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adapt binary OPUS file reader function to differering block position structures in OPUS files of ALPHA spectrometers at ETH Zuerich and ICRAF. Redefine offsets for upper and lower frequencies, number of points, and spectral information offsets for sample spectra.

Philipp Baumann 8 years ago
  1. 98


@ -64,23 +64,27 @@ read_opus_bin <- function({
re <- grepRaw("RES", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 5
snm <- grepRaw("SNM", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
lwn <- grepRaw("LWN", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
fx <- grepRaw("FXV", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
lx <- grepRaw("LXV", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7 # changed for ETH spectra !!! -> before: [3] + 7
npt0 <- grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE)[2] + 3
npt1 <- grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
mxy <- grepRaw("MXY", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
mny <- grepRaw("MNY", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
end <- grepRaw("END", pr, all = TRUE) + 11
dat <- grepRaw( "DAT", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
tim <- grepRaw("TIM", pr, all = TRUE) + 11
# calculate end and start of each block
offs <- end[5:10]
# for ICRAF spectra:
if (offs[1] > 50000) {
lx <- grepRaw("LXV", pr, all = TRUE)[4] + 7
# Select matching positions based on file structure
# Calculate how many number of points blocks are present in file
npt_length <- length(grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE))
# If spectra are from ETH Alpha
if (npt_length < 9) {
fx_sample <- grepRaw("FXV", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
lx_sample <- grepRaw("LXV", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
npt_sample <- grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE)[1] + 7
# If spectra are from ICRAF Alpha
} else {
fx_sample <- grepRaw("FXV", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
lx_sample <- grepRaw("LXV", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
npt_sample <- grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE)[3] + 7
byts <- diff(offs)
# byts <- diff(offs)
ZFF <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = z, nbytes = 4,
human = "int", size = 2)[[5]][1]
RES <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = re, nbytes = 4,
@ -136,58 +140,46 @@ read_opus_bin <- function({
# Combine the above parameters
spectrum.meta <- c(SSN, Material, Scandate, ZFF, RES, LWN)
# Get number of data points for each spectra data block
NPT0 <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = npt0, nbytes = 12,
human = "int", size = 4)[[5]][2]
NPT1 <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = npt1, nbytes = 4,
NPT_sample <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = npt_sample, nbytes = 12,
human = "int", size = 4)[[5]][1]
# Add extra step for spectrum "CI_tb_05_soil_cal.2" measured at ETH
if(NPT_sample > 10000) {
npt_sample <- grepRaw("NPT", pr, all = TRUE)[2] + 7
NPT_sample <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = npt_sample, nbytes = 12,
human = "int", size = 4)[[5]][1]
# fxv: Frequency of first point
fxv <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = fx, nbytes = 16,
fxv_sample <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = fx_sample, nbytes = 16,
human = "real", size = 8)[[5]][1]
# lxv: Frequency of last point
lxv <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = lx, nbytes = 16,
lxv_sample <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = lx_sample, nbytes = 16,
human = "real", size = 8)[[5]][1]
# Read all through all the data blocks inside the OPUS file
nbytes1 <- NPT0 * 4 # initial parameters
smxa <- c()
smna <- c()
nbytes.f <- NPT1 * 4
# return(offs[1]) -> check offset of different spectral files
nbytes_spc_sample <- NPT_sample * 4
## Calculate wavenumbers
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv, fxv, (fxv - lxv)/(NPT1 - 1)))
# Offsets (start) of sample spectra
if (length(end) == 17) {
offs_spc_sample <- end[16]
if (length(end) == 16) {
offs_spc_sample <- end[15]
} else {
offs_spc_sample <- end[7]
if (offs[1] < 2000) {
offs.f <- offs[3]
nbytes.f <- NPT1 * 4
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv, fxv, (fxv - lxv)/(NPT1 - 1)))
else if (offs[1] > 20000) {
offs.f <- offs[3]
nbytes.f <- NPT1 * 4
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv, fxv, (fxv - lxv)/(NPT1 - 1))) }
else if (offs[1] < 10000) { # added!
offs.f <- offs[1]
nbytes.f <- NPT0 * 4
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv, fxv, (fxv - lxv)/(NPT0 - 1)))
} else { # for vert-MIR
offs.f <- 7188
nbytes.f <- NPT0 * 4
lxv <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = 8768, nbytes = 16,
human = "real", size = 8)[[5]][1]
fxv <- hexView::readRaw(, offset = 8752, nbytes = 16,
human = "real", size = 8)[[5]][1]
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv, fxv, (fxv - lxv)/(NPT0 - 1)))
## Calculate wavenumbers
wavenumbers <- rev(seq(lxv_sample, fxv_sample,
(fxv_sample - lxv_sample)/(NPT_sample - 1)))
spectra <- hexView::readRaw(, width = NULL,
offset = offs.f - 4, nbytes = nbytes.f, human = "real", # needs to be -4 according to soil.spec function
size = 4, endian = "little")[[5]]
# Read spectra
spectra <- hexView::readRaw(, width = NULL,
offset = offs_spc_sample, nbytes = nbytes_spc_sample,
human = "real",
size = 4, endian = "little")[[5]]
# File name
file_name <- sub(".+/(.+)", "\\1",
