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* `resample_spc()` now supports flexible spectra and x-axis types as inputs, and its interface has been carefully augmented without breaking previous functionality ([#9](

Philipp Baumann 4 years ago
  1. 262
  2. 149


@ -1,111 +1,185 @@
#' @title Resample spectra from spectral data object (tibble)
#' @description Resamples spectra stored in tibble column after
#' gathering spectra by \code{simplerspec::gather_spc()}.
#' @param spc_tbl Spectra data in a tibble object (classes "tibble_df", "tbl"
#' and "data.frame"). The spectra tibble is expected to contain at least
#' the columns 'spc' (list-column with spectral matrices stored in a list) and
#' `wavenumbers` or `wavelengths` (list-column that contains list of x-axis values
#' corresponding to each spectrum in `spc` as wavenumber or wavelength in
#' numeric values).
#' @param x_unit Character vector of the x-axis unit of the spectra in
#' within \code{spc_tbl}. Default is \code{"wavenumber"}. A further possible
#' argument is \code{"wavelength"}, which is usually the unit reported for
#' VIS/NIR spectrometers such as ASD field spectrometers.
#' @param wn_lower Numeric (integer or float) value of lowest wavenumber.
#' This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value
#' will be used as starting value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
#' that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 510.
#' @param wn_upper Numeric (integer or float) value of highest wavenumber.
#' This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value
#' will be used as last value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
#' that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 3988.
#' @param wn_interval Numeric value (integer or float) value of the wavenumber
#' increment when creating the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be
#' resampled upon. Default value is 2.
#' @param wl_lower Numeric (integer or float) value of lowest wavelength.
#' This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value
#' will be used as starting value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
#' that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 350.
#' @param wl_upper Numeric (integer or float) value of highest wavelength.
#' This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value
#' will be used as last value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
#' that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 2500.
#' @param wl_interval Numeric value (integer or float) value of the wavelength
#' increment when creating the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be
#' resampled upon. This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}.
#' Default value is 1.
#' @return A spectra tibble containing the following additional columns
#' added to the input spectra tibble (`spc_tbl`): \code{wavenumbers_rs} or
#' \code{wavelengths_rs} as list-columns containing the resampled wavenumbers
#' or wavelengths, \code{spc_rs} list-column of resampled spectra returned
#' as list of data.tables (class "data.table" and "data.frame").
#' @title Resample spectra to new x-axis interval
#' @description Resamples (interpolates) different spectra types with
#' corresponding x-axis values that are both stored in list-columns of a spectra
#' tibble. A spectra tibble hosts spectra, x-unit vectors, metadata, and
#' further linked data with standardized naming conventions. Data input for
#' resampling can for example be generated with `simplerspec::gather_spc()`.
#' Resampling is a key harmonizing step to process and later model spectra
#' measured at different resolutions and spectral ranges (i.e., different
#' spectrometer devices and/or measurement settings).
#' @param spc_tbl Spectra data embedded in a tibble object (classes
#' `"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"`). The spectra tibble needs to contain at
#' least of one of the the spectra columns `spc`, `spc_rs`, `spc_mean`,
#' `spc_nocomp`, `sc_sm`, `sc_rf`, or `spc_pre` (list-colums with spectral
#' `data.table`s), and `wavenumbers` or `wavelengths` (list-column with vectors
#' of x-axis values corresponding to each spectrum). The section *"Matching
#' spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type"* describes the spectra types
#' and corresponding x-axis types.
#' @param column_in Character vector of length 1L or symbol/name
#' specifying the name of list-column that contains the spectra to be resampled.
#' @param x_unit Character vector of length 1L specifying the measurement unit
#' of the x-axis values (list-column) of the input spectra in `spc_tbl`.
#' Possible values are `"wavenumber"` (default) or `"wavelength"`. Wavenumber
#' is a convenient unit of frequency in the mid-infrared spectral range,
#' where wavelength is often used as spatial period for the visible and
#' near-infrared range.
