Streamlining spectral data processing and modeling for spectroscopy applications
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#' Select every n-th spectral variable for all spectra and x-values in spectral
#' tibble (`spc_tbl`)
#' @param spc_tbl Tibble data.frame containing spectra in list-column
#' @param lcol_spc List-column containing spectra, specified with column
#' name as symbols or 1L character vector.
#' @param lcol_xvalues List-column containing x-values, specified with
#' column name as symbols or 1L character vector.
#' @param every Every n-th spectral positions to keep as 1L integer vector.
#' @return a spectral tibble
#' @export
select_spc_vars <- function(spc_tbl,
lcol_spc = "spc_pre",
lcol_xvalues = "xvalues_pre",
every = NULL) {
lcol_spc <- rlang::enquo(lcol_spc)
lcol_spc_nm <- rlang::quo_name(lcol_spc)
lcol_xvalues <- rlang::enquo(lcol_xvalues)
lcol_xvalues_nm <- rlang::quo_name(lcol_xvalues)
if (is.null(every)) {return(spc_tbl);
message("Returning `spc_tbl` and keep all variables.")}
spc_lst <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!lcol_spc)
spc <- data.table::rbindlist(spc_lst)
pos_sel <- seq(1L, ncol(spc), every)
spc_sel <- spc[, pos_sel, with = FALSE]
spc_lst_out <- stats::setNames(
xvalues <- dplyr::pull(spc_tbl, !!lcol_xvalues)
xvalues_sel <- map(xvalues, ~ .x[pos_sel])
dplyr::mutate(spc_tbl %>% dplyr::ungroup(),
!!lcol_spc_nm := spc_lst_out, !!lcol_xvalues_nm := xvalues_sel)