Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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## Helper functions to gather spectra, corresponding x-value vectors,
## metadata and measure columns (e.g. chemical reference data) from tibble
## list-columns into a single data.table or a list of data.tables conntaining
## long form data directly to be used for customized ggplot2 plotting functions
# bind a list-column in a tibble to a list of data.tables ----------------------
#' @title Bind list-columns within a tibble into a list of data.tables
#' @description Bind one to many list-columns in spectral tibble into a list
#' of data.tables.
#' @param spc_tbl Spectral data in a tibble data frame (classes "tibble_df",
#' "tbl" and "data.frame").
#' @param lcols Character vector of column names of list-columns to be bound
#' into a list of data.tables
#' @param spc_id Character vector denoting column name for a unique spectrum ID.
#' Default is \code{"unique_id"}.
#' @param group_id Character vector denoting column name for the spectrum group
#' ID. Default is \code{"sample_id"}. The group ID can later be used for
#' plotting spectra by group (e.g. by using different colors or panels).
#' @return A list of data.tables. Elements contain data from list-columns
#' specified in \code{lcols} argument as data.tables. All data.tables contain in
#' addition \code{spc_id} and \code{group_id} columns.
#' @export
bind_lcols_dts <- function(spc_tbl, lcols,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id") {
# todo: add warning for lcols not present in spc_tbl
which_bind <- colnames(spc_tbl) %in% lcols
lcols_to_bind <- colnames(spc_tbl)[which_bind]
names(lcols_to_bind) <- lcols_to_bind
dts <- purrr::map(lcols_to_bind,
function(y) {
if (is.list(spc_tbl[, y][[y]])) {
# todo: Test if number of columns is equal in each data.frame or matrix
# of the list-(column); if not, return a comprehensible error
data.table::data.table(, spc_tbl[, y][[y]]))
} else if (is.atomic((spc_tbl[, y][[y]]))) {
data.table::data.table(spc_tbl[, y])
# Append IDs to data.tables in list
spc_id <- spc_tbl[, spc_id][[spc_id]]
lcol_types <- purrr::imap(dts, ~ rep(.y, nrow(spc_tbl)))
group_id <- as.character(spc_tbl[, group_id][[group_id]])
# Return list of data.tables
purrr::imap(dts, function(dt, nm) {
dt[, `:=` (spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)]
dt[, `:=` (lcol_type = lcol_types[[nm]])]}
# Convert list of wide form data.tables into long form -------------------------
dts_to_long <- function(spc_tbl, lcols,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id",
variable_name = "variable",
value_name = "value") {
dts <- bind_lcols_dts(spc_tbl = spc_tbl, lcols = lcols,
spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)
# Convert list of data.tables into long form
dts_long <- purrr::map(dts, function(x) {
id.vars = c("spc_id", "lcol_type", "group_id"),
variable.factor = FALSE, = variable_name, = value_name
# Append unique id (idx lg:= index 'long') for long form
function(dt_long, nm) {
dt_long[, `:=` (id_long = 1:nrow(dt_long))]
# Match the spectra list columns and corresponding xunit list columns ----------
match_lcols <- function(spc_tbl, lcols) {
# Determine to which spectrum types list-columns belong
lcols_spc_all <- c("spc", "spc_rs", "spc_mean", "spc_nocomp", "sc_sm",
"sc_rf", "spc_pre")
xvalue_lookup <- list(
"spc" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths"),
"spc_rs" = c("wavenumbers_rs", "wavelengths_rs"),
"spc_mean" = c("wavenumbers_rs", "wavelengths_rs"),
"spc_nocomp" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths"),
"sc_sm" = c("wavenumbers_sc_sm"),
"sc_rf" = c("wavenumbers_sc_rf"),
"spc_pre" = c("xvalues_pre")
# Create character vector of spectra type names
spc_matched <- lcols[lcols %in% lcols_spc_all]
spc_matched <- spc_matched[order(match(spc_matched, lcols_spc_all))]
# Create vector of corresponding xunit types in predefined order
xvalues <- unlist(xvalue_lookup[spc_matched])
xvalues_matched <- colnames(spc_tbl)[colnames(spc_tbl) %in% xvalues]
xvalues_matched <- xvalues_matched[order(match(xvalues_matched, xvalues))]
# Return all matches as list of character vectors for spectra and x-values
spc_matched = spc_matched,
xvalues_matched = xvalues_matched
# Create a list of long form data.tables containing spectra and x-values for
# a set of spectral types ------------------------------------------------------
tolist_spc_xvalues <- function(spc_tbl, lcols_spc,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id",
variable_name = "variable",
value_name = "value") {
lcols_matched <- match_lcols(spc_tbl = spc_tbl, lcols = lcols_spc)
# Check if length of matched spectra and xunits is equal and if not,
# return an error
spc_types <- lcols_matched[["spc_matched"]]
xunit_types <- lcols_matched[["xvalues_matched"]]
# Gather different spectra types into list of data.tables
spc_dts <- dts_to_long(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols = spc_types, spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id,
variable_name = "spc_variable", value_name = "spc_value")
# Gather corresponding xunit types into list of data.tables
xvalues_dts <- dts_to_long(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols = xunit_types, spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id,
variable_name = "xvalues_variable", value_name = "xvalues_value")
# Rename lcol_type to spc_type only for spectra data.tables
spc_dts <- purrr::map(spc_dts,
function(x) data.table::setnames(x, "lcol_type", "spc_type"))
# Return data.tables in nested list
"spc_dts" = spc_dts,
"xvalues_dts" = xvalues_dts
# Merge data tables of spectra, xunits, metadata and measured variables
# into a single long form data.table -------------------------------------------
#' @title Merge list-columns of spectra, x-axis values, metadata and additional
#' measured variables into a single long form data.table
#' @description Helper function that merges all spectra and related data into
#' a single long form data.table than can subsequently be used for plotting.