#' @param wn_lower Numeric value of lowest wavenumber. This argument will only
#' be used if `x_unit = "wavenumber"`. The value serves as starting value for
#' the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
#' value is 500 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).
#' @param wn_upper Numeric value of highest wavenumber. This argument will only
#' be used if `x_unit = "wavenumber`. The value will be used as last value of
#' the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
#' value is 4000 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).
#' @param wn_interval Numeric value of the wavenumber increment for the new
#' wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value
#' is 2 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).
#' @param wl_lower Numeric value of lowest wavelength. This argument will only
#' be used if `x_unit = "wavelength"`. The value serves as starting value of
#' the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon.
#' Default value is 350 (i.e. in nanometers).
#' @param wl_upper Numeric value of highest wavelength. This argument will only
#' be used if `x_unit = "wavelength"`. The value will be used as last value of
#' the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
#' value is 2500 (i.e., in nanometers).
#' @param wl_interval Numeric value of the wavelength increment for the new
#' wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. This argument
#' will only be used if `x_unit = "wavelength"`. Default value is 1 (i.e., in
#' nanometers).
#' @param interpol_method Character of `"linear"` (default) or `"spline"` with
#' the interpolation method. `"spline"` uses a cubic spline to interpolate the
#' input spectra at given x-axis values to new equispaced x-axis intervals.
#' @return A spectra tibble (`spc_tbl`) containing two added list-columns:
#' * `spc_rs:` Resampled spectra as list of `data.table`s
#' * `wavenumbers_rs` or `wavelengths_rs`: Resampled x-axis values as list of
#' numeric vectors
#' @section Matching spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type:
#' The combinations of input spectrum types (`column_in`) and
#' corresponding x-axis types are generated from a simple lookup list. The
#' following key-value(s) pairs can be matched at given key, which is the column
#' name from `column_in` containing the spectra.
#' * `"spc"` : `"wavenumbers"` or `"wavelengths"` (raw spectra)
#' * `"spc_rs"` : `"wavenumbers_rs"` or `"wavelengths_rs"`) (resampled spectra)
#' * `"spc_mean"` : `"wavenumbers_rs"` or `"wavelengths_rs"` (mean spectra)
#' * `"spc_nocomp"` `"wavenumbers"` or `"wavelengths"` (spectra prior
#' atmospheric compensation)
#' * `"sc_sm" : c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm")` (single channel
#' sample spectra)
#' * `"sc_rf" : c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf")` (single channel
#' reference spectra)
#' * `"spc_pre" : "xvalues_pre"` (preprocessed spectra)
#' @export
resample_spc <- function(spc_tbl, x_unit = "wavenumber",
wn_lower = 510, wn_upper = 3988, wn_interval = 2,
wl_lower = 350, wl_upper = 2500, wl_interval = 1) {
resample_spc <- function(spc_tbl,
column_in = "spc",
x_unit = c("wavenumber", "wavelength"),
wn_lower = 500, wn_upper = 4000, wn_interval = 2,
wl_lower = 350, wl_upper = 2500, wl_interval = 1,
interpol_method = c("linear", "spline")) {
# Capture user input as expressions (can be both of type character or symbol),
# also called quoting; convert quosures to characters for later arg matching
column_in <- rlang::enquo(column_in)
