53 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Philipp Baumann be703c5f8c update doc; no slicing in `plot_spc()` 8 months ago
Philipp Baumann b5bbef0b13 * Import pipe in separate file via `usethis::use_pipe()` 4 years ago
Philipp Baumann 556b0cb97c New function `select_spc_vars()` 5 years ago
Philipp Baumann e07af11620 Fix invalid input error due to non-UTF-8 5 years ago
Philipp Baumann 279d0f727b Replace non-UTF-8 characters 5 years ago
Philipp Baumann 609f76bbda Document and export `assess_multimodels()` 5 years ago
Philipp Baumann bfe63477dd Add documentation, updates after renaming to evaluate_model() 6 years ago
philipp-baumann c68a2f4142 Completely redesign gather_spc() to support all spectral types. Also implement thorough `data` element testing 6 years ago
philipp-baumann 46e19c2914 Import `kurtosis` from `e1071` 6 years ago
philipp-baumann 311e4b98a7 Update NAMESPACE and delete manuals because old unused functions removed 6 years ago
philipp-baumann 019b9f863b Update NAMESPACE 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann ce1b15a01c Add not declared `::` import from `tidyselect` 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann cf05c4c9cd fix CRAN check error, Namespace dependency not needed here 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann 5c48d36a34 Import tidyselect package for dplyr programming 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann 1ae9f618df import purrr package because it is more conveniant and clean (elegant code functional programming) not to explicitly call a function with pkg::fun() 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann c0a2307707 Export `create_vip_rects` 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann 115c94f326 Export `bind_lcols_dts` 6 years ago
Philipp Baumann bdf3e69300 Export `extract_lcols2dts` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 8b727c1b91 Export `split_df2l` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann b4d953ab37 Update man and NAMESPACE 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 94ca92d90c update NAMESPACE with newly exported functions 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann b6cdd577ce Fix `R CMD check` NOTE to import read.csv from utils 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 90dc42d2af Pipe operator from magrittr needs to be in NAMESPACE 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 4f853f1dee Fix R CMD check WARNING: `:: or ::: import not declared from: ...` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 0bc82e52bc Do not export a list of package-internal functions for model training and evaluation 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 873afc52b5 Update NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION because all non-base function imports need to be declared 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 57b164fef1 Add rlang functions to NAMESPACE to support quasiquotation for tidy evaluation 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann ba2ad3703f Implement new tidy evaluation framework introduced dplyr version 0.7.0 for avoiding non-standard evaluation in dplyr programming 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 6499aaa6b5 Attempt to fix error: `Error in `[.data.frame`(x, i, j) : could not find function ":="` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 034b1b6adb Update NAMESPACE and manuals because of new imports and function descriptions 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 76523ed2ba Update NAMESPACE because functions were removed and stats package is imported 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 9401118930 update NAMESPACE and manuals because internal helper functions have been renamed 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann c98a3f8e61 update NAMESPACE because `sem` has been renamed to `sem_ci` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 7a5cddad55 update NAMESPACE and manuals because two helper functions for standard error of the mean have been added 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann caba8df1dc rename function `pls_ken_stone` to `fit_pls`; `pls_ken_stone` will become depreciated in new release simplerspec 1.0.0 because there is a backward-incompatible argument change: `variable` will be replaced by `response`, is more verbose and correct term for response variable; renaming could not been done because the arguments `variable` and `response` would be calls (character vectors) that are evaluated using prinicples of non-standard evaluation. Could not fix this by assigning `variable` to `response`; also, manipulating formals of a function that changes the argument `variable` (e.g. by using mechanisms of `formals()`) seemed not to be a feasible approach. 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann ec6a3dc2d4 Update NAMESPACE and documentation via `devtools::document`; `train_pls...` functions replace `fit_pls...` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 58aac78c8c Update (delete and add entries) NAMESPACE and manuals via `devtools::document()` because `trainControl` list producing helper functions have been renamed from `tune_model_...` to `train_control_...` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann c80e3f09bf Update NAMESPACE and manuals via `devtools::document()`. Functions renamed: `ken_stone()` to `split_data()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann bf2bd9055e Update manual and NAMESPACE via `devtools::document()` because functions in `pls-vip` to compute and plot Variable Importance for the Projection (VIP) have been added. 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 7eb402e803 Update `NAMESPACE` with export of function `read_asd()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 97f31daafc fix Error `Error : object ‘`%do%`’ is not exported by namespace:foreach` by attaching foreach package by depends (add to NAMESPACE) 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann d5350d8071 Update namespace because `%do` and `%dopar%` functions have been added as imports from foreach package 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 38c4bd4d8a Update NAMESPACE by `devtools::document()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 9ddfb029e2 Update NAMESPACE and manuals by `devtools::document()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 2f92ecb824 update NAMESPACE by `devtools::document()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 2a8e8249e8 update `NAMESPACE` and manuals using `devtools::document()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 44ad9e2643 update `NAMESPACE` with `plot_spc()` function, update by `devtools::document()` 7 years ago
Philipp Baumann 408819a56b update NAMESPACE and documentation 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann ca978c8e18 update documentation and NAMESPACE with devtools::document() because new function `predict_from_spc()` was added 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 0216e684d5 update NAMESPACE and manual with newly exported `join_spc_chem()` function 8 years ago