#' @param spc_tbl Tibble data frame containing spectra, x-axis values, metadata
#' and eventual measured variables as list-columns.
#' @param lcols_spc Character vector of spectral list-columns to be extracted.
#' Default is \code{c("spc", "spc_pre")} (raw and preprocessed spectra).
#' @param lcol_measure Character vector of length 1 denoting the column name
#' of the measure columns. This argument is optional. Default is \code{NULL},
#' which does not extract an additional measure column.
#' @param spc_id Character vector of column that contains a unique spectral
#' identifier for all spectra. Default is \code{"unique_id"}.
#' @param group_id Character vector of columns that is used assigning spectra
#' into groups. Default is \code{"sample_id"}. The \code{group_id} can be
#' used for later plotting and thereby visually separating spectral groups into
#' using different colors or panels.
#' @return A single data.table containing long form aggregated data of
#' spectra, x-axis values, metadata and an additionally measured variable.
#' @export
merge_dts <- function(spc_tbl,
lcols_spc = c("spc", "spc_pre"), lcol_measure = NULL,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id") {
id_long <- NULL
spc_xvalues <- tolist_spc_xvalues(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols_spc = lcols_spc, spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)
# Set keys for merging list of data.tables for spectra and xunits
function(dts, nm) purrr::map(dts[[nm]],
function(x) data.table::setkey(x = x, spc_id, id_long, group_id))
spc_xvalues <- purrr::map2(spc_xvalues[["spc_dts"]],
spc_xvalues[["xvalues_dts"]], merge)
# Bind metadata if present, and set keys for merging metadata to spectra
metadata <- bind_lcols_dts(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols = "metadata", spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)
dts <- list(
"data" = spc_xvalues,
"metadata" = rep(metadata, length(spc_xvalues))
if (length(metadata) == 0) dts$metadata <- NULL
# Convert a "measure" tibble column (numeric|character) to list of data.tables
if (!is.null(lcol_measure)) {
measure <- bind_lcols_dts(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols = lcol_measure, spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)
dts$measure <- rep(measure, length(spc_xvalues))
# Set keys (common columns), merge metadata with spectral data (list of
# data tables) and combine into a single data.table that is returned
function(dt, nm) lapply(dts[[nm]],
function(x) data.table::setkey(x = x, spc_id, group_id))
# Merge multiple data.table by common keys
function(i) Reduce(merge, lapply(dts, `[[`, i)))
# Wrapper function around merge_dts for list of tibbles to aggregate data for
# plotting ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Wrapper function around \code{merge_dts()} for list of tibbles to
#' aggregate data for plotting.
#' @description Instead of a single spectral tibble (data frame) multiple
#' spectral tibbles can be merged into a long-form data.table for plotting
#' spectra and related data. For details, see
#' \code{\link{merge_dts}}.
#' @param spc_tbl_l List of spectral tibbles (data frames).
#' @param lcols_spc Character vector of spectral list-columns to be extracted.
#' Default is \code{c("spc", "spc_pre")} (raw and preprocessed spectra).
#' @param lcol_measure Character vector of length 1 denoting the column name
#' of the measure columns. This argument is optional. Default is \code{NULL},
#' which does not extract an additional measure column.
#' @param spc_id Character vector of column that contains a unique spectral
#' identifier for all spectra. Default is \code{"unique_id"}.