column_in_chr <- rlang::quo_name(column_in)
if (x_unit == "wavenumber" && "wavenumbers" %in% names(spc_tbl)) {
# Create sequence of new wavenumbers
wn_seq <- rev(seq(from = wn_lower, wn_upper, by = wn_interval))
is.character(x_unit) && length(x_unit) > 0,
is.numeric(wn_lower), is.numeric(wn_upper), is.numeric(wn_interval),
is.numeric(wl_lower), is.numeric(wl_upper), is.numeric(wl_interval)
# Collect sequence of wavenumbers in list
wavenumbers_rs <- rep(list(wn_seq), nrow(spc_tbl))
names(wavenumbers_rs) <- names(spc_tbl$spc)
# Lookup list to match spectrum types and corresponding x-axis types
spc_xaxis_types <- list(
"spc" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths"), # raw/unprocessed
"spc_rs" = c("wavenumbers_rs", "wavelengths_rs"), # resampled
"spc_mean" = c("wavenumbers_rs", "wavelengths_rs"), # mean
"spc_nocomp" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths"), # no atm. compensation
"sc_sm" = c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm"), # single channel sample
"sc_rf" = c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf"), # single channel reference
"spc_pre" = rep("xvalues_pre", 2) # preprocessed
spctypes <- names(spc_xaxis_types)
column_spc <- match.arg(column_in_chr, spctypes)
# Resample all spectra in list column spc using prospectr
spc_rs <- lapply(seq_along(spc_tbl$spc), function(i) {
X = spc_tbl$spc[[i]], # spectral matrix to resample
wav = spc_tbl$wavenumbers[[i]], # old wavenumbers
new.wav = wn_seq # new wavenumbers
names(spc_rs) <- names(spc_tbl$spc)
x_unit <- match.arg(x_unit)
wavenumber = {x_unit_int <- 1L},
wavelength = {x_unit_int <- 2L})
# Add list of resampled spectra matrices to tibble spc_tbl
spc_tbl %>% tibble::add_column(
spc_rs = spc_rs,
wavenumbers_rs = wavenumbers_rs
interpol_method <- match.arg(interpol_method)
# Final selection of `x_unit` column name string from user input and lookup
x_unit_sel <- spc_xaxis_types[[column_spc]][x_unit_int]
# Both columns with X-values and input spectra need to be present in `spc_tbl`
colnm <- colnames(spc_tbl)
stopifnot(x_unit_sel %in% colnm, column_spc %in% colnm)
} else if (x_unit == "wavelength" && "wavelengths" %in% names(spc_tbl)) {
# Create sequence of new wavelengths
wl_seq <- seq(from = wl_lower, wl_upper, by = wl_interval)
# Convert from wavelength (in nm) to wavenumbers (in cm^-1)
wn_seq <- 10000000 / wl_seq
# Extract list-column containing spectra
spc_in_list <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!column_in)
# Collect sequence of wavelengths and wavenumbers in list
wavelengths_rs <- rep(list(wl_seq), nrow(spc_tbl))
wavenumbers_rs <- rep(list(wn_seq), nrow(spc_tbl))
names(wavelengths_rs) <- names(spc_tbl$spc)
names(wavenumbers_rs) <- names(spc_tbl$spc)
# Extract list-column containing x-axis values
xvalues_in_list <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!x_unit_sel)
# Resample all spectra in list column spc using prospectr
spc_rs <- lapply(seq_along(spc_tbl$spc), function(i) {
# Automatically check the arrangement of the input x-Unit values;
# often, it is convenient to have have a descending ordner of spectral columns
# if the physical quantity of the x-axis is wavenumbers
xvalue_order_chr <- purrr::map_chr(xvalues_in_list, seq_order)
if (length(unique(xvalue_order_chr)) > 1L) {
"The column `{x_unit_sel}` which contains the list of X-values
has both elements of ascending and descending order.
* To resolve, you can split `spc_tbl` in a list of `spc_tbl`s
with identical X-value vectors based on `group_by_col_hash()`,
and apply `resample_spc()` separately to each list element.
