Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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# Split a tibble data frame into a list of tibbles by a group column
#' @title Split a tibble data frame into a list of tibbles by a group column
#' @description Helper function that calls \code{split} on a tibble using a
#' grouping column within tibble.
#' @param tbl_df Tibble data frame
#' @param group Character vector with name of column based on which tibble
#' is split into a list of tibbles
#' @return List of tibbles. Each tibble contains data split by
#' a group column within \code{tbl_df}.
#' @export
split_df2l <- function(tbl_df, group) {
split(tbl_df, tbl_df[, group])
# Extract multiple tibble list columns, row bind them separately into
# single data tables and return a list of data.tables
#' @title Extract multiple tibble list-columns and return data as list of
#' data.tables
#' @description Extract multiple tibble list columns, row bind them separately
#' into single data tables and return a list of data.tables.
#' @param spc_tbl Spectral tibble (data frame) with spectral data contained
#' in list-columns
#' @param lcols Character vector containing names of list-columns to be
#' extracted into a list of data.tables
#' @return List of data.tables. Each element is a data.table derivied from a
#' list-column specified in the \code{lcols} argument.
#' @import purrr
#' @export
extract_lcols2dts <- function(spc_tbl, lcols) {
# Below code is first part of simplerspec::bind_lcols_dts
# todo: add warning for lcols not present in spc_tbl
which_bind <- colnames(spc_tbl) %in% lcols
lcols_to_bind <- colnames(spc_tbl)[which_bind]
names(lcols_to_bind) <- lcols_to_bind
dts <- map(lcols_to_bind,
function(y) {
if (is.list(spc_tbl[[y]])) {
# todo: Test if number of columns is equal in each data.frame or matrix
# of the list-(column); if not, return a comprehensible error
data.table::data.table(, spc_tbl[[y]]))
} else if (is.atomic((spc_tbl[[y]]))) {
data.table::data.table(spc_tbl[, y])