Browse Source

Fix for #42 and enabled use of any user font

boB Rudis 6 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 1D7529BE14E2BBA9
  1. 268
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  13. BIN
  14. BIN
  15. 4
  16. BIN
  17. BIN
  18. BIN
  19. BIN
  20. 31
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  25. 1
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  27. 42
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  29. 222
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  34. BIN
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  36. BIN
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  38. BIN
  39. BIN
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  42. BIN
  43. 2825
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  47. 34


@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
* using log directory ‘/Users/bob/Development/waffle/..Rcheck’
* using R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09)
* using platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--as-cran’
* checking for file ‘./DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘waffle’ version ‘0.3’
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Bob Rudis <>’
New submission
Components with restrictions and base license permitting such:
YEAR: 2015
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... WARNING
Found the following executable files:
Source packages should not contain undeclared executable files.
See section ‘Package structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
* checking for hidden files and directories ... NOTE
Found the following hidden files and directories:
These were most likely included in error. See section ‘Package
structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
CRAN-pack does not know about
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘waffle’ can be installed ... OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... NOTE
Non-standard files/directories found at top level:
‘README.Rmd’ ‘README_files’ ‘waffle.Rproj’
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... WARNING
Found the following directory with the name of a check directory:
Most likely, these were included erroneously.
Found the following directory with the name of a version control directory:
These should not be in a package tarball.
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... WARNING
Execution halted


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
* installing *source* package ‘waffle’ ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (waffle)


@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Package: waffle
Type: Package
Title: Create waffle charts (square pie charts)
Version: 0.3
Date: 2015-03-18
Author: Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
Maintainer: Bob Rudis <>
Description: Create waffle charts (square pie charts)
Suggests: testthat
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), ggplot2, gtable
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: RColorBrewer, pipeR, htmlwidgets, grid, gridExtra
Built: R 3.1.3; ; 2015-03-21 13:08:48 UTC; unix


@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
as_rcdimple Turn a ggplot waffle chart object into an
iron Veritical, left-aligned layout for waffle plots
waffle A package to make waffle charts (square pie


@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
YEAR: 2015


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand


@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# File share/R/nspackloader.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
info <- loadingNamespaceInfo()
pkg <- info$pkgname
ns <- .getNamespace(
if (is.null(ns))
stop("cannot find namespace environment for ", pkg, domain = NA);
dbbase <- file.path(info$libname, pkg, "R", pkg)
lazyLoad(dbbase, ns, filter = function(n) n != ".__NAMESPACE__.")


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
waffle-package waffle
as_rcdimple as_rcdimple
iron iron
waffle waffle


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>R: Create waffle charts (square pie charts)</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="R.css">
<h1> Create waffle charts (square pie charts)
<img class="toplogo" src="../../../doc/html/logo.jpg" alt="[R logo]">
<div align="center">
<a href="../../../doc/html/packages.html"><img src="../../../doc/html/left.jpg" alt="[Up]" width="30" height="30" border="0"></a>
<a href="../../../doc/html/index.html"><img src="../../../doc/html/up.jpg" alt="[Top]" width="30" height="30" border="0"></a>
</div><h2>Documentation for package &lsquo;waffle&rsquo; version 0.3</h2>
<ul><li><a href="../DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION file</a>.</li>
<h2>Help Pages</h2>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td width="25%"><a href="waffle.html">waffle-package</a></td>
<td>A package to make waffle charts (square pie charts)</td></tr>
<tr><td width="25%"><a href="as_rcdimple.html">as_rcdimple</a></td>
<td>Turn a ggplot waffle chart object into an htmlwidget</td></tr>
<tr><td width="25%"><a href="iron.html">iron</a></td>
<td>Veritical, left-aligned layout for waffle plots</td></tr>
<tr><td width="25%"><a href="waffle.html">waffle</a></td>
<td>A package to make waffle charts (square pie charts)</td></tr>


@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
BODY{ background: white;
color: black }
A:link{ background: white;
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A:visited{ background: white;
color: rgb(50%, 0%, 50%) }
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font-family: monospace;
font-size: x-large;
text-align: center }
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color: rgb(40%, 40%, 40%);
font-family: monospace;
font-size: large;
text-align: center }
H3{ background: white;
color: rgb(40%, 40%, 40%);
font-family: monospace;
font-size: large }
H4{ background: white;
color: rgb(40%, 40%, 40%);
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
font-size: large }
H5{ background: white;
color: rgb(40%, 40%, 40%);
font-family: monospace }
H6{ background: white;
color: rgb(40%, 40%, 40%);
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic }
IMG.toplogo{ vertical-align: middle }
IMG.arrow{ width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border: 0 }
span.acronym{font-size: small}
span.env{font-family: monospace}
span.file{font-family: monospace}
span.option{font-family: monospace}
span.pkg{font-weight: bold}
span.samp{font-family: monospace}
div.vignettes a:hover {
background: rgb(85%, 85%, 85%);


@ -4,5 +4,8 @@
^.*Rmd$ ^.*Rmd$
^README_files ^README_files
^README\.html ^README\.html
^\.git ^\.git
^cran-comments\.md$ ^cran-comments\.md$


@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct
As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who
contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation,
submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for
everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression,
sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or
imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment,
insults, or other unprofessional conduct.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments,
commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this
Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed
from the project team.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by
opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant
(, version 1.0.0, available at


