Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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#' @title Read ASD fieldspec spectrometer data export into into simplerspec
#' spectra tibble.
#' @description Read tab delimited text (.txt) files exported from ASD field
#' spectrometer into simplerspec spectra tibble.
#' ASD Fieldspec data files are expected in .txt tab delimited file format.
#' The first row should contain
#' the name 'Wavelength' for the first column and the file names for the
#' remaining columns.
#' @param file Tab delmited file from ASD software export where the first
#' column called \code{Wavelength} contais wavelengths in nanometer and the
#' remaining columns are sample spectra referred by an ID name provided in the
#' first row of these columns.
#' @return Spectra data in tibble data frame (class `tbl_df`) that contains
#' columns \code{sample_id} (derived from 2nd and following column names of
#' tab delimited ASD exported text file),
#' \code{spc} (list-column of spectral matrices)
#' and \code{wavelengths} (list-column containing wavelength vectors).
#' @importFrom tidyselect one_of
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
read_asd <- function(file) {
# Read fixed with file into a tibble
asd_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(data.table::fread(file = file))
# Transpose tibble and add Wavelengths as column names
asd_tbl_t <- tibble::as_tibble(
t(dplyr::select(asd_tbl, - tidyselect::one_of("Wavelength")))
colnames(asd_tbl_t) <- asd_tbl[["Wavelength"]]
# Split matrix by each row into list of matrices
asd_m <- as.matrix(asd_tbl_t)
asd_listofv <- split(asd_m, row(asd_m)) # List of numerical vectors
# Convert list of vectors into list of matrices
asd_listofm <- lapply(seq_along(asd_listofv),
function(i) matrix(asd_listofv[[i]], nrow = 1, byrow = FALSE))
# Assign file names as names for list of matrices
names(asd_listofm) <- colnames(asd_tbl)[-1] # Remove "Wavelength"
# Assign columnes for all matrices in list
asd_listofm <- lapply(asd_listofm,
function(x) {colnames(x) <- asd_tbl[["Wavelength"]]; x})
# Create list of wavelengths and assign sample names
wavelengths_list <- rep(list(asd_tbl[["Wavelength"]]), length(asd_listofm))
names(wavelengths_list) <- names(asd_listofm)
# Return spectra as tibble
sample_id = names(asd_listofm),
spc = asd_listofm,
wavelengths = wavelengths_list
## Simplespec spectra tibble version of ASD reader based on prospectr::readASD
## Reads binary ASD data and converts data into list-columns containing spectral
## data that can be further processed within the simplerspec spectra processing
## framework ===================================================================
#' @title Read ASD binary files and gather spectra and metadata in tibble data
#' frame.
#' @description Read multiple ASD binary files and gather spectra and metadata
#' into a simplerspec spectral tibble (data frame). The resulting spectral
#' tibble is compatible with the simplerspec spectra processing and modeling
#' framework.
#' @param fnames Character vector containing full paths of ASD binary files
#' to be read
#' @return A spectral tibble (data frame) containing the follwing columns:
#' \item{unique_id}{Character vector. Unique identifier containing file name
#' pasted with date and time.}
#' \item{file_id}{Character vector containing file names and exension}
#' \item{sample_id}{Character vector containing files names without extension}
#' \item{metadata}{List-column. List of data frames containing spectral
#' metadata}
#' \item{wavelengths}{List-column. List of wavelengths vectors (numeric).}
#' \item{spc_radiance}{List-column. List of data.tables containing
#' radiance sample spectra.}
#' \item{spc_reference}{List-column. List of data.tables containing
#' reference reflectance spectra.}
#' \item{spc}{List-column. List of data.tables containing final reflectance
#' spectra.}
#' @export
read_asd_bin <- function(fnames) {
data <- prospectr::readASD(fnames = fnames,
in_format = "binary", out_format = "list")
gps <- purrr::map(data, c("header", "GPS"))
header <- purrr::map(purrr::map(data, "header"),
function(x) x[- which(names(x) == "GPS")])
file_id <- purrr::map_chr(data, "name")
sample_id <- sub("(.+)\\.[[:alpha:]]+$", "\\1", file_id) # remove ".asd"
datetime <- purrr::map(data, "datetime")
