Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/resample-spc.R
\title{Resample spectra in list-column to new x-axis interval}
column_in = "spc",
x_unit = c("wavenumber", "wavelength"),
wn_lower = 500,
wn_upper = 4000,
wn_interval = 2,
wl_lower = 350,
wl_upper = 2500,
wl_interval = 1,
interpol_method = c("linear", "spline")
\item{spc_tbl}{Spectra data embedded in a tibble object (classes
\verb{"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"}). The spectra tibble needs to contain at
least of one of the the spectra columns \code{spc}, \code{spc_rs}, \code{spc_mean},
\code{spc_nocomp}, \code{sc_sm}, \code{sc_rf}, or \code{spc_pre} (list-columns with spectral
\code{data.table}s), and \code{wavenumbers} or \code{wavelengths} (list-column with vectors
of x-axis values corresponding to each spectrum). The help section \emph{"Matching
spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type"} describes the spectra types
and corresponding x-axis types.}
\item{column_in}{Character vector of length 1L or symbol/name
specifying the name of list-column that contains the spectra to be resampled.}
\item{x_unit}{Character vector of length 1L specifying the measurement unit
of the x-axis values (list-column) of the input spectra in \code{spc_tbl}.
Possible values are \code{"wavenumber"} (default) or \code{"wavelength"}. Wavenumber
is a convenient unit of frequency in the mid-infrared spectral range,
where wavelength is often used as spatial period for the visible and
near-infrared range.}
\item{wn_lower}{Numeric value of lowest wavenumber. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavenumber"}. The value serves as starting value for
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 500 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wn_upper}{Numeric value of highest wavenumber. This argument will only
be used if \verb{x_unit = "wavenumber}. The value will be used as last value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 4000 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wn_interval}{Numeric value of the wavenumber increment for the new
wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default value
is 2 (i.e., in reciprocal centimeters).}
\item{wl_lower}{Numeric value of lowest wavelength. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value serves as starting value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon.
Default value is 350 (i.e. in nanometers).}
\item{wl_upper}{Numeric value of highest wavelength. This argument will only
be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. The value will be used as last value of
the new wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. Default
value is 2500 (i.e., in nanometers).}
\item{wl_interval}{Numeric value of the wavelength increment for the new
wavenumber sequence that the spectra will be resampled upon. This argument
will only be used if \code{x_unit = "wavelength"}. Default value is 1 (i.e., in
\item{interpol_method}{Character of \code{"linear"} (default) or \code{"spline"} with
the interpolation method. \code{"spline"} uses a cubic spline to interpolate the
input spectra at given x-axis values to new equispaced x-axis intervals.}
A spectra tibble (\code{spc_tbl}) containing two added list-columns:
\item \verb{spc_rs:} Resampled spectra as list of \code{data.table}s
\item \code{wavenumbers_rs} or \code{wavelengths_rs}: Resampled x-axis values as list of
numeric vectors
Resamples (interpolates) different spectra types with
corresponding x-axis values that are both stored in list-columns of a spectra
tibble. A spectra tibble hosts spectra, x-axis vectors, metadata, and
further linked data with standardized naming conventions. Data input for
resampling can for example be generated with \code{simplerspec::gather_spc()}.
Resampling is a key harmonizing step to process and later model spectra
measured at different resolutions and spectral ranges (i.e., different
spectrometer devices and/or measurement settings).
\section{Matching spectrum type and corresponding x-axis type}{
The combinations of input spectrum types (\code{column_in}) and
corresponding x-axis types are generated from a simple lookup list. The
following key-value(s) pairs can be matched at given key, which is the column
name from \code{column_in} containing the spectra.
\item \code{"spc"} : \code{"wavenumbers"} or \code{"wavelengths"} (raw spectra)
\item \code{"spc_rs"} : \code{"wavenumbers_rs"} or \code{"wavelengths_rs"}) (resampled spectra)
\item \code{"spc_mean"} : \code{"wavenumbers_rs"} or \code{"wavelengths_rs"} (mean spectra)
\item \code{"spc_nocomp"} \code{"wavenumbers"} or \code{"wavelengths"} (spectra prior
atmospheric compensation)
\item \code{"sc_sm" : c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm")} (single channel
sample spectra)
\item \code{"sc_rf" : c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf")} (single channel
reference spectra)
\item \code{"spc_pre" : "xvalues_pre"} (preprocessed spectra)