@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Package: waffle Package: waffle
Type: Package Type: Package
Title: Create Waffle Chart Visualizations in R Title: Create Waffle Chart Visualizations
Version: 0.8.0 Version: 0.9.0
Date: 2017-04-07 Date: 2018-04-04
Authors@R: c( Authors@R: c(
person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"),
person("Dave", "Gandy", role = "aut", comment = "Font Awesome") comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5670-2640")),
) person("Dave", "Gandy", role = "aut", comment = "Font Awesome")
Maintainer: Bob Rudis <> Maintainer: Bob Rudis <>
Description: Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used Description: Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used
to communicate parts of a whole for categorical quantities. To emulate the to communicate parts of a whole for categorical quantities. To emulate the
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ Description: Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used
small, just as should be done when creating pie charts. Tools are provided small, just as should be done when creating pie charts. Tools are provided
to create waffle charts as well as stitch them together, and to use glyphs to create waffle charts as well as stitch them together, and to use glyphs
for making isotype pictograms. for making isotype pictograms.
Encoding: UTF-8
BugReports: BugReports:
Suggests: Suggests:
@ -32,5 +34,6 @@ Imports:
gtable, gtable,
extrafont, extrafont,
curl, curl,
stringr stringr,
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 stats


@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ importFrom(grid,unit.c)
importFrom(grid,unit.pmax) importFrom(grid,unit.pmax)
importFrom(grid,unit.pmin) importFrom(grid,unit.pmin)
importFrom(gtable,is.gtable) importFrom(gtable,is.gtable)


@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
### News ### News
waffle 0.9.0
- Fix for errors retrieving FontAwesome CSS for glyph names
- Enabled use of any compatible font for extended glpyh compatibility
waffle 0.8.0 waffle 0.8.0
- `parts` can be now be a data frame. the first two columns will be uses as - `parts` can be now be a data frame. the first two columns will be uses as
names and values (respectively) names and values (respectively)


@ -1,44 +1,36 @@
fa_unicode<- function() {
# Waffles mappings from css names to unicode chars was out of date # Waffles mappings from css names to unicode chars was out of date
# This variation updates it from the latests css from github # This variation updates it from the latests css from github
.fa_unicode_init <- function() {
#require(curl) fa_lib <- readLines(system.file("css", "fontawesome.css", package="waffle"))
fa_url <-
fa_lib <- readLines(fa_url)
close(fa_url) #Extract from CSS
strings <- stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, ("(?<=fa-)(.*)(?=:before \\{)"))
unicode <- stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, stringr::regex("(?<=content: \")(.*)(?=\")"))
unicode <- stringr::str_replace(unicode, "\\\\", "")
#Extract from CSS #remove NA lines
strings<-stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, ("(?<=fa-)(.*)(?=:before \\{)")) strings <- strings[!]
unicode<-stringr::str_extract(fa_lib, regex("(?<=content: \")(.*)(?=\")")) unicode <- unicode[!]
unicode<-stringr::str_replace(unicode, "\\\\", "")
#remove NA lines #Convert to unicdoe
strings<-strings[!] unicode <- as.character(parse(text=shQuote(stringr::str_c('\\u',unicode))))
#Convert to unicdoe fa_unicode <- structure(unicode, .Names = strings)
fa_unicode <- structure(unicode, .Names = strings)
} }
.fa_unicode <- .fa_unicode_init()
#' Search FontAwesome names for a pattern #' Search FontAwesome names for a pattern
#' #'
#' @param pattern pattern to search for in the names of FontAwesome fonts #' @param pattern pattern to search for in the names of FontAwesome fonts
#' @export #' @export
fa_grep <- function(pattern) { grep(pattern, names(fa_unicode), value=TRUE) } fa_grep <- function(pattern) { grep(pattern, names(.fa_unicode), value=TRUE) }
#' List all FontAwesome names #' List all FontAwesome names
#' #'
#' @export #' @export
fa_list <- function() { print(names(fa_unicode)) } fa_list <- function() { print(names(.fa_unicode)) }


@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes guide_legend element_rect element_blank element_text #' @importFrom ggplot2 aes guide_legend element_rect element_blank element_text
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit grid.newpage grid.draw unit.c unit.pmax unit.pmin #' @importFrom grid arrow unit grid.newpage grid.draw unit.c unit.pmax unit.pmin
#' @importFrom extrafont ttf_import font_import choose_font #' @importFrom extrafont ttf_import font_import choose_font
#' @importFrom stats setNames


