Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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#' @title Predict soil properties of new spectra based on calibration models
#' @description
#' Function that uses pre-processed spectra, additional metadata of new
#' samples, and caret model output for the different soil property models
#' to create predicted values.
#' @param model_list List that contains caret output objects
#' of the different calibration models to predict (one model per soil property)
#' @param spectra_list List that contains spectra and additional data
#' after pre-processing (\code{do_pretreatment()}including metadata
#' (\code{sample_ID})
#' @usage predict_from_spectra(model_list, spectra_list)
#' @export
predict_from_spectra <- function(model_list, spectra_list) {
# Use extractPrediction function (caret) and supply model_list that contains
# caret calibration outputs; use pre-processed spectra dataset (list
# resulting from do_pretreatment())
predictions_caret <- caret::extractPrediction(
unkX = soilspec_test$MIR0
# Convert data.frame into long form; one sample should be represented by
# one single row and the predicted values of soil properties should be
# in the different columns
# Use the tidyr::spread() function (from tidyr packge)
# to gather columns into rows
# Add sample_ID column to uniquely identify observations
# Number of caret model objects used to predict
n <- length(unique(predictions_caret$object))
# Add sample_ID from metadata of spectra to predicted values
sample_ID <- spectra_list$data_meta$ID
# Repeat meta_data for each of the additional model rows and add
# ID column to long form data frame
id <- rep(sample_ID, n)
predictions_metadata <- cbind(predictions_caret, sample_ID = id)
# Get data into wide form
predictions_wide <- tidyr::spread(
data = predictions_metadata, key = "object", value = "pred"