#' @param group_id Character vector of columns that is used assigning spectra
#' into groups. Default is \code{"sample_id"}. The \code{group_id} can be
#' used for later plotting and thereby visually separating spectral groups into
#' using different colors or panels.
#' @return A single data.table containing long form aggregated data of
#' spectra, x-axis values, metadata and an additionally measured variable.
#' An additional column called \code{group_id_tbl} is appended. It denotes
#' the name of the spectral tibble supplied with the list \code{spc_tbl_l}.
#' @export
merge_dts_l <- function(spc_tbl_l,
lcols_spc = c("spc", "spc_pre"),
lcol_measure = NULL,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id") {
group_id_tbl <- NULL
dts <- lapply(seq_along(spc_tbl_l),
function(i) merge_dts(spc_tbl = spc_tbl_l[[i]],
lcols_spc = lcols_spc, lcol_measure = lcol_measure,
spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id))
dts <- lapply(seq_along(dts),
function(i) dts[[i]][, group_id_tbl := names(spc_tbl_l[i])])
## Create plotting functions based on complete long data.table =================
# Function that reorders factor column in data.table based on ascending numeric
# order when converted to numeric type
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
reorder_factor_num <- function(dt, column = "group_id") {
group_id <- NULL
dt[, group_id := as.factor(group_id)]
sorted_labels <- paste(sort(as.numeric(levels(dt$group_id))))
dt$group_id <- factor(dt$group_id, levels = sorted_labels)
# Custom ggplot2 labeller for spectra types ------------------------------------
relabel_spc_types <- function(lb_sc_sm = "Reflectance sample (<ScSm>)",
lb_sc_rf = "Reflectance reference (<ScRf>)",
lb_ig_sm = "Interferogram sample (<IgSm>)",
lb_ig_rf = "Interferogram reference (<IgRf>)",
lb_spc_nocomp = "Abs. before atm. comp.",
lb_spc = "Absorbance",
lb_spc_rs = "Resampled Abs.",
lb_spc_mean = "Mean Abs.",
lb_spc_pre = "Preprocessed Abs.") {
x = c(
"sc_sm" = lb_sc_sm,
"sc_rf" = lb_sc_rf,
"ig_sm" = lb_ig_sm,
"spc_nocomp" = lb_spc_nocomp,
"spc" = lb_spc,
"spc_rs" = lb_spc_rs,
"spc_mean" = lb_spc_mean,
"spc_pre" = lb_spc_pre
# Main spectra explorative analysis and diagnostics plotting function ----------
#' @title ggplot2 wrapper for extended spectra plotting
#' @description \code{plot_spc_ext} is a custom plotting function developed
#' within the simplerspec framework. Returns plots based on ggplot2
#' (class "ggplot"). Different spectra types such as raw or preprocessed spectra
#' and groups can be differentiated by different colors or by using panels
#' (so called facets). Additionally, spectra can be colored based on an
#' additional measure variable, e.g. determined by chemical reference analysis.
#' @param spc_tbl Tibble data frame containing spectra, x-axis values, metadata
#' and eventual measured variables as list-columns.
#' @param spc_tbl_l List of spectral tibbles (data frames). Default is
#' \code{NULL} (argument is not used).
#' @param lcols_spc Character vector of spectral list-columns to be extracted.
#' Default is \code{"spc"} (raw spectra).
#' @param lcol_measure Character vector of length 1 denoting the column name
#' of the measure columns. This argument is optional. Default is \code{NULL},
#' which does not extract an additional measure column.
#' @param lcol_measure_col_palette Palette value supplied to
#' `ggplot::scale_colour_brewer()`. Default is `"Spectral"`, but you can set
#' it to the default argument `1` (will use
#' `scale_colour_brewer(..., palette = 1)`).
#' @param lcol_measure_col_direction Sets the the order of colours in the scale
#' that is based on a measure column. Default is \code{-1} which reverses the
#' scale. Argument is passed on to the function `ggplot2::sclae_colour_brewer()`
#' as argument `direction`.
#' @param spc_id Character vector denoting column name for a unique spectrum ID.
#' Default is \code{"unique_id"}.
#' @param group_id Character vector denoting column name for the spectrum group
#' ID. Default is \code{"sample_id"}. The group ID is used for
#' plotting spectra by group (e.g. by using different colors or panels).
#' @param group_id_order Logical that specifies whether the panel names
#' derived from a numeric \code{group_id} column are reordered using ascending
#' numbers. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param group_color Logical defining whether spectra are colored by the column
#' specified by \code{group_id}.
#' @param group_color_palette Character (1L) defining the diverging colour
#' scales from; see `?scale_colour_brewer` for supported
#' diverging colur types (`palette` argument).