@ -20,33 +20,52 @@
#' Chart title and x-axis labels are optional, especially if you'll just be #' Chart title and x-axis labels are optional, especially if you'll just be
#' exporting to another program for use/display. #' exporting to another program for use/display.
#' #'
#' If you specify a string (vs \code{FALSE}) to \code{use_glyph} the function #' If you specify a string (vs `FALSE`) to `use_glyph` the function
#' will map the input to a FontAwesome glyph name and use that glyph for the #' will map the input to a Font Awesome glyph name and use that glyph for the
#' tile instead of a block (making it more like an isotype pictogram than a #' tile instead of a block (making it more like an isotype pictogram than a
#' waffle chart). You'll need to install FontAwesome and use #' waffle chart). You'll need to install FontAwesome and use
#' the \code{extrafont} package (\code{}) to #' the `extrafont` package (``) to
#' be able to use the FontAwesome glyphs. Sizing is also up to the user since #' be able to use the FontAwesome glyphs. Sizing is also up to the user since
#' fonts do not automatically scale with graphic resize. #' fonts do not automatically scale with graphic resize.
#' #'
#' Glyph idea inspired by Ruben C. Arslan (@@_r_c_a) #' Glyph idea inspired by Ruben C. Arslan (@@_r_c_a)
#' #'
#' @md
#' @note You MUST use the FontAwesome font bundled with the package. It
#' lives in `system.file("fonts", package="waffle")`.
#' @param parts named vector of values or a data frame to use for the chart #' @param parts named vector of values or a data frame to use for the chart
#' @param rows number of rows of blocks #' @param rows number of rows of blocks
#' @param keep keep factor levels (i.e. for consistent legends across waffle plots) #' @param keep keep factor levels (i.e. for consistent legends across waffle plots)
#' @param xlab text for below the chart. Highly suggested this be used to #' @param xlab text for below the chart. Highly suggested this be used to
#' give the "1 sq == xyz" relationship if it's not obvious #' give the "1 sq == xyz" relationship if it's not obvious
#' @param title chart title #' @param title chart title
#' @param colors exactly the number of colors as values in \code{parts}. #' @param colors exactly the number of colors as values in `parts.`
#' If omitted, Color Brewer "Set2" colors are used. #' If omitted, Color Brewer "Set2" colors are used.
#' @param size width of the separator between blocks (defaults to \code{2}) #' @param size width of the separator between blocks (defaults to `2`)
#' @param flip flips x & y axes #' @param flip flips x & y axes
#' @param reverse reverses the order of the data #' @param reverse reverses the order of the data
#' @param equal by default, waffle uses \code{coord_equal}; this can cause #' @param equal by default, waffle uses `coord_equal`; this can cause
#' layout problems, so you an use this to disable it if you are using #' layout problems, so you an use this to disable it if you are using
#' ggsave or knitr to control output sizes (or manually sizing the chart) #' ggsave or knitr to control output sizes (or manually sizing the chart)
#' @param pad how many blocks to right-pad the grid with #' @param pad how many blocks to right-pad the grid with
#' @param use_glyph use specified FontAwesome glyph #' @param use_glyph use specified glyph; if using built-in Font Awesome, can be
#' @param glyph_size size of the FontAwesome font #' the glyph name; otherwise, it must be the unicode glyph from the custom
#' font the caller is using.
#' @param glyph_size size of the Font Awesome font
#' @param glyph_font,glyph_font_family if `use_glyph` is not `FALSE`,
#' the `gplyph_font` will be looked up in the font database and
#' the `glpyph_font_family` used as the `family` parameter to ggplot for
#' font display since fonts in R, Python and anythign that relies on
#' legacy font C libraries are woefully messed up. You may need to adjust
#' either of these "font" parameters depending on your system & OS version
#' due to the fact that font names are different even between OS versions
#' (sometimes).\cr
#' \cr
#' The package comes with Font Awesome and helpers for it. Use of any other fonts
#' requires the caller to be familiar with using fonts in R. NOT ALL FONTS
#' will work with ggplot2 and definitely not under all graphics devices
#' for ggplot2.
#' @param legend_pos position of legend #' @param legend_pos position of legend
#' @export #' @export
#' @examples #' @examples
@ -68,17 +87,23 @@
#' # print(chart) #' # print(chart)
waffle <- function(parts, rows=10, keep=TRUE, xlab=NULL, title=NULL, colors=NA, waffle <- function(parts, rows=10, keep=TRUE, xlab=NULL, title=NULL, colors=NA,
size=2, flip=FALSE, reverse=FALSE, equal=TRUE, pad=0, size=2, flip=FALSE, reverse=FALSE, equal=TRUE, pad=0,
use_glyph=FALSE, glyph_size=12, legend_pos="right") { use_glyph=FALSE,
glyph_font = "FontAwesome",
glyph_font_family = "FontAwesome",
legend_pos="right") {
if (inherits(parts, "data.frame")) { if (inherits(parts, "data.frame")) {
setNames(unlist(parts[,2], use.names = FALSE), stats::setNames(
unlist(parts[,1], use.names = FALSE)) -> parts unlist(parts[, 2], use.names = FALSE),
unlist(parts[, 1], use.names = FALSE)
) -> parts
} }
# fill in any missing names # fill in any missing names
part_names <- names(parts) part_names <- names(parts)
if (length(part_names) < length(parts)) { if (length(part_names) < length(parts)) {
part_names <- c(part_names, LETTERS[1:length(parts)-length(part_names)]) part_names <- c(part_names, LETTERS[1:length(parts) - length(part_names)])
} }
names(parts) <- part_names names(parts) <- part_names
@ -94,28 +119,55 @@ waffle <- function(parts, rows=10, keep=TRUE, xlab=NULL, title=NULL, colors=NA,
if (reverse) parts_vec <- rev(parts_vec) if (reverse) parts_vec <- rev(parts_vec)
# setup the data frame for geom_rect # setup the data frame for geom_rect
dat <- expand.grid(y=1:rows, x=seq_len(pad + (ceiling(sum(parts) / rows)))) dat <- expand.grid(y = 1:rows, x = seq_len(pad + (ceiling(sum(parts) / rows))))
# add NAs if needed to fill in the "rectangle" # add NAs if needed to fill in the "rectangle"
dat$value <- c(parts_vec, rep(NA, nrow(dat)-length(parts_vec))) dat$value <- c(parts_vec, rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)))
if (!inherits(use_glyph, "logical")) { if (!inherits(use_glyph, "logical")) {
if (length(use_glyph) == 1L) { if (length(use_glyph) == 1L) {
dat$fontlab <- c(rep(fa_unicode[use_glyph], length(parts_vec)),
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec))) if (glyph_font == "FontAwesome") {
dat$fontlab <- c(
rep(.fa_unicode[use_glyph], length(parts_vec)),
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)
} else {
dat$fontlab <- c(
rep(use_glyph, length(parts_vec)),
