Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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# Quick fix implementation of select_ref_samples using the tibble framework ----
# Perform sampling for selection of reference samples based on spectral PCA ----
#' @title Select a set of reference spectra to be measured by reference analysis
#' methods
#' @description Select a set of calibration spectra to develop spectral models.
#' Samples in this list will be analyzed using laboratory reference methods.
#' @param spc_tbl Spectra as tibble objects that contain preprocessed spectra
#' @param ratio_ref Ratio of desired reference samples to total sample number
#' @param pc Number of principal components (numeric). If pc < 1, the number
#' of principal components kept corresponds to the number of components
#' explaining at least (pc * 100) percent of the total variance.
#' @param print logical expression whether a plot (ggplot2) of sample selection
#' for reference analysis is shown in PCA space
#' (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}).
#' @usage select_ref_spc(spc_tbl, ratio_ref, pc, print = TRUE)
#' @export
select_ref_spc <- function(spc_tbl, ratio_ref = 0.15, pc = 2,
print = TRUE) {
# Avoid `R CMD check` NOTE: `no visible binding for global variable ...`
PC1 <- PC2 <- type <- NULL
if (tibble::is_tibble(spc_tbl)) {
# Slice based on sample_id if spectral data is in tibble class
spc_tbl <- dplyr::group_by(spc_tbl, !!rlang::sym("sample_id")) %>%
# Bind list of data.tables in list-column spc_pre to one data table
# containing spectral data
spc_pre <- as.matrix(data.table::rbindlist(spc_tbl$spc_pre))
# Perform Kennard-Stone calibration sampling ---------------------------------
sel <- prospectr::kenStone(X = spc_pre,
k = round(ratio_ref * nrow(spc_pre)), pc = pc)
# Select spectra tibble of reference samples based on row indices
spc_ref <- spc_tbl[sel$model, ]
# Select spectra tibble of prediction samples based on row indices
spc_pred <- spc_tbl[-sel$model, ]
# Prepare data for ggplot graphs of reference and prediction sample PC score
# plots (PC1 and PC2) --------------------------------------------------------
sel_df_ref <- data.frame(sel$pc[sel$model, 1:2])
sel_df_ref$type <- as.factor(
rep("reference analysis", nrow(sel_df_ref))
sel_df_pred <- data.frame(sel$pc[-sel$model, 1:2])
# Create type column for visually differentiate reference and prediction
# samples
sel_df_pred$type <- as.factor(
rep("model prediction", nrow(sel_df_pred)))
# Bind rows of reference and prediction PC scores data frames
sel_df <- rbind(sel_df_ref, sel_df_pred)
# Compute ratio needed to make the figure square
ratio <- with(sel_df, diff(range(PC1)) / diff(range(PC2)))
# Create spectra PC score plots ----------------------------------------------
p_pca <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = sel_df) +
ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, shape = type), size = 4) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=c(19, 1)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=c("black", "red")) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
# Print reference and prediction samples in PC1 and PC2
if (print == TRUE) {
# Return spectral tibbles for reference spectra (spc_ref),
# prediction spectra (spc_pr) and ggplot object of score plots (p_pca)
spc_ref = spc_ref,
spc_pred = spc_pred,
p_pca = p_pca,
pc_scores = sel$pc