* Alternatively, you could fix the order of x-axis values
for all input spectra and X-value vectors to all ascending or
call. = FALSE)
xvalue_order <- xvalue_order_chr[1L]
# Generate sequence of new x-axis values
`1L` = {
xvalues_out <- seq(from = wn_lower, to = wn_upper, by = wn_interval)
x_unit_type_rs <- "wavenumbers_rs"
`2L` = {
xvalues_out <- seq(from = wl_lower, to = wl_upper, by = wl_interval)
x_unit_type_rs <- "wavelengths_rs"
if (xvalue_order == "descending") xvalues_out <- rev(xvalues_out)
# Repeat sequence of new (resampled) x-axis values in list (for every obs.)
xvalues_out_list <- rep(list(xvalues_out), nrow(spc_tbl))
names(xvalues_out_list) <- names(spc_in_list)
# Resample all spectra extracted from list-column `column_in` using prospectr
spc_rs <- lapply(
function(i) {
X = spc_tbl$spc[[i]], # spectral matrix to resample
wav = spc_tbl$wavelengths[[i]], # old wavenumbers
new.wav = wl_seq # new wavenumbers
X = spc_in_list[[i]], # spectral data.table to resample
wav = xvalues_in_list[[i]], # old x-values vector
new.wav = xvalues_out_list[[i]], # new x-values vector
interpol = interpol_method
names(spc_rs) <- names(spc_tbl$spc)
names(spc_rs) <- names(spc_in_list)
# Add list of resampled spectra matrices to tibble spc_tbl
spc_tbl %>% tibble::add_column(
spc_tbl_out <-
spc_tbl %>%
spc_rs = spc_rs,
wavelengths_rs = wavelengths_rs,
wavenumbers_rs = wavenumbers_rs
!!x_unit_type_rs := xvalues_out_list
} else {
stop("Either columns 'wavenumbers' and 'wavelengths' are missing in the
spectra tibble <spc_tbl> or argument x_unit has not been set to
'wavenumber' or 'wavelength.")
# Helper
seq_order <- function(x) ifelse(x[1L] < x[length(x)], "ascending", "descending")


@ -2,62 +2,109 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/resample-spc.R
\title{Resample spectra from spectral data object (tibble)}
\title{Resample spectra to new x-axis interval}
resample_spc(spc_tbl, x_unit = "wavenumber", wn_lower = 510,
wn_upper = 3988, wn_interval = 2, wl_lower = 350, wl_upper = 2500,
wl_interval = 1)
column_in = "spc",
x_unit = c("wavenumber", "wavelength"),
wn_lower = 500,
wn_upper = 4000,
wn_interval = 2,
wl_lower = 350,
wl_upper = 2500,
wl_interval = 1,
interpol_method = c("linear", "spline")
\item{spc_tbl}{Spectra data in a tibble object (classes "tibble_df", "tbl"
and "data.frame"). The spectra tibble is expected to contain at least
the columns 'spc' (list-column with spectral matrices stored in a list) and
`wavenumbers` or `wavelengths` (list-column that contains list of x-axis values
corresponding to each spectrum in `spc` as wavenumber or wavelength in
numeric values).}
\item{x_unit}{Character vector of the x-axis unit of the spectra in
within \code{spc_tbl}. Default is \code{"wavenumber"}. A further possible
argument is \code{"wavelength"}, which is usually the unit reported for
VIS/NIR spectrometers such as ASD field spectrometers.}
\item{wn_lower}{Numeric (integer or float) value of lowest wavenumber.
This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value
will be used as starting value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 510.}
\item{wn_upper}{Numeric (integer or float) value of highest wavenumber.
This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value
will be used as last value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 3988.}
\item{wn_interval}{Numeric value (integer or float) value of the wavenumber
increment when creating the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be
resampled upon. Default value is 2.}
\item{wl_lower}{Numeric (integer or float) value of lowest wavelength.
This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value
will be used as starting value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 350.}
\item{wl_upper}{Numeric (integer or float) value of highest wavelength.
This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value
will be used as last value when creating the new wavenumber sequence
that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value is 2500.}
\item{wl_interval}{Numeric value (integer or float) value of the wavelength
increment when creating the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be
resampled upon. This argument will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}.