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)
} else if (length(use_glyph) == length(parts)) { } else if (length(use_glyph) == length(parts)) {
fontlab <- fa_unicode[use_glyph]
dat$fontlab <- c(fontlab[as.numeric(factor(parts_vec, levels = names(parts)))], if (glyph_font == "FontAwesome") {
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec))) fontlab <- .fa_unicode[use_glyph]
dat$fontlab <- c(
fontlab[as.numeric(factor(parts_vec, levels = names(parts)))],
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec))
} else {
dat$fontlab <- c(
use_glyph[as.numeric(factor(parts_vec, levels = names(parts)))],
rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec))
} else if (length(use_glyph) == length(parts_vec)) { } else if (length(use_glyph) == length(parts_vec)) {
dat$fontlab <- c(fa_unicode[use_glyph], rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)))
if (glyph_font == "FontAwesome") {
dat$fontlab <- c(.fa_unicode[use_glyph], rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)))
} else {
dat$fontlab <- c(use_glyph, rep(NA, nrow(dat) - length(parts_vec)))
} else { } else {
stop("'use_glyph' must have length 1, length(parts), or sum(parts)") stop("'use_glyph' must have length 1, length(parts), or sum(parts)")
} }
} }
dat$value <- ifelse($value), " ", dat$value) dat$value <- ifelse($value), " ", dat$value)
@ -123,11 +175,11 @@ waffle <- function(parts, rows=10, keep=TRUE, xlab=NULL, title=NULL, colors=NA,
if (" " %in% dat$value) part_names <- c(part_names, " ") if (" " %in% dat$value) part_names <- c(part_names, " ")
if (" " %in% dat$value) colors <- c(colors, "#00000000") if (" " %in% dat$value) colors <- c(colors, "#00000000")
dat$value <- factor(dat$value, levels=part_names) dat$value <- factor(dat$value, levels = part_names)
gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y))
if (flip) gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=y, y=x)) if (flip) gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = y, y = x))
gg <- gg + theme_bw() gg <- gg + theme_bw()
@ -135,70 +187,94 @@ waffle <- function(parts, rows=10, keep=TRUE, xlab=NULL, title=NULL, colors=NA,
if (inherits(use_glyph, "logical")) { if (inherits(use_glyph, "logical")) {
gg <- gg + geom_tile(aes(fill=value), color="white", size=size) gg <- gg + geom_tile(aes(fill = value), color = "white", size = size)
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(name="",
values=colors, gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(
label=part_names, name = "",
na.value="white", values = colors,
drop=!keep) label = part_names,
gg <- gg + guides(fill=guide_legend(override.aes=list(colour="#00000000"))) na.value = "white",
gg <- gg + theme(legend.background=element_rect(fill="#00000000", color="#00000000")) drop = !keep
gg <- gg + theme(legend.key=element_rect(fill="#00000000", color="#00000000")) )
gg <- gg + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = "#00000000")))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.background =
element_rect(fill = "#00000000", color = "#00000000"))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.key =
element_rect(fill = "#00000000", color = "#00000000"))
} else { } else {
if (choose_font("FontAwesome", quiet=TRUE) == "") { if (extrafont::choose_font(glyph_font, quiet = TRUE) == "") {
stop("FontAwesome not found. Install via:", stop(
call.=FALSE) sprintf(
"Font [%s] not found. Please install it and use extrafont to make it available to R",
call. = FALSE
} }
suppressWarnings( load_fontawesome()
font_import(system.file("fonts", package="waffle"),
if (!(!interactive() || stats::runif(1) > 0.1)) { gg <- gg + geom_tile(
message("Font Awesome by Dave Gandy -") color = "#00000000", fill = "#00000000", size = size,
} alpha = 0, show.legend = FALSE
gg <- gg + geom_point(
aes(color = value), fill = "#00000000", size = 0,
show.legend = TRUE
gg <- gg + geom_text(
aes(color = value, label = fontlab),
family = glyph_font_family,
size = glyph_size,
show.legend = FALSE
gg <- gg + scale_color_manual(
name = NULL,
values = colors,
labels = part_names,
drop = !keep
gg <- gg + guides(color =
guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 15, size = 7)))
gg <- gg + geom_tile(color="#00000000", fill="#00000000", size=size, alpha=0, show.legend=FALSE) gg <- gg + theme(legend.background =
gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(color=value), fill="#00000000", size=0, show.legend=TRUE) element_rect(fill = "#00000000", color = "#00000000"))
gg <- gg + geom_text(aes(color=value,label=fontlab),
family="FontAwesome", size=glyph_size, show.legend=FALSE)
gg <- gg + scale_color_manual(name="",
gg <- gg + guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(shape=15, size=7)))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.background=element_rect(fill="#00000000", color="#00000000"))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.key=element_rect(color="#00000000"))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.key = element_rect(color = "#00000000"))
} }
gg <- gg + labs(x=xlab, y=NULL, title=title) gg <- gg + labs(x = xlab, y = NULL, title = title)
gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0, 0)) gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0)) gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
if (equal) gg <- gg + coord_equal() if (equal) gg <- gg + coord_equal()
gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(panel.border=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.border = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(panel.background=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.background = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(panel.spacing=unit(0, "null")) gg <- gg + theme(panel.spacing = unit(0, "null"))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(axis.text = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=10)) gg <- gg + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10))
gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.line=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(axis.line = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks.length=unit(0, "null")) gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks.length = unit(0, "null"))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=18)) gg <- gg + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 18))
gg <- gg + theme(plot.background=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(plot.background = element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(panel.spacing=unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "null")) gg <- gg + theme(panel.spacing = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "null"))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position=legend_pos) gg <- gg + theme(legend.position = legend_pos)
gg gg


