% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/average-spectra.R \name{average_spectra} \alias{average_spectra} \title{Calculate mean of spectra} \usage{ average_spectra(in_spectra) } \arguments{ \item{in_spectra}{List that contains spectral data in the element \code{MIR} (data.frame) and sample metadata in the list element \code{data_rep} (data.frame). The data.frame \code{data_meta} contains the sample ID stored in the \code{ID} vector (originally from spectral file names), country abbreviation stored in \code{contry} (2 letters), and the vector \code{site} (2 letters) that is the country abbreviation.} } \value{ \code{out_spectra}: List that contains: \itemize{ \item \code{data_meta}: metadata of sample (data.frame) that is taken from the element \code{rep} of the input list argument \code{in_spectra} \item \code{MIR_mean}: average spectra from replicates of sample ID (data.frame) \item \code{MIR_sd}: standard deviation of spectra calculated from replicates of sample ID (data.frame) \item \code{cvar} coefficient of variance over all wavenumbers of spectra calculated from replicates of sample ID (vector) } } \description{ Calculate the mean of each spectral repetitions (absorbance average per wavenumber) }