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Completely redesign gather_spc() to support all spectral types. Also implement thorough `data` element testing

philipp-baumann 6 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 274
  3. 37


@ -43,5 +43,6 @@ importFrom(foreach,"%dopar%")


@ -1,53 +1,237 @@
#' @title Gather spectra from list of spectral data into a tibble object
#' @description Gather specta and spectrometer metadata from list into a tibble.
#' Spectra and wavenumbers are stored in list-columns. A tibble is an extended
#' data frame and each spectrum can contain complex data and metadata that
#' are in a rectangular data structure. List-columns is tidy
#' @title Gather spectra of different types from nested list of spectral data
#' into a tibble object
#' @description Gather specta, spectrometer metadata, measurment id's,
#' x unit values from list into a tibble, one row per spectrum replicate
#' measurement. Spectra, x values and metadata are stored in list-columns.
#' A tibble is an extende data frame and each spectrum can contain complex data
#' and metadata that are in a rectangular data structure. List-columns is tidy
#' data structure concept that can be combined with functional programming
#' frameworks provided by e.g. the purrr package.
#' @param data list with file name elements that contain spectra and metadata
#' after reading binary OPUS files with \code{simplerspec::read_opus_univ()}
#' @usage gather_spc(data)
#' @return Spectral data and metadata in object of class tible
#' @param data list with file name (`file_id`) elements that contain spectum
#' types, corresponding x unit type values and metadata; The `data` list
#' is commonly the output after reading binary OPUS files with
#' \code{simplerspec::read_opus_univ()}.
#' @param spc_types Character vector with the spectum types to be extracted
#' and gathered into list columns. The spectrum type names need to match exactly
#' the standardised spectrum type names, which are also names of the second list
#' hierarchy elements of `data`. These values are allowed: `"spc"`: final
#' spectrum after atmospheric compensation if performed, otherwise spectrum
#' after ratioing sample and reference single channel reflectance -- referred to
#' as `AB` in Bruker OPUS software; `"spc_nocomp"`: Spectrum prior to
#' atmospheric compensation if performed; `"sc_sm"`: Single channel reflectance
#' spectrum of the sample; `"sc_rf"`: Single channel reflectance spectrum of
#' the reference (background spectrum); `"ig_sm"`: Interferogram of the sample;
#' `"ig_rf"`: Interferogram of the reference. Default is only extracting final
#' spectra, `spc_types = c("spc")`
#' @usage gather_spc(data = data, spc_types = c("spc", "spc_nocomp", "sc_sm",
#' "sc_rf", "ig_sm", "ig_rf"))
#' @return Spectra related spectral data transformed into (list-)columns
#' of object of class tibble.
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @export
gather_spc <- function(data) {
## Extract data from list by dplyr::map variants -----------------------------
# Extract original spectral matrix for all scans
# First, try to map all spectra; if some of the list elements are NULL,
# remove all spectra and metadata for Bruker files that were
# not successfully read (NULL in final spectra in sublist "spc")
map_spc <- purrr::map(data, "spc")
which_NULL <- which(sapply(map_spc, is.null))
if (length(which_NULL > 0)) {
message(paste0("Sample spectra originating from the following",
" OPUS files could not gathered because extracted spectra are NULL: <",
paste(names(which_NULL), collapse = ";"), ">. ",
"The following list positions have therefore been omitted from
<data> when gathering spectra from list into tibble: ",
paste(which_NULL, collapse = "; ")), ".")