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
load_fontawesome <- function() {
paths = system.file("fonts", package = "waffle"),
recursive = FALSE,
prompt = FALSE


@ -2,13 +2,19 @@
output: rmarkdown::github_document output: rmarkdown::github_document
--- ---
```{r, include = FALSE} ```{r, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, collapse=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, fig.retina=2) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, error = FALSE, fig.retina = 2)
``` ```
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`waffle` is a package to make waffle charts (square pie charts) # waffle
Create Waffle Chart Visualizations
## Description
Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used to communicate parts of a whole for categorical quantities. To emulate the percentage view of a pie chart, a 10x10 grid should be used with each square representing 1% of the total. Modern uses of waffle charts do not necessarily adhere to this rule and can be created with a grid of any rectangular shape. Best practices suggest keeping the number of categories small, just as should be done when creating pie charts. Tools are provided to create waffle charts as well as stitch them together, and to use glyphs for making isotype pictograms.
It uses ggplot2 and returns a ggplot2 object. It uses ggplot2 and returns a ggplot2 object.
@ -16,18 +22,20 @@ The following functions are implemented:
- `waffle` : make a waffle chart ggplot2 object - `waffle` : make a waffle chart ggplot2 object
- `iron` : vertically stitch together multiple waffle plots, left-aligning edges (best if used with the `waffle` `pad` parameter) - `iron` : vertically stitch together multiple waffle plots, left-aligning edges (best if used with the `waffle` `pad` parameter)
- `fa_grep`: Search FontAwesome names for a pattern
- `fa_list: List all FontAwesome names
### Installation ## Installation
```{r s1, eval=FALSE} ```{r s1, eval=FALSE}
install.packages("waffle") install.packages("waffle")
``` ```
```{r s2, include=FALSE} ```{r s2, include=FALSE}
options(width=120) options(width = 120)
``` ```
### Usage ## Usage
```{r s3} ```{r s3}
library(waffle) library(waffle)
@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ packageVersion("waffle")
```{r fig0, fig.width=6, fig.height=2.5} ```{r fig0, fig.width=6, fig.height=2.5}
parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10) parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10)
waffle(parts, rows=8) waffle(parts, rows = 8)
``` ```
### Use a data frame ### Use a data frame
@ -51,71 +59,95 @@ parts <- data.frame(
vals = c(80, 30, 20, 10) vals = c(80, 30, 20, 10)
) )
waffle(parts, rows=8) waffle(parts, rows = 8)
``` ```
### Slightly more complex example ### Slightly more complex example
```{r s4} ```{r s4}
parts <- c(`Un-breached\nUS Population`=(318-11-79), `Premera`=11, `Anthem`=79) parts <- c(`Un-breached\nUS Population` = (318 - 11 - 79), `Premera` = 11, `Anthem` = 79)
``` ```
```{r t1, eval=FALSE} ```{r t1, eval=FALSE}
waffle(parts, rows=8, size=1, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"), legend_pos="bottom") waffle(
parts, rows = 8, size = 1,
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"), legend_pos = "bottom"
``` ```
**Health records breaches as fraction of US Population** **Health records breaches as fraction of US Population**
```{r fig2, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=1.75} ```{r fig2, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=1.75}
waffle(parts, rows=8, size=1, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"), legend_pos="bottom") waffle(
parts, rows = 8, size = 1, legend_pos = "bottom",
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")
``` ```
<span style="font-size:8pt">One square == 1m ppl</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">One square == 1m ppl</span>
```{r t2, eval=FALSE} ```{r t2, eval=FALSE}
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3,
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")
``` ```
**Health records breaches as fraction of US Population** **Health records breaches as fraction of US Population**
```{r fig3, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=2} ```{r fig3, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=2}
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3,
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")
``` ```
<span style="font-size:8pt">(One square == 10m ppl)</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">(One square == 10m ppl)</span>
```{r ww1, eval=FALSE} ```{r ww1, eval=FALSE}
library(extrafont) library(extrafont)
