Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities
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boB Rudis 53e53456b0
find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks
6 years ago
R find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago
inst Helps make sure #2 is not an issue for folks 6 years ago
man find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago
tests initial commit 6 years ago
.Rbuildignore find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago
.codecov.yml initial commit 6 years ago
.gitignore airport scanning 6 years ago
.travis.yml initial commit 6 years ago
DESCRIPTION Helps make sure #2 is not an issue for folks 6 years ago
LICENSE initial commit 6 years ago
NAMESPACE find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago initial commit 6 years ago
README.Rmd find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago find_dsstore() & passes CRAN checks 6 years ago
mactheknife.Rproj initial commit 6 years ago


Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities


A set of tools/methods and data that are geared towards the ‘macOS’ ecosystem.


  • Uses reticulate so a working Python 3 implementation is needed. Consider setting RETICULATE_PYTHON to a valid, working Python 3 installation if this package is not working for you.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • airport_scan: Scan for available wireless network (requires Wi-Fi enabled Mac)
  • kernel_state: Retrieve kernel state information
  • `find_dsstore: Find and optionally remove ‘.DS_Store’ files on a locally-accessible filesystem
  • read_dsstore: Read a ‘.DS_Store’ from a file/URL
  • software_update_history: Retrieve Software Update history
  • sw_vers: Retrieve macOS Operating System Version Information





# current verison
## [1] '0.1.0'

Kernel state vars

## # A tibble: 1,175 x 2
##    setting               value                        
##    <chr>                 <chr>                        
##  1 user.cs_path          /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
##  2 user.bc_base_max      99                           
##  3 user.bc_dim_max       2048                         
##  4 user.bc_scale_max     99                           
##  5 user.bc_string_max    1000                         
##  6 user.coll_weights_max 2                            
##  7 user.expr_nest_max    32                           
##  8 user.line_max         2048                         
##  9 user.re_dup_max       255                          
## 10 user.posix2_version   200112                       
## # ... with 1,165 more rows

.DS_Store example

Using built-in data

  path = system.file("extdat", "DS_Store.ctf", package = "mactheknife")
## [1] "favicon.ico"     "flag"            "static"          "templates"       ""   "vulnerable.wsgi"

From a URL

A URL I should not have let a .DS_Store file lying around in

## [1] "06-Creating-a-Graph-of-Retweet-Relationships_files"    "07-Visualizing-a-Graph-of-Retweet-Relationships_files"
## [3] "20-Visualizing-Geodata-with-a-Dorling-Cartogram_files" "libs"

A Directory of.DS_Stores

A larger example using my “~/projects” folder (use your own dir as an example).


  path = "~/projects", pattern = "\\.DS_Store", 
  all.files=TRUE, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE
) %>% 
  lapply(read_dsstore) -> x

##  list()

“Software Update” History

## # A tibble: 1,513 x 6
##    displayName                          displayVersion date                packageIdentifiers processName   contentType
##    <chr>                                <chr>          <dttm>              <list>             <chr>         <chr>      
##  1 Command Line Developer Tools for OS…        2014-10-14 19:06:45 <chr [2]>          softwareupda… <NA>       
##  2 Command Line Tools (OS X 10.9)       6.0            2014-10-14 19:06:45 <chr [2]>          softwareupda… <NA>       
##  3 CoreLSKD Configuration Data          8              2014-10-14 19:40:41 <chr [1]>          softwareupda… config-data
##  4 XProtectPlistConfigData              1.0            2014-10-14 19:40:41 <chr [1]>          softwareupda… config-data
##  5 Chinese Word List Update             3.2            2014-10-14 19:40:41 <chr [1]>          softwareupda… config-data
##  6 Gatekeeper Configuration Data        26.0           2014-10-14 19:40:41 <chr [1]>          softwareupda… config-data
##  7 Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Up… 5.07           2014-10-15 15:48:03 <chr [1]>          softwareupda… <NA>       
##  8 iBooks Update                        1.0.1          2014-10-15 15:48:03 <chr [2]>          softwareupda… <NA>       
##  9 iTunes                               11.4           2014-10-15 15:48:03 <chr [5]>          softwareupda… <NA>       
## 10 Keynote                              6.2.2          2014-10-15 15:48:21 <chr [1]>          storeagent    <NA>       
## # ... with 1,503 more rows

macOS Version Info (short)

## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##   ProductName ProductVersion BuildVersion
##   <chr>       <chr>          <chr>       
## 1 Mac OS X    10.13.5        17F45c

Airport scan

## Scanning for available wireless networks...

## # A tibble: 4 x 7
##   ssid         bssid              rssi channel ht    cc    security                
## * <chr>        <chr>             <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>                   
## 1 NETGEAR79-5G 04:a1:51:2a:47:c5   -88 153,-1  Y     --    WPA2(PSK/AES/AES)       
## 2 RDN-100      56:d9:e7:7b:9e:25   -55 1       Y     --    WPA2(PSK,FT-PSK/AES/AES)
## 3 RDN-5G       46:d9:e7:7b:9e:25   -59 1       Y     --    WPA2(PSK,FT-PSK/AES/AES)
## 4 RDN-5G       46:d9:e7:b3:80:47   -23 11      Y     --    WPA2(PSK,FT-PSK/AES/AES)