unique_id <- mapply(function(x, y) paste0(x, "_", y), sample_id, datetime)
metadata <- purrr::map(header, tibble::as_tibble)
# Add GPS to metadata
metadata <- purrr::map2(metadata, gps, dplyr::bind_cols)
spc_l <- purrr::transpose(
purrr::map(data, `[`, c("radiance", "reference", "reflectance")))
wl_l <- purrr::transpose(purrr::map(data, `[`, "wavelength"))
spc_dt <- purrr::modify_depth(spc_l, 2,
function(x) data.table::data.table(t(x)))
# Change column names of spectral data tables of all spectrum types
# by reference, use character converted wavenlengths
purrr::map(.x = spc_dt, ~ map2(.x = .x, .y = wl_l[["wavelength"]],
~ data.table::setnames(.x, names(.x), as.character(.y)))
unique_id = unique_id,
file_id = file_id,
sample_id = sample_id,
metadata = metadata,
wavelengths = wl_l[["wavelength"]],
spc_radiance = spc_dt[["radiance"]],
spc_reference = spc_dt[["reference"]],
spc = spc_dt[["reflectance"]]
# Helper function to remove the "" (.xxx for example ".ref" or "")
# extension in id column (e.g. sample_id) strings in tibble with metadata or
# reference analysis data ------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
remove_id_extension <- function(data,
id_col = "sample_id",
id_new_nm = "sample_id",
extension = "\\.asd.*$") {
id_col <- rlang::enquo(id_col)
id_col_chr <- rlang::quo_name(id_col)
id_col_rm <- rlang::expr(-!!rlang::sym(id_col_chr))
id_new_nm <- rlang::quo_name(rlang::enquo(id_new_nm))
id_new <- gsub(pattern = extension, replacement = "",
x = dplyr::pull(data, !!id_col))
# Remove old id column and bind new id column to the remaining columns
rest <- dplyr::select(data, !!id_col_rm)
dplyr::bind_cols(!!id_new_nm := id_new, rest)
# Helper to orrect the sensor offset for ASD spectra;
# shift between VIS and VNIR1, and VNIR1 and VNIR2 ranges;
# based on subtracting gaps at `Join1Wavelength` and `Join2Wavelength` column
# positions in `metadata` list-column data frames ------------------------------
correct_join_offset <- function(spc_tbl,
lcol_spc = spc,
lcol_xvalues = wavelengths,
lcol_metadata = metadata) {
swir2_offset <- swir1_offset <- wavelengths <- NULL
lcol_spc <- rlang::enquo(lcol_spc)
lcol_spc_chr <- rlang::quo_name(lcol_spc)
lcol_spc_rm <- rlang::expr(-!!rlang::sym(lcol_spc_chr))
lcol_xvalues <- rlang::enquo(lcol_xvalues)
lcol_xvalues_chr <- rlang::quo_name(lcol_xvalues)
lcol_metadata <- rlang::enquo(lcol_metadata)
spc <- data.table::rbindlist(dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!lcol_spc))
xvalues <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!lcol_xvalues)
if (!all(sapply(xvalues, identical, xvalues[[1]]))) {
stop(paste0("Error: Spectral tibble (`spc_tbl`) contains observations",
" with unequal x unit values (`lcol_xvalues`)."))
metadata <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!lcol_metadata)
join1_wavelength <- map(metadata, c("Join1Wavelength"))
join2_wavelength <- map(metadata, c("Join2Wavelength"))
join1_idx <- unique(
purrr::map2_int(.x = xvalues, .y = join1_wavelength,
~ which.min(abs(.x - .y)))
join2_idx <- unique(
purrr::map2_int(.x = xvalues, .y = join2_wavelength,
~ which.min(abs(.x - .y)))
xvalues_max_idx <- unique(map_int(xvalues, which.max))
join1_col1 <- names(spc)[join1_idx]
join1_col2 <- names(spc)[join1_idx + 1]
join2_col1 <- names(spc)[join2_idx]
join2_col2 <- names(spc)[join2_idx + 1]
swir1_cols <- names(spc)[(join1_idx + 1):join2_idx]
swir2_cols <- names(spc)[(join2_idx + 1):xvalues_max_idx]
# Calculate the swir1 and swir2 offsets to shift spectral ranges
spc[, `:=` (
swir1_offset = .SD[[join1_col2]] - .SD[[join1_col1]],
swir2_offset = .SD[[join2_col2]] - .SD[[join2_col1]]),
.SDcols = c(join1_col2, join1_col1, join2_col2, join2_col1)]
# Substract offset(s) for SWIR1 and SWIR2, remove offset columns
spc[, c(swir1_cols) := lapply(.SD,
function(x) x - swir1_offset), .SDcols = swir1_cols]
spc[, c(swir2_cols) := lapply(.SD,
function(x) x - swir1_offset - swir2_offset), .SDcols = swir2_cols]
spc[, `:=` (swir1_offset = NULL, swir2_offset = NULL)]
# Remove old spectra list-column (`lcol_spc`) and
# add new sensor join offset corrected spectra as list-column
rest <- dplyr::select(spc_tbl, !!lcol_spc_rm)
# Convert `spc` single data.table back to list of data.tables
# much faster than: #, seq(nrow(spc))
!!lcol_spc_chr := map(purrr::transpose(spc),,
.after = eval(substitute(lcol_xvalues_chr)))