data <- data[- which_NULL]
map_spc <- map_spc[- which_NULL]
gather_spc <- function(data,
spc_types = c("spc")) {
spc_types <- map(spc_types, rlang::sym)
spc_types_chr <- map_chr(spc_types, rlang::quo_name)
# Duplicate original data to refer to full `data` list in messages
data_origin <- data
## Make sure first level `data` elements are named
if (any(names(data) %in% "")) {
which_missing <- which(names(data) %in% "")
idx_nm_missing <- rlang::set_names(names(data)[which_missing],
message(paste0(length(which_missing), " `data` ",
ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "elements", "element"),
ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, " have", " has"),
" missing `file_id` names. ",
ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "These", "This"), "`data` list index",
ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, " positions\n", " position\n"),
ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "were", "was"),
" therefore removed:\n\n",
idx_nm_missing %>%
purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = " "),
data <- data[-which_missing]
## Check whether any file names (`file_id`'s) are duplicated;
## remove and raise warning in case duplicated
is_duplicated <- duplicated(names(data))
idx_nm_duplicated <- rlang::set_names(names(data)[is_duplicated],
if (any(is_duplicated)) {
message(paste0(sum(is_duplicated), " `file_id` named ",
ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "elements", "element"), " of `data` ",
ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "are", "is"),
" non-unique/duplicated\nand ",
ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "were", "was"), " therefore removed:\n\n",
idx_nm_duplicated %>%
purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = " "),
data <- data[-is_duplicated]
# Extract metadata list elements and combine into data.frame
map_metadata_df <- purrr::map_df(data, "metadata")
map_metadata <- purrr::map(data, "metadata")
# Extract rownames of spectra; remove names of rownames vector
rownames_spc <- unname(unlist(lapply(map_spc, rownames)))
# Extract wavenumbers
map_wavenumbers <- purrr::map(data, "wavenumbers")
## Create list-column tibble
data_tibble <- tibble::as_tibble(
map_metadata_df[c("unique_id", "file_id", "sample_id")]
## Check whether `spc_types` are allowed and present at the second level of
## the nested list `data`
spc_types_allowed <- c("spc", "spc_nocomp", "sc_sm", "sc_rf", "ig_sm",
spc_types_present <- spc_types_chr %in% spc_types_allowed
if (any(!spc_types_present)) {
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
stop("The following spectrum types specified in `spc_types` are",
" not supported:\n\n",
paste(dQuote(spc_types_chr[!spc_types_present]), collapse = ", ")) }
## Collect names of spectrum types nested at second `file_id` `data` list
## level to check whether all specified `spc_types` are present in `data`;
## access sub-element names at that list level
data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
spc_types_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ spc_types_chr %in% .x)
if (any(map_lgl(spc_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
which_rm <- map_lgl(spc_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))
message(paste0("Spectrum types (second list level names) specified in",
" `spc_types` were not found\nwithin all first level elements ",
" of list `data` or are NULL (spectra data by `file_id`).\n",
"Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
" list indices and `file_id`'s\nwere removed from `data`:\n\n",
which_rm_origin %>%
purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = " "),
data <- data[- which_rm]
## Extract the spectra of different types by plucking all types specified in
## `spc_types_chr` argment into separate first list level elements
spc_mapped <- map(rlang::set_names(spc_types_chr),
~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))
## Match and extract the values for the x unit types
spc_type_x_unit <- list(
"spc" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values"),
"spc_nocomp" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values"),
"sc_sm" = c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm", "x_values_sc_sm"),
"sc_rf" = c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf", "x_values_sc_rf")
## Add spectra and wavenumbers
tibble::add_column(.data = data_tibble,
# raw spectra
spc = map_spc,
wavenumbers = map_wavenumbers,
metadata = map_metadata
lcols_x_values_matching <- purrr::flatten_chr(spc_type_x_unit[spc_types_chr])
x_values_matching <- lcols_x_values_matching[lcols_x_values_matching
%in% unique(purrr::flatten_chr(data_types_byfile))]
# `data` has eventually been updated (removed `data` elements)
data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
x_value_types_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ x_values_matching %in% .x)
if (any(map_lgl(x_value_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
which_rm <- map_lgl(x_value_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))
message(paste0("These x unit types (second list level names)",
" corresponding to \nspecified `spc_types` spectrum types were not",
" found within\nall first level elements or are NULL",
" (spectra data by `file_id`) of list `data`: \n\n",
paste(dQuote(x_values_matching), collapse = ", ")), "\n\n",
"Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
" list indices\nand `file_id`'s were removed from `data`:\n\n",
which_rm_origin %>%
purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = " "),
