653 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Philipp Baumann 2888f7c955 add first version of `join_spc_chem()` to join spectral and chemical tibbles 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann cb19c32e81 fix error in conditional offset definition for reading correct spectra 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann c7ec013322 adapt binary OPUS file reader function to differering block position structures in OPUS files of ALPHA spectrometers at ETH Zuerich and ICRAF. Redefine offsets for upper and lower frequencies, number of points, and spectral information offsets for sample spectra. 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann d53c207bac fix error in `read_spectra()` that readOPUS function is not found. This is a result from renaming `readOPUS` to `read_opus()` in the `load-spectra.R` file 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann bf1aa0ff8a Update documentation using `devtools::document()` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 17d33541fa Update documentation using `devtools::document()` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 50a9abaf45 Update NAMESPACE file due to changed export from `load-spectra.R` function renaming 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 4c176e8dc8 change names of binary OPUS file reading functions adapted from soil.spec package. Current `read_spectra()` function based on exported spectra text files from OPUS software macro is not affected. Change `readOPUS` to `read_opus`, `readOPUS_bin` to `read_opus_bin`, `readOPUS_text` to `read_opus_text` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann ece6a882a7 delete file because it has been renamed to `gather-spc.R` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 8d6c498f7a first version of tibble interface functions that aim to streamline the spectral data reading, gathering, resampling, averaging, and preprocessing by using tidy data structures in the form tibble class outputs and inputs. This makes printing of the spectral data streamline more user-friendly, stores spectral information in list-columns (list of data.table objects) of tibbles. 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann eba693aa20 Add R script file for function `preprocess_spc()` that preprocesses spectra in tibble column 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 1e9f084a5e Add R script file for function `averages_spc()` that averages spectra in tibble column 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann da7b9f7c32 add R script file for function `resample_spc()` that resamples spectra in tibble column 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 4e59826c20 add R script file for fuction `gather_spc()` that gathers list of spectra into a tibble class object 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 4995af3966 add wrapper functions for handling tibble class data input for modeling 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 34255f37a6 update documentation using devtools::document() 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann d3930d199d add default argument for maximal number of pls components evaluated 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann a5a17d1dd0 add default option for maximal number of PLS Regression components 8 years ago
Philipp Baumannit config --global user.email philipp.baumann@usys.ethz.ch b3374b92f9 add tidyverse package in Imports field via devtools::add_package() 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann cf82410085 change block positions for lx (frequency of lowest point) and offsets for spectral information to extract correct wavenumbers and specktra. Fix works for ETH and ICRAF Ivory Coast OPUS spectra at current OPUS software versions, exact versions to be checked). 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 3d406c45a5 rename argument `max_ncomp_pls` to `pls_ncomp_max` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann be16896378 fix wrong selection of `val_set` and `cal_set` for inverted calibration sampling 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 3ed972af98 add `invert` argument from quoted function `ken_stone_q` to pls modeling function `pls_ken_stone` using non-standard evaluation 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 3b4b39cca2 simplify and add better comments to function `ken_stone_q`, add an option to invert selection of calibration and validation spectra for the Kennard-Stones calibration sampling 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 20d2d56cb8 fixed error message for `select_ref_samples()` because `MIR0` was used as spectra, now changed to `MIR_pre` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 46bdd8b6b0 update documentation for `do_pretreatment` with new name of spectral output matrix `MIR_pre` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann f24f686018 update documentation for `do_pretreatment` with new name preprocessed spectra element 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann c74c137d7e change name of preprocessed from `MIR0` to MIR_pre` in preprocessing function `do_pretreatment(), implement consistent names of processed spectral data matrices inputs and outputs of `resample_spectra()`and `join_chem_spec()` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 03191b77fc implement window size of 13 with first derivative, option called `MIR1_w13` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 751979f78c fix bug in `predictions_caret` and use `model_list` from function argument 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 4170115772 fix typo in `rf_ken_stone` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 3ae8a15f4a update NAMESPACE and manual 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 68dbd35c82 automatically created R documentation file for `select_ref_samples` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 3011670500 change title description of random forest function 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 31e36a109f add random forest in one function called `rf_ken_stone` 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 396a5396d7 add random forest model function fit_rf_q 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann cc82db514d swap calibration and validation samples for ken_stone_q function in order to cover maximum spectral diversity in PC space 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 81f8e017c9 specify default value for pc (=2) for pls_ken_stone function 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann f777a10bdc add new first derivative preprocessing option to that corresponds to ICRAF routine 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann b5f261e25b rename metadata and spectra list element to simpler description 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 5f81ef85de swap colours for model prediction and reference analysis in PCA space 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann c17fbcc36f changed sel_df_cal to sel_df_ref 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann c7dc4390ad add code to select_ref_samples to print selection of reference and predition samples in PC space 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann bee6c97d25 delete ken_stone from manual because function was renamed to ken_stone_q as it is a quoted version for non-standard evaluation 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 0894ad5175 add missing title for calibration sampling function 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 44568f6df1 add function to select reference samples to be measured by reference analysis method. Use Kennard-Stones algorithm. 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 121311750f create quoted version of ken_stone as ken_stone_q and test option to use non-standard evaluation for passing the number of components for calibration sampling 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 715db56dcc complete list of packages built upon, add credits to people 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 8fc39e0120 add pipes in example workflow and code for spectral model development 8 years ago
Philipp Baumann 9a04f0ff92 fix typos and add sections <Key conceps and data analysis workflow>, <Example workflow>, and <Details on Functions> 8 years ago