#' @param group_panel Logical defining whether spectra are arranged into panels
#' by groups specified in \code{group_id}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param group_legend Logical defining whether a legend for the \code{group_id}
#' is plotted. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ncol Integer vector of length 1. Defines number of columns when
#' plotting panels (facets). Default is \code{NULL} (argument not used).
#' @param relabel_spc Logical defining whether panels are relabeled with custom
#' names for spectra types. Default is TRUE. When \code{TRUE}, arguments
#' from \code{relabel_spc_types} can be passed to \code{plot_spc_ext}
#' (supported via the \code{...} (ellipsis) argument)
#' @param ylab Character vector or vector of type \code{"expression"} created by
#' mathematical expression created by \code{expression}. Custom annotation for
#' y-axis of spectra
#' @param alpha Integer of length 1, from 0 to 1. Defines transparency of
#' spectral lines. Default is \code{0.5} (0 is completely transparent and
#' 1 is no transparency).
#' @param line_width Numeric vector of length 1 specifying the width of the
#' spectral lines. Default is \code{0.2}.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{plot_spc_ext}. Currently,
#' arguments of \code{relabel_spc_types} are supported.
#' @return Object of class \code{"ggplot"} (ggplot2 graph).
#' @export
plot_spc_ext <- function(spc_tbl, spc_tbl_l = NULL,
lcols_spc = "spc",
lcol_measure = NULL,
lcol_measure_col_palette = "Spectral",
lcol_measure_col_direction = -1,
spc_id = "unique_id",
group_id = "sample_id", group_id_order = TRUE,
group_color = TRUE,
group_color_palette = NULL,
group_panel = TRUE,
group_legend = FALSE,
ncol = NULL,
relabel_spc = TRUE,
ylab = "Spectrum value",
alpha = 0.5, line_width = 0.2,
# Further arguments to be passed to functions called
# within this function
...) {
# Merge spectral data, additional (measurement data) and metadata into a
# single long-form data.table
if (!is.null(spc_tbl_l)) {
dt <- merge_dts_l(spc_tbl_l = spc_tbl_l,
lcols_spc = lcols_spc, lcol_measure = lcol_measure,
spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id) # see merge_dts_l wrapper function
} else {
dt <- merge_dts(spc_tbl = spc_tbl,
lcols_spc = lcols_spc, lcol_measure = lcol_measure,
spc_id = spc_id, group_id = group_id)
# Option to order originally numeric group_id factors by group
if (is.null(spc_tbl_l)) {
if (group_id_order && is.numeric(dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!group_id))) {
dt <- reorder_factor_num(dt = dt, column = "group_id")
brk <- pretty(dt[["xvalues_value"]], n = 10) # Pretty x-axis breaks
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dt,
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "xvalues_value", y = "spc_value"))
if (group_color == TRUE && is.null(lcol_measure)) {
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(colour = "group_id",
group = "spc_id"),
alpha = alpha, size = line_width)
if (!is.null(group_color_palette)) {
p <- p +
ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(type = "div",
palette = group_color_palette, direction = -1)
if (group_legend == FALSE) {
p <- p + ggplot2::guides(colour = FALSE)
} else if (group_color == FALSE && is.null(lcol_measure)) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(
ggplot2::aes_string(group = "spc_id"),
alpha = alpha, size = line_width)
if (!is.null(lcol_measure)) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(
ggplot2::aes_string(colour = lcol_measure, group = "spc_id",
x = "xvalues_value", y = "spc_value"),
alpha = alpha, size = line_width, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_distiller(palette = lcol_measure_col_palette,
direction = lcol_measure_col_direction)
# Plot different spectral types and group_id in panels
if (group_panel && length(lcols_spc) > 1) {
if (relabel_spc) {
lbl <- relabel_spc_types(...) # see this function for arguments and values
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(spc_type ~ group_id, scales = "free",
labeller = ggplot2::labeller(spc_type = lbl))
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(spc_type ~ group_id, scales = "free")
if (group_panel && length(lcols_spc) == 1) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ group_id, ncol = ncol, scales = "free")
# Special case when list of tibbles are supplied
if (group_panel && !is.null(spc_tbl_l)) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dt,
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "xvalues_value", y = "spc_value")) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(colour = "group_id_tbl",
group = "spc_id"), alpha = alpha, size = line_width)
if (relabel_spc == TRUE) {
lbl <- relabel_spc_types(...)
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(spc_type ~ group_id, scales = "free",
labeller = ggplot2::labeller(spc_type = lbl))
} else if (relabel_spc == FALSE) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ group_id, ncol = ncol, scales = "free")
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(breaks = brk) +
ggplot2::xlab(expression(paste("Wavenumber [", cm^-1, "]"))) +
ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "right",
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))