Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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## Function 1: Read spectra in text form ========================
#' @title Read an OPUS text file and extract metadata
#' @description
#' Read single text file acquired with
#' an Bruker Vertex FTIR Instrument
#' (as exported from OPUS software) and extract sample metadata
#' provided in the filename
#' @usage
#' read_spectra(path)
#' @param path character of the directory
#' where the spectral text files are stored
#' @return
#' List that contains the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{MIR}: data.frame that contains all the spectra.
#' The columns of \code{MIR} contain absorbance values at
#' different wavenumber in the MIR range. The wavenumbers
#' rounded to 0.1 are given as column names. The original file
#' names are stored as row names. One line in the data frame
#' \code{MIR} contains one replicate scan of a sample.
#' \item \code{data_rep}: data.frame that constists of sample
#' metadata that was extracted from the file name of
#' individual spectral files. The first vector \code{ID}
#' contains the spectral file name without the repetition number
#' supplied as \code{.<number>} in the file name.
#' Letters 1 to 2 of the spectral
#' file name are used for the country abbreviation, stored
#' as in the \code{} vector \code{data_rep} . Letters
#' 4 to 5 of the file name are used for the landscape (site)
#' abbreviation.
#' }
#' @note: This function is derived from a re-factored and
#' simplified version of the \code{read.opus} function from the
#' \sQuote{soil.spec} package for reading OPUS VERTEX files
#' The function should also work for other OPUS files (eg alpha),
#' see \code{read.opus}. The function readOPUS() was
#' written by Antoine Stevens.
#' @export
read_spectra <- function(path){
# Needs various utilities for spectral processing that Antoine
# put on github
# Load the MIR data exported from OPUS to txt files
# List files in the directory
lf <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
# Read files into R with readOPUS()
# (comes from the github file)
MIR <- readOPUS(lf, in_format = "txt")
# Wavenumber, from 3996.4 to 599.8 cm-1
colnames(MIR) <- round(as.numeric(colnames(MIR)), 1)
# Remove the txt extension
rownames(MIR) <- sub("\\.txt", "", row.names(MIR))
# Prepare a dataset with ID,
# Extract country with substring
# and repetition
# (ID = character before the dot; rep = number after the dot)
data_rep <- data.frame(ID = sub("(.+)\\.[[:digit:]]+$", "\\1",
rep = as.numeric(sub(".+\\.([[:digit:]])+$", "\\1",
data_rep <- cbind(data_rep,
country = substring(data_rep$ID, first = 1, last = 2),
site = substring(data_rep$ID, first = 4, last = 5)
list_spectra <- list(
data_rep = data_rep