = ratio_val,
ken_sto_pc = substitute(ken_sto_pc),
evaluation_method = substitute(evaluation_method),
invert = substitute(invert)
# Control parameters for caret::train ----------------------------------------
tr_control <- control_train_q(x = list_sampled,
response = substitute(response),
resampling_seed = substitute(resampling_seed), env = env)
# Train random forest model (model tuning) -----------------------------------
rf <- train_rf_q(x = list_sampled,
evaluation_method = "test_set",
response = substitute(response), tr_control = tr_control, env,
ntree_max = substitute(ntree_max)
# Evaluate finally chosen random forest model --------------------------------
stats <- evaluate_model_q(x = list_sampled, model = rf,
response = substitute(response),
evaluation_method = substitute(evaluation_method),
tuning_method = substitute(tuning_method),
resampling_method = substitute(resampling_method),
env = parent.frame()
# Return list with results ---------------------------------------------------
list(data = list_sampled, p_pc = list_sampled$p_pc,
rf_model = rf, stats = stats$stats, p_model = stats$p_model)