Default value is 1.}
\item{spc_tbl}{Spectra data embedded in a tibble object (classes
\verb{"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"}). The spectra tibble needs to contain at
least of one of the the spectra columns \code{spc}, \code{spc_rs}, \code{spc_mean},
\code{spc_nocomp}, \code{sc_sm}, \code{sc_rf}, or \code{spc_pre} (list-colums with spectral
\code{data.table}s), and \code{wavenumbers} or \code{wavelengths} (list-column with vectors
of x-axis values corresponding to each spectrum). The section \emph{"Matching
spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type"} describes the spectra types
and corresponding x-axis types.}
\item{column_in}{Character vector of length 1L or symbol/name
specifying the name of list-column that contains the spectra to be resampled.}
\item{x_unit}{Character vector of length 1L specifying the measurement unit
of the x-axis values (list-column) of the input spectra in \code{spc_tbl}.
Possible values are \code{"wavenumber"} (default) or \code{"wavelength"}. Wavenumber
is a convenient unit of frequency in the mid-infrared spectral range,
where wavelength is often used as spatial period for the visible and
near-infrared range.}
\item{wn_lower}{Numeric value of lowest wavenumber. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value serves as starting value for
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 500 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wn_upper}{Numeric value of highest wavenumber. This argument will only
be used if \verb{x_unit = "wavenumber}. The value will be used as last value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 4000 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wn_interval}{Numeric value of the wavenumber increment for the new
wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value
is 2 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wl_lower}{Numeric value of lowest wavelength. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value serves as starting value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon.
Default value is 350 (i.e. in nanometers).}
\item{wl_upper}{Numeric value of highest wavelength. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value will be used as last value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 2500 (i.e., in nanometers).}
\item{wl_interval}{Numeric value of the wavelength increment for the new
wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. This argument
will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. Default value is 1 (i.e., in
\item{interpol_method}{Character of \code{"linear"} (default) or \code{"spline"} with
the interpolation method. \code{"spline"} uses a cubic spline to interpolate the
input spectra at given x-axis values to new equispaced x-axis intervals.}
A spectra tibble containing the following additional columns
added to the input spectra tibble (`spc_tbl`): \code{wavenumbers_rs} or
\code{wavelengths_rs} as list-columns containing the resampled wavenumbers
or wavelengths, \code{spc_rs} list-column of resampled spectra returned
as list of data.tables (class "data.table" and "data.frame").
A spectra tibble (\code{spc_tbl}) containing two added list-columns:
\item \verb{spc_rs:} Resampled spectra as list of \code{data.table}s
\item \code{wavenumbers_rs} or \code{wavelengths_rs}: Resampled x-axis values as list of
numeric vectors
Resamples spectra stored in tibble column after
gathering spectra by \code{simplerspec::gather_spc()}.
Resamples (interpolates) different spectra types with
corresponding x-axis values that are both stored in list-columns of a spectra
tibble. A spectra tibble hosts spectra, x-unit vectors, metadata, and
further linked data with standardized naming conventions. Data input for
resampling can for example be generated with \code{simplerspec::gather_spc()}.
Resampling is a key harmonizing step to process and later model spectra
measured at different resolutions and spectral ranges (i.e., different
spectrometer devices and/or measurement settings).
\section{Matching spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type}{
The combinations of input spectrum types (\code{column_in}) and
corresponding x-axis types are generated from a simple lookup list. The
following key-value(s) pairs can be matched at given key, which is the column
name from \code{column_in} containing the spectra.
\item \code{"spc"} : \code{"wavenumbers"} or \code{"wavelengths"} (raw spectra)
\item \code{"spc_rs"} : \code{"wavenumbers_rs"} or \code{"wavelengths_rs"}) (resampled spectra)
\item \code{"spc_mean"} : \code{"wavenumbers_rs"} or \code{"wavelengths_rs"} (mean spectra)
\item \code{"spc_nocomp"} \code{"wavenumbers"} or \code{"wavelengths"} (spectra prior
atmospheric compensation)
\item \code{"sc_sm" : c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm")} (single channel
sample spectra)
\item \code{"sc_rf" : c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf")} (single channel
reference spectra)
\item \code{"spc_pre" : "xvalues_pre"} (preprocessed spectra)