data <- data[- which_rm]
spc_mapped <- map(spc_mapped, ~ .x[- which_rm])
x_values_mapped <- map(set_names(x_values_matching),
~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))
## Combine the mapped spectra and correspoding x unit types, and order
## list before returning spectral tibble (`spc_tbl`)
spc_x_unit_types_order <- c("spc", "wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values",
"sc_sm", "wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm", "x_values_sc_sm",
"sc_rf", "wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf", "x_values_sc_rf",
"ig_sm", "ig_rf")
spc_x_values_mapped <- c(spc_mapped, x_values_mapped)
spc_x_unit_types_matched <- spc_x_unit_types_order[spc_x_unit_types_order %in%
spc_x_values_mapped <- spc_x_values_mapped[spc_x_unit_types_matched]
## Check if `metadata` elements are present for all list first level elements
# `data` has eventually been updated (removed `data` elements)
data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
metadata_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ "metadata" %in% .x)
if (any(map_lgl(metadata_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
which_rm <- map_lgl(metadata_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))
message(paste0("`metadata` (second list level names) was not",
" found within\n all first level elements (`metadata` by `file_id`)",
" of list `data` or are NULL.\n\n",
"Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
" list indices\nand `file_id`'s were removed from `data`:\n\n",
which_rm_origin %>%
purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = " "),
data <- data[- which_rm]
spc_x_values_mapped <- map(spc_x_values_mapped, ~ .x[- which_rm])
## Extract metadata list elements and combine into tibble
metadata_mapped <- map(set_names(list("metadata")),
~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))
metadata_df <- map_df(data, "metadata")
id_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(
metadata_df[c("unique_id", "file_id", "sample_id")]
## Column bind all tibbles of metadata id's, metadata, spectra, and
## x unit type values; return on combined spectral tibble (`spc_tbl`)
spc_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(spc_x_values_mapped)
metadata_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(metadata_mapped)
dplyr::bind_cols(list(id_tbl, metadata_tbl, spc_tbl))
# Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pluck out single elements from a list hierarchy level (`.depth`)
# specified in `.string` based on element names; All elements with the specified
# name will be transposed into a single list named by the element name.
# `pluck_depth` can be combined with `purrr::map` to extract elements of
# different names at all list nodes at the specified level, using e.g.
# map(rlang::set_names(c("spc", "spc_nocomp")),
# ~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))
pluck_depth <- function(data, .depth = 1, .string = NULL) {
purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = .depth, ~ purrr::pluck(.x, .string))


@ -2,22 +2,41 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/gather-spc.R
\title{Gather spectra from list of spectral data into a tibble object}
\title{Gather spectra of different types from nested list of spectral data
into a tibble object}
gather_spc(data = data, spc_types = c("spc", "spc_nocomp", "sc_sm",
"sc_rf", "ig_sm", "ig_rf"))
\item{data}{list with file name elements that contain spectra and metadata
after reading binary OPUS files with \code{simplerspec::read_opus_univ()}}
\item{data}{list with file name (`file_id`) elements that contain spectum
types, corresponding x unit type values and metadata; The `data` list
is commonly the output after reading binary OPUS files with
\item{spc_types}{Character vector with the spectum types to be extracted
and gathered into list columns. The spectrum type names need to match exactly
the standardised spectrum type names, which are also names of the second list
hierarchy elements of `data`. These values are allowed: `"spc"`: final
spectrum after atmospheric compensation if performed, otherwise spectrum
after ratioing sample and reference single channel reflectance -- referred to
as `AB` in Bruker OPUS software; `"spc_nocomp"`: Spectrum prior to
atmospheric compensation if performed; `"sc_sm"`: Single channel reflectance
spectrum of the sample; `"sc_rf"`: Single channel reflectance spectrum of
the reference (background spectrum); `"ig_sm"`: Interferogram of the sample;
`"ig_rf"`: Interferogram of the reference. Default is only extracting final
spectra, `spc_types = c("spc")`}
Spectral data and metadata in object of class tible
Spectra related spectral data transformed into (list-)columns
of object of class tibble.
Gather specta and spectrometer metadata from list into a tibble.
Spectra and wavenumbers are stored in list-columns. A tibble is an extended
data frame and each spectrum can contain complex data and metadata that
are in a rectangular data structure. List-columns is tidy
Gather specta, spectrometer metadata, measurment id's,
x unit values from list into a tibble, one row per spectrum replicate
measurement. Spectra, x values and metadata are stored in list-columns.
A tibble is an extende data frame and each spectrum can contain complex data
and metadata that are in a rectangular data structure. List-columns is tidy
data structure concept that can be combined with functional programming
frameworks provided by e.g. the purrr package.