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph="medkit", size=8) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3, colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph = "medkit", size = 8
``` ```
```{r ww2, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=2} ```{r ww2, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=2}
library(extrafont) library(extrafont)
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph="medkit", glyph_size=8) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3, colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph = "medkit", glyph_size = 8
``` ```
### Replicating an old favourite ### Replicating an old favourite
![]( ![](
Via: <> Via: <>
```{r s5} ```{r s5}
savings <- c(`Mortgage\n($84,911)`=84911, `Auto and\ntuition loans\n($14,414)`=14414, savings <- c(
`Home equity loans\n($10,062)`=10062, `Credit Cards\n($8,565)`=8565) `Mortgage\n($84,911)` = 84911, `Auto and\ntuition loans\n($14,414)` = 14414,
`Home equity loans\n($10,062)` = 10062, `Credit Cards\n($8,565)` = 8565
``` ```
```{r fig4, eval=FALSE} ```{r fig4, eval=FALSE}
waffle(savings/392, rows=7, size=0.5, legend_pos="bottom", waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")) savings / 392, rows = 7, size = 0.5, legend_pos = "bottom",
colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")
``` ```
**Average Household Savings Each Year** **Average Household Savings Each Year**
```{r fig4a, echo=FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=2.5} ```{r fig4a, echo=FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=2.5}
waffle(savings/392, rows=7, size=0.5, legend_pos="bottom", waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")) savings / 392, rows = 7, size = 0.5, legend_pos = "bottom",
colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")
``` ```
<span style="font-size:8pt">(1 square == $392)</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">(1 square == $392)</span>
@ -125,11 +157,14 @@ waffle(savings/392, rows=7, size=0.5, legend_pos="bottom",
Similar to <> Similar to <>
```{r s6} ```{r s6}
professional <- c(`Male`=44, `Female (56%)`=56) professional <- c(`Male` = 44, `Female (56%)` = 56)
``` ```
```{r t5, eval=FALSE} ```{r t5, eval=FALSE}
waffle(professional, rows=10, size=0.5, colors=c("#af9139", "#544616")) waffle(
professional, rows = 10, size = 0.5,
colors = c("#af9139", "#544616")
``` ```
### Keeps factor by default levels now ### Keeps factor by default levels now
@ -138,8 +173,8 @@ With:
```{r fct, fig.height=3, fig.width=6} ```{r fct, fig.height=3, fig.width=6}
iron( iron(
waffle(c(thing1=0, thing2=100), rows=5), waffle(c(thing1 = 0, thing2 = 100), rows = 5),
waffle(c(thing1=25, thing2=75), rows=5) waffle(c(thing1 = 25, thing2 = 75), rows = 5)
) )
``` ```
@ -147,52 +182,50 @@ Without (you can disable this via `keep` parameter now):
```{r no_fct, fig.height=3, fig.width=6} ```{r no_fct, fig.height=3, fig.width=6}
iron( iron(
waffle(c(thing1=0, thing2=100), rows=5, keep=FALSE), waffle(c(thing1 = 0, thing2 = 100), rows = 5, keep = FALSE),
waffle(c(thing1=25, thing2=75), rows=5, keep=FALSE) waffle(c(thing1 = 25, thing2 = 75), rows = 5, keep = FALSE)
) )
``` ```
**Professional Workforce Makeup** **Professional Workforce Makeup**
```{r f5, echo=FALSE, fig.height=3, fig.width=4} ```{r f5, echo=FALSE, fig.height=3, fig.width=4}
waffle(professional, rows=10, size=0.5, colors=c("#af9139", "#544616")) waffle(professional, rows = 10, size = 0.5, colors = c("#af9139", "#544616"))
``` ```
Iron example (left-align & padding for multiple plots) Iron example (left-align & padding for multiple plots)
```{r f8, fig.height=6, fig.width=7} ```{r f8, fig.height=6, fig.width=7} <- c(`YOY (406)`=406, `Adult (24)`=24) <- c(`YOY (406)` = 406, `Adult (24)` = 24)
A <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Paine Run Brook Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish", pad=3) title = "Paine Run Brook Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish", pad = 3
) -> A <- c(`YOY (221)`=221, `Adult (143)`=143) <- c(`YOY (221)` = 221, `Adult (143)` = 143)
B <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Piney River Brook Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish", pad=8) title = "Piney River Brook Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish", pad = 8
) -> B <- c(`YOY (270)`=270, `Adult (197)`=197) <- c(`YOY (270)` = 270, `Adult (197)` = 197)
C <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Staunton River Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish") title = "Staunton River Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish"
) -> C
iron(A, B, C) iron(A, B, C)
``` ```
### Test Results ## Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


