% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tbl-lcol-map-funprog.R \name{extract_lcols2dts} \alias{extract_lcols2dts} \title{Extract multiple tibble list-columns and return data as list of data.tables} \usage{ extract_lcols2dts(spc_tbl, lcols) } \arguments{ \item{spc_tbl}{Spectral tibble (data frame) with spectral data contained in list-columns} \item{lcols}{Character vector containing names of list-columns to be extracted into a list of data.tables} } \value{ List of data.tables. Each element is a data.table derivied from a list-column specified in the \code{lcols} argument. } \description{ Extract multiple tibble list columns, row bind them separately into single data tables and return a list of data.tables. }