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36 lines
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.doparse <- function(x) {
ret <- .Call(`_tsuka_parse_css`, x)
purrr::map_df(ret, ~{
selectors = .x$selectors
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(declarations = list(
purrr::map_df(.x$declarations, tibble::as_tibble)
)) %>%
#' Parse CSS text intoa data frame
#' @param css a character vector of CSS fulrs
#' @export
parse_css_text <- function(css) {
.doparse(paste0(css, collapse="\n"))
#' Parse a CSS file into a data frame
#' @param fil path to CSS file (will be [path.expand()]ed)
#' @export
parse_css_file <- function(fil) {
.doparse(paste0(readLines(fil), collapse="\n"))