@ -1,39 +1,59 @@
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`waffle` is a package to make waffle charts (square pie charts) # waffle
Create Waffle Chart Visualizations
## Description
Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used to communicate
parts of a whole for categorical quantities. To emulate the percentage
view of a pie chart, a 10x10 grid should be used with each square
representing 1% of the total. Modern uses of waffle charts do not
necessarily adhere to this rule and can be created with a grid of any
rectangular shape. Best practices suggest keeping the number of
categories small, just as should be done when creating pie charts. Tools
are provided to create waffle charts as well as stitch them together,
and to use glyphs for making isotype pictograms.
It uses ggplot2 and returns a ggplot2 object. It uses ggplot2 and returns a ggplot2 object.
The following functions are implemented: The following functions are implemented:
- `waffle` : make a waffle chart ggplot2 object - `waffle` : make a waffle chart ggplot2 object
- `iron` : vertically stitch together multiple waffle plots, left-aligning edges (best if used with the `waffle` `pad` parameter) - `iron` : vertically stitch together multiple waffle plots,
left-aligning edges (best if used with the `waffle` `pad` parameter)
- `fa_grep`: Search FontAwesome names for a pattern
- \`fa\_list: List all FontAwesome names
### Installation ## Installation
``` r ``` r
install.packages("waffle") install.packages("waffle")
``` ```
### Usage ## Usage
``` r ``` r
library(waffle) library(waffle)
# current verison # current verison
packageVersion("waffle") packageVersion("waffle")
## [1] '0.8.0' ## [1] '0.9.0'
``` ```
### Basic example ### Basic example
``` r ``` r
parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10) parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10)
waffle(parts, rows=8) waffle(parts, rows = 8)
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fig0-1.png" width="576" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fig0-1.png" width="576" />
### Use a data frame ### Use a data frame
@ -43,58 +63,74 @@ parts <- data.frame(
vals = c(80, 30, 20, 10) vals = c(80, 30, 20, 10)
) )
waffle(parts, rows=8) waffle(parts, rows = 8)
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fig1-1.png" width="576" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fig1-1.png" width="576" />
### Slightly more complex example ### Slightly more complex example
``` r ``` r
parts <- c(`Un-breached\nUS Population`=(318-11-79), `Premera`=11, `Anthem`=79) parts <- c(`Un-breached\nUS Population` = (318 - 11 - 79), `Premera` = 11, `Anthem` = 79)
``` ```
``` r ``` r
waffle(parts, rows=8, size=1, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"), legend_pos="bottom") waffle(
parts, rows = 8, size = 1,
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"), legend_pos = "bottom"
``` ```
**Health records breaches as fraction of US Population** <img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fig2-1.png" width="576" /> **Health records breaches as fraction of US Population**
<img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fig2-1.png" width="576" />
<span style="font-size:8pt">One square == 1m ppl</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">One square == 1m ppl</span>
``` r ``` r
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3,
colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda")
``` ```
**Health records breaches as fraction of US Population** <img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fig3-1.png" width="576" /> **Health records breaches as fraction of US Population**
<img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fig3-1.png" width="576" />
<span style="font-size:8pt">(One square == 10m ppl)</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">(One square == 10m ppl)</span>
``` r ``` r
library(extrafont) library(extrafont)
waffle(parts/10, rows=3, colors=c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph="medkit", size=8) waffle(
parts / 10, rows = 3, colors = c("#969696", "#1879bf", "#009bda"),
use_glyph = "medkit", size = 8
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/ww2-1.png" width="576" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/ww2-1.png" width="576" />
### Replicating an old favourite ### Replicating an old favourite
![]( ![](
Via: <> Via: <>
``` r ``` r
savings <- c(`Mortgage\n($84,911)`=84911, `Auto and\ntuition loans\n($14,414)`=14414, savings <- c(
`Home equity loans\n($10,062)`=10062, `Credit Cards\n($8,565)`=8565) `Mortgage\n($84,911)` = 84911, `Auto and\ntuition loans\n($14,414)` = 14414,
`Home equity loans\n($10,062)` = 10062, `Credit Cards\n($8,565)` = 8565
``` ```
``` r ``` r
waffle(savings/392, rows=7, size=0.5, legend_pos="bottom", waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")) savings / 392, rows = 7, size = 0.5, legend_pos = "bottom",
colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd", "#a0d0de", "#97b5cf")
``` ```
**Average Household Savings Each Year** <img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fig4a-1.png" width="768" /> **Average Household Savings Each Year**
<img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fig4a-1.png" width="768" />
<span style="font-size:8pt">(1 square == $392)</span> <span style="font-size:8pt">(1 square == $392)</span>
@ -103,11 +139,14 @@ waffle(savings/392, rows=7, size=0.5, legend_pos="bottom",
Similar to <> Similar to <>
``` r ``` r
professional <- c(`Male`=44, `Female (56%)`=56) professional <- c(`Male` = 44, `Female (56%)` = 56)
``` ```
``` r ``` r
waffle(professional, rows=10, size=0.5, colors=c("#af9139", "#544616")) waffle(
professional, rows = 10, size = 0.5,
colors = c("#af9139", "#544616")
``` ```
### Keeps factor by default levels now ### Keeps factor by default levels now
@ -116,69 +155,65 @@ With:
``` r ``` r
iron( iron(
waffle(c(thing1=0, thing2=100), rows=5), waffle(c(thing1 = 0, thing2 = 100), rows = 5),
waffle(c(thing1=25, thing2=75), rows=5) waffle(c(thing1 = 25, thing2 = 75), rows = 5)
) )
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/fct-1.png" width="576" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/fct-1.png" width="576" />
Without (you can disable this via `keep` parameter now): Without (you can disable this via `keep` parameter now):
``` r ``` r
iron( iron(
