Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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## Join chemical and spectral data ==============================
#' @title Join chemical and spectral data frames
#' @description Combines spectral data (data.frame) and chemical
#' data (data.frame).
#' @param dat_chem data.frame that contains chemical values of
#' the sample
#' @param dat_spec List that contains spectral data
#' @return List: xxx
#' @param by character of column name that defines sample_ID
#' @export
join_chem_spec <- function(
dat_chem, dat_spec, by = "sample_ID") {
# Alternative when "no visible binding for global variable":
data_meta <- MIR <- MIR_pre <- ori <- MIR_mean <- NULL
# Replace sample_ID by ID
if(! {
stop(dat_chem, "needs to be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
} else {
colnames(dat_chem)[colnames(dat_chem) == by] <- "ID"
dat_chem$ID <- as.factor(dat_chem$ID)
# Select only chemical data that have no outlier spectra
dat_chem <- dat_chem[dat_spec$data_meta$ID, ]
ID <- as.factor(dat_spec$data_meta$ID)
# Join ref analyses
MIRdata <- data.frame(ID = ID)
MIRdata$MIR <- dat_spec$MIR_pre
MIRdata$ori <- dat_spec$MIR_mean
# Joining by ID, type = "inner"
MIRdata_chem <- plyr::join(dat_chem, MIRdata, type = "inner")
# before dplyr::inner_join(dat_chem, MIRdata)
## Join spectra and chemical tibbles ===========================================
#' @title Join spectra data and chemical data tibbles
#' @description Combines spectral data (tibble class) and chemical
#' data (tibble class).
#' @param spc_tbl Tibble that contains spectral data
#' @param chem_tbl Tibble that contains chemical reference values of
#' the samples
#' @param by character of column name that defines sample_ID
#' @return Tibble joined by sample_id
#' @export
join_spc_chem <- function(spc_tbl, chem_tbl, by = "sample_id") {
if(!tibble::is_tibble(spc_tbl)) {
stop(spc_tbl, "needs to be a Tibble", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# Rename column sample_ID to sample_id if sample_ID exists
if("sample_ID" %in% colnames(chem_tbl)) {
# Create a list with new column name; use standard evaluation
rename_list <- list(sample_id = "sample_ID")
chem_tbl <- dplyr::rename_(chem_tbl, .dots = rename_list)
spc_tbl <- dplyr::inner_join(spc_tbl, chem_tbl)