waffle(c(thing1=0, thing2=100), rows=5, keep=FALSE), waffle(c(thing1 = 0, thing2 = 100), rows = 5, keep = FALSE),
waffle(c(thing1=25, thing2=75), rows=5, keep=FALSE) waffle(c(thing1 = 25, thing2 = 75), rows = 5, keep = FALSE)
) )
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/no_fct-1.png" width="576" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/no_fct-1.png" width="576" />
**Professional Workforce Makeup** **Professional Workforce Makeup**
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/f5-1.png" width="384" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/f5-1.png" width="384" />
Iron example (left-align & padding for multiple plots) Iron example (left-align & padding for multiple plots)
``` r ``` r <- c(`YOY (406)`=406, `Adult (24)`=24) <- c(`YOY (406)` = 406, `Adult (24)` = 24)
A <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Paine Run Brook Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish", pad=3) title = "Paine Run Brook Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish", pad = 3
) -> A <- c(`YOY (221)`=221, `Adult (143)`=143) <- c(`YOY (221)` = 221, `Adult (143)` = 143)
B <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Piney River Brook Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish", pad=8) title = "Piney River Brook Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish", pad = 8
) -> B <- c(`YOY (270)`=270, `Adult (197)`=197) <- c(`YOY (270)` = 270, `Adult (197)` = 197)
C <- waffle(, rows=7, size=0.5, waffle(
colors=c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"), / 2, rows = 7, size = 0.5,
title="Staunton River Trout Abundance (1997)", colors = c("#c7d4b6", "#a3aabd"),
xlab="1 square = 2 fish") title = "Staunton River Trout Abundance (1997)",
xlab = "1 square = 2 fish"
) -> C
iron(A, B, C) iron(A, B, C)
``` ```
<img src="README_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/f8-1.png" width="672" /> <img src="README_files/figure-gfm/f8-1.png" width="672" />
### Test Results ## Code of Conduct
``` r Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
library(waffle) Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to
library(testthat) abide by its terms.
## [1] "Sun Sep 24 13:53:09 2017"
## testthat results ========================================================================================================
## DONE ===================================================================================================================


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@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
\usage{ \usage{
waffle(parts, rows = 10, keep = TRUE, xlab = NULL, title = NULL, waffle(parts, rows = 10, keep = TRUE, xlab = NULL, title = NULL,
colors = NA, size = 2, flip = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, equal = TRUE, colors = NA, size = 2, flip = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, equal = TRUE,
pad = 0, use_glyph = FALSE, glyph_size = 12, legend_pos = "right") pad = 0, use_glyph = FALSE, glyph_size = 12,
glyph_font = "FontAwesome", glyph_font_family = "FontAwesome",
legend_pos = "right")
} }
\arguments{ \arguments{
\item{parts}{named vector of values or a data frame to use for the chart} \item{parts}{named vector of values or a data frame to use for the chart}
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ give the "1 sq == xyz" relationship if it's not obvious}
\item{title}{chart title} \item{title}{chart title}
\item{colors}{exactly the number of colors as values in \code{parts}. \item{colors}{exactly the number of colors as values in \code{parts.}
If omitted, Color Brewer "Set2" colors are used.} If omitted, Color Brewer "Set2" colors are used.}
\item{size}{width of the separator between blocks (defaults to \code{2})} \item{size}{width of the separator between blocks (defaults to \code{2})}
@ -35,9 +37,25 @@ ggsave or knitr to control output sizes (or manually sizing the chart)}
\item{pad}{how many blocks to right-pad the grid with} \item{pad}{how many blocks to right-pad the grid with}
\item{use_glyph}{use specified FontAwesome glyph} \item{use_glyph}{use specified glyph; if using built-in Font Awesome, can be
the glyph name; otherwise, it must be the unicode glyph from the custom
\item{glyph_size}{size of the FontAwesome font} font the caller is using.}
\item{glyph_size}{size of the Font Awesome font}
\item{glyph_font, glyph_font_family}{if \code{use_glyph} is not \code{FALSE},
the \code{gplyph_font} will be looked up in the font database and
the \code{glpyph_font_family} used as the \code{family} parameter to ggplot for
font display since fonts in R, Python and anythign that relies on
legacy font C libraries are woefully messed up. You may need to adjust
either of these "font" parameters depending on your system & OS version
due to the fact that font names are different even between OS versions
The package comes with Font Awesome and helpers for it. Use of any other fonts
requires the caller to be familiar with using fonts in R. NOT ALL FONTS
will work with ggplot2 and definitely not under all graphics devices
for ggplot2.}
\item{legend_pos}{position of legend} \item{legend_pos}{position of legend}
} }
@ -64,7 +82,7 @@ Chart title and x-axis labels are optional, especially if you'll just be
exporting to another program for use/display. exporting to another program for use/display.
If you specify a string (vs \code{FALSE}) to \code{use_glyph} the function If you specify a string (vs \code{FALSE}) to \code{use_glyph} the function
will map the input to a FontAwesome glyph name and use that glyph for the will map the input to a Font Awesome glyph name and use that glyph for the
tile instead of a block (making it more like an isotype pictogram than a tile instead of a block (making it more like an isotype pictogram than a
waffle chart). You'll need to install FontAwesome and use waffle chart). You'll need to install FontAwesome and use
the \code{extrafont} package (\code{}) to the \code{extrafont} package (\code{}) to
@ -73,6 +91,10 @@ fonts do not automatically scale with graphic resize.
Glyph idea inspired by Ruben C. Arslan (@_r_c_a) Glyph idea inspired by Ruben C. Arslan (@_r_c_a)
} }
You MUST use the FontAwesome font bundled with the package. It
lives in \code{system.file("fonts", package="waffle")}.
\examples{ \examples{
parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10) parts <- c(80, 30, 20, 10)
waffle(parts, rows=8) waffle